Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter, Google over alleged censorship

They did not infringe on anyone's right to free speech. Only the government can do that
Once again you are conflating free speech with the First Amendment.

Businesses can and do infringe on freedom of speech with censorship and banning.

First Amendment applies to the Federal government. But it is possible for non-government entities to violate people’s civil liberties, and be held accountable. There are anti-discrimination laws that corporations must follow. If they discriminate against white people for example, they can be held accountable.
Yup, you are getting warm. If they discriminate against all white people, they can be held accountable.

I am sure you know some white men on FB, amIright? So, evidently, FB is not discriminating against all white people. Try again.
Oooooh! I guess that means we can discriminate against some black people if we want, as long as we don’t discriminate against ALL of them! Brilliant!
Sure thing, sport. Go ahead. Discriminate against some black people. And if you own a business, I hope they sue and make you pay.

So, sure, go ahead. Because, unlike your orange douche bag's case which is going nowhere, the case against you will have merit and you will pay. But hey, take the challenge. Go for it. But do let us know how it turns out, ok? Will love to enjoy your pain. LOL
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The government made offers of immunity to these companies if they comply with requests and restrictions made by the government.
What offers? You speak in weasel words.

Let me help you along with an example:

Local radio stations get "offers" to "broadcast PSAs". Are they therefore government agents that must now broadcast Trump's speech uncensored? Why his and not everyone's?

Now, let's hear you're example, in the context of your weaselly little careful sentence. Using social media, fill in the quotation mark parts with whatever the hell it is you think you are talking about.

What offers? What requests and restrictions? Why does Trump get to say whatever he wants on their platform, but not everyone else?

Go on, let's hear it. Open invite to any of you Trumpsters.

Prediction for direct responses from Trumpanzees : 0
who will be his lawyer? lin wood? orly taitz? sidney krackhead?
John Coale and John Kelly are putting together the team. Coale was the successful litigator in the Bhopal case and Kelly won against the tobacco companies.

With the solid case they have, this will be a match worth watching.
The government made offers of immunity to these companies if they comply with requests and restrictions made by the government.
What offers? You speak in weasel words.

Let me help you along with an example:

Local radio stations get "offers" to "broadcast PSAs". Are they therefore government agents that must now broadcast Trump's speech uncensored? Why his and not everyone's?

Now, let's hear you're example, in the context of your weaselly little careful sentence. Using social media, fill in the quotation mark parts with whatever the hell it is you think you are talking about.

What offers? What requests and restrictions? Why does Trump get to say whatever he wants on their platform, but not everyone else?

Go on, let's hear it. Open invite to any of you Trumpsters.

Prediction for direct responses from Trumpanzees : 0
You might want to wait for the case to present before you start fabricating. Why do you think Trump gets to say whatever he wants but no one else? Don't you know what a class action is? Everyone thrown off these social media services because of something they said is a plaintiff. There will be thousands. These attorneys will be advertising all over the place. Just like any other class action lawsuit.
How private social media edit their content is not ‘censorship.’
Censorship is what it is, regardless of who does it.

Straight from the lefty biased wikipedia:

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient." Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, and other controlling bodies. Governments and private organizations may engage in censorship."

Private publishers editing their content isn’t ‘censorship’ – what a given publisher might not publish is being published by others and is still generally disseminated to the public.

Only government has the authority to censor by preempting speech or publication through force of law, where all publishers are prohibited from disseminating information, subjecting them to punitive measures if they do.
Censorship is what it is, regardless of who does it.

Straight from the lefty biased wikipedia:

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient." Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, and other controlling bodies. Governments and private organizations may engage in censorship."
Which proves one thing, both the First and Second Amendments are able to be infringed.
who will be his lawyer? lin wood? orly taitz? sidney krackhead?
John Coale and John Kelly are putting together the team. Coale was the successful litigator in the Bhopal case and Kelly won against the tobacco companies.

With the solid case they have, this will be a match worth watching.
LOL. Hope the lawyers get money upfront from the grifter. Knowing Rump, he will stiff them like he stiffed Guilliani. He always does.
They did not infringe on anyone's right to free speech. Only the government can do that
Once again you are conflating free speech with the First Amendment.

Businesses can and do infringe on freedom of speech with censorship and banning.

First Amendment applies to the Federal government. But it is possible for non-government entities to violate people’s civil liberties, and be held accountable. There are anti-discrimination laws that corporations must follow. If they discriminate against white people for example, they can be held accountable.
Yup, you are getting warm. If they discriminate against all white people, they can be held accountable.

I am sure you know some white men on FB, amIright? So, evidently, FB is not discriminating against all white people. Try again.
Oooooh! I guess that means we can discriminate against some black people if we want, as long as we don’t discriminate against ALL of them! Brilliant!
Sure thing, sport. Go ahead. Discriminate against some black people. And if you own a business, I hope they sue and make you pay.

So, sure, go ahead. Because, unlike your orange douche bag's case which is going nowhere, the case against you will have merit and you will pay. But hey, take the challenge. Go for it. But do let us know how it turns out, ok? Will love to enjoy your pain. LOL
Did someone get triggered? LMAO
who will be his lawyer? lin wood? orly taitz? sidney krackhead?
John Coale and John Kelly are putting together the team. Coale was the successful litigator in the Bhopal case and Kelly won against the tobacco companies.

With the solid case they have, this will be a match worth watching.
LOL. Hope the lawyers get money upfront from the grifter. Knowing Rump, he will stiff them like he stiffed Guilliani. He always does.
Trump doesn't need any money for this one.
Why do you think Trump gets to say whatever he wants but no one else?
I asked you. State the reason, one sentence would be nice. I don't see any good reason why he should get to broadcast what he wants on Facebook and Twitter, but you don't.

Don't you know what a class action is? Everyone thrown off these social media services because of something they said is a plaintiff. There will be thousands.
So you are saying anyone should get to broadcast whatever they want on Facebook?

Thousands? It would literally be millions.

And you think this is viable or makes any sense at all?
Knowing Rump, he will stiff them like he stiffed Guilliani.
Everyone knows this. The best irony of the last 5 years is how Trump was getting conned by everyone all the time. Why do you think his campaign managers "volunteered" their services? They had their own grifts going. The people who want to work 'for' Trump are there to dip into the cult money, now.
Why do you think Trump gets to say whatever he wants but no one else?
I asked you. State the reason, one sentence would be nice. I don't see any good reason why he should get to broadcast what he wants on Facebook and Twitter, but you don't.

Don't you know what a class action is? Everyone thrown off these social media services because of something they said is a plaintiff. There will be thousands.
So you are saying anyone should get to broadcast whatever they want on Facebook?

Thousands? It would literally be millions.

And you think this is viable or makes any sense at all?
It could be millions. It's not a matter of saying whatever they want. The government pressured these companies into restricting certain speech critical of the government and promised immunity from action. There is another lawsuit being discussed on this board over the same issues. Different Plaintiff. You don't know anything about a class action process.

You have seen zillions of class action adverts by attorneys. You may have gotten a postcard asking if you want to be part of a class action.
The government pressured these companies into restricting certain speech critical of the government and promised immunity from action.
Well said. That's what i was looking for. Thanks.

So this is an assertion of fact that would have to be demonstrated in a court of law. This very transaction. Not a 'possible correlation'. That wouldn't fly.

This is why this case is getting laughed at. The lawyers will not dare make this assertion in court, lest they be embarrassed by having to withdraw the claim because the judge demanded to see the evidence (See: Rudy). They cant prove that. Probably because it didn't happen. But if it did, they have evidence? In what form?
The government pressured these companies into restricting certain speech critical of the government and promised immunity from action.
Well said. That's what i was looking for. Thanks.

So this is an assertion of fact that would have to be demonstrated in a court of law. This very transaction. Not a 'possible correlation'. That wouldn't fly.

This is why this case is getting laughed at. The lawyers will not dare make this assertion in court, lest they be embarrassed by having to withdraw the claim because the judge demanded to see the evidence (See: Rudy). They cant prove that. Probably because it didn't happen. But if it did, they have evidence? In what form?
The case is only getting laughed at by democrats who don't know any better. This isn't even the only case making this allegation. And there will be thousands of plaintiffs all with the same complaint. The lead attorneys are top flight. They undoubtedly know more than you do.
Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.

Trump is claiming a 1st amendment violation. As most conservatives have never read the Bill of Rights, they're prime targets for such inept pseudo legal gibberish.

For anyone how has bothered to check, the first word of the 1st Amendment puts Trump's entire legal argument to bed.

This is just more theater for dipshits. A fundraising tool to separate rubes from more of their money.
Farakhan and the Iranian supreme leader can post any tweet that suggests harming others, or engages in conspiracies, and it's cool with the twits at twitter.

The president of the U.S is banned for doing what? Questioning the results? It was done by NY Mayor candidate this week, did twitter ban them?

It's a clear bias. Twitter has been whacked in India now and other countries are stifling their business freedom, many of them pointing to this censoring of Trump and suggesting they don't want a company with that much power to wield it in their nation.

These social media fools are like many on the alt-left, they fear debate, open discussion and anything that lies outside the "accepted doctrine". Most people don't fear debate and free speech, most people aren't Snowflakes with an abundance of power.

They were banning people for suggesting the Wuhan Virus might be a leak, now months later they entertain the theory. It's now "acceptable" as their masters said it can be.

That is not the approach America used to lead the globe. We need a strong, vibrant American democracy.

Trump violated their terms of service. According to who? According to Twitter, Facebook and other 'tech giants'.

This is just more snivelling from a loser ex-president to a sniveling base that has fetishized failure. Republicans should just scrap the elephant for an 8-ball gag at this point. As their entire platform is an exhaustive list of all the people that are fucking them.
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Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
You have no clue what the First Amendment is, let me help you:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Yeah, but that's the actual 1st amendment. That one obliterates Trump's entire legal argument in the first word. So obviously, its 'fake'.

The 'real' 1st amendment per Trump supporters is the one they made up, that specifically cites Facebook as being prohibited from violating freedom of speech.

In 1787.

Dipshits are gonna dip.

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