Trump to stop freedom of speech

"The orange rodent" ??? LOL

A Constitutional Amendment is a lot harder to get through than legislation, and look at how he's doing with that so far. I don't think we've got a lot to worry about. It has been the Supreme Court's rulings that have protected journalists from revealing their sources and giving them wide latitude in reporting the news. I doubt if even the Great Gorsuch will be able to overturn established caselaw in Trump's time.
"The orange rodent" ??? LOL

A Constitutional Amendment is a lot harder to get through than legislation, and look at how he's doing with that so far. I don't think we've got a lot to worry about. It has been the Supreme Court's rulings that have protected journalists from revealing their sources and giving them wide latitude in reporting the news. I doubt if even the Great Gorsuch will be able to overturn established caselaw in Trump's time.
Trump remains of the President of turkey as he can't stand people having other opinions or fighting against his idiotic belief system.
No change is necessary. Media and the press do not have legal countenance to commit slander or libel.

If such an instance presents itself, they can be sued into a barrel, assuming the case doesn't go to the 9th Circuit.
If the Constitution was amended, it would be with the full consent of a huge majority of the American people. Its not going to happen.

But, it ought to be noted, that when the Founding Fathers wrote into the Constitution particular safeguards for the Press, they intended the Press to use that special privilege to be a Watch Dog on Government and a protector of the rights of the Citizens.....not an Operating Subsidiary of, and Propaganda Arm, for a single Political Party....particularly one which is tilting rapidly toward Bolshevism.

The polling ratings for the Press...which are down there with head lice and cockroaches...tells us that it has completely abdicated the duties the Constitution expected from it.
Given how many people Trump has libeled, loosening libel laws would not be a wise decision on his part. He'd be sued into oblivion. After all, the SC has already ruled presidents are not immune from lawsuits.
Given how many people Trump has libeled, loosening libel laws would not be a wise decision on his part. He'd be sued into oblivion. After all, the SC has already ruled presidents are not immune from lawsuits
It's not libelous if it's true and Trump has been proven right in the end over and over again.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

1. if someone commits slander or libel, lawsuits are ALREADY GOING ON.

Sylvestor Turner won his lawsuits over slander for media misrepresentation, though these didn't happen in time to change the outcome of those elections back then.
His karma may have played in his favor, because he won his later bid for Mayor (after all the previous problems had long blown over, and he didn't even bring those back up again).

2. Trump and any other citizen has as much right to use media for our individual free speech as well.
Perhaps he needs to clarify what is coming from a separate account that is not endorsed or connected to federal govt office.

He can still speak out, he can still complain and sue for slander and libel as any other citizen can do in cases a violation of the law has occurred.
he just can't abuse his public office to influence a decision that should be based on the case, not on the people or political affiliation of the parties to a conflict or a complaint.

Because of the POTENTIAL of abuses of power in his case, maybe he should
have neutral observers and civil rights watchdog groups consult on this case.
Like a bipartisan commission. And advise both sides to resolve violations and not to abuse party, politìcal or govt power to manipulate the process in any way.
If we had full transparency of the whole process, maybe that would keep things on the up and up.
Where neither side would play underhanded games, then try to play the politics card and blame the other for points.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Nobody thinks it's okay for a journalist to lie and spread rumors about people, not even the media. Mrs. Trump already proved that by suing the news agency that said she was a prostitute and winning.

If the media does say something that is demonstrably untrue, they should be held to account.

However..............when they report something that is true, you have to accept it as fact even if you don't like it. You cannot dismiss something you disagree with as fake news if it is true.

Seems to be the consensus on these boards nowadays............anything a person doesn't agree with (especially if they are conservative) is automatically discounted as fake news.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Nobody thinks it's okay for a journalist to lie and spread rumors about people, not even the media. Mrs. Trump already proved that by suing the news agency that said she was a prostitute and winning.

If the media does say something that is demonstrably untrue, they should be held to account.

However..............when they report something that is true, you have to accept it as fact even if you don't like it. You cannot dismiss something you disagree with as fake news if it is true.

Seems to be the consensus on these boards nowadays............anything a person doesn't agree with (especially if they are conservative) is automatically discounted as fake news.
Get under your desk quick, I agree with you 100% Yikes it must be the end of the world...
"The orange rodent" ??? LOL

A Constitutional Amendment is a lot harder to get through than legislation, and look at how he's doing with that so far. I don't think we've got a lot to worry about. It has been the Supreme Court's rulings that have protected journalists from revealing their sources and giving them wide latitude in reporting the news. I doubt if even the Great Gorsuch will be able to overturn established caselaw in Trump's time.
Yeah, maybe he saw something on Breitbart about it and got excited. Someone probably sat him down and said, "yeah, that's not gonna happen", and they all moved on.

Even if it could be done, this would be the wrong fix, for sure.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
It takes 60% of the house and senate to approve a change in the Constitution and thus, it ain't gonna happen. Also, if you want to see the true opponents of "free speech," you just have to look at the anti-Trump protesters, anarchists and neo-communists on the side of the far left, out there protesting, rioting and attacking those they are against and all the while, screaming..."no free speech, no to the Constitution, no to borders, no restrictions on immigration!" The far left IS the enemy of freedom of speech and our nation as a whole.

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