Trump to Suspend Payroll Taxes Till End of Year


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
What I cannot figure out is how Trump is using this to make himself more wealthy, I mean, come on, man! Trump got rich by cheating everyone else, right?

So how is he skimming from taxes the Feds are not collecting? Real conundrum.

President Trump said Friday he would defer the payroll tax until the end of the year, using an executive order.
The tax would continue to be deferred until the end of 2020, the president said, and would likely be retroactive from July 1.
He said that by the end of 2020 the payroll tax break could be extended.
“Hopefully I’ll be here to do the job,” Trump said, hinting at the results of Election Day.
The president also said he would extend unemployment benefits, defer student loan payments and interest, and extend the eviction moratorium as well as an order requiring health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.
“If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage, I will act under my authority as president to get Americans the relief they need,” he said.
The president said that the lawyers were drawing up the executive orders and that they could be signed by the end of the week.

My Gawd, just who does he think he is? Some Mythical hero or what? Blahblahblah, gunna help the American people, thass whaut.

Come on, man! Give me a break! There are no heroes any more! Doesnt he realize that the universe is amoral, futile and without any meaning?

He should be banging his wife while he still can and enjoying his billions while they last, cause the Dem state AGs are going to be suing him till the day he dies!

The Democratic Party proves that Evil runs everything!

And this kind of nonsense by Trump just proves what an idiot he is! I'm tellin ya!

SS and Medicare are defunded enough already with people not working. Yet he wants to defund even more.
There is just one problem for Trump he needs Congress to change the tax, even if it is temporary....Only Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes.
What I cannot figure out is how Trump is using this to make himself more wealthy, I mean, come on, man! Trump got rich by cheating everyone else, right?

So how is he skimming from taxes the Feds are not collecting? Real conundrum.

President Trump said Friday he would defer the payroll tax until the end of the year, using an executive order.
The tax would continue to be deferred until the end of 2020, the president said, and would likely be retroactive from July 1.
He said that by the end of 2020 the payroll tax break could be extended.
“Hopefully I’ll be here to do the job,” Trump said, hinting at the results of Election Day.
The president also said he would extend unemployment benefits, defer student loan payments and interest, and extend the eviction moratorium as well as an order requiring health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.
“If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage, I will act under my authority as president to get Americans the relief they need,” he said.
The president said that the lawyers were drawing up the executive orders and that they could be signed by the end of the week.

My Gawd, just who does he think he is? Some Mythical hero or what? Blahblahblah, gunna help the American people, thass whaut.

Come on, man! Give me a break! There are no heroes any more! Doesnt he realize that the universe is amoral, futile and without any meaning?

He should be banging his wife while he still can and enjoying his billions while they last, cause the Dem state AGs are going to be suing him till the day he dies!

The Democratic Party proves that Evil runs everything!

And this kind of nonsense by Trump just proves what an idiot he is! I'm tellin ya!

LOL no one will stop you from taking the taxes that you do not pay and sending them to a Mexican village.

Oh yea you have no job, I forgot my bad
The White House will have some explaining to do. Why all of a sudden, $400.00 equal amounts, unemployment enhancement? The Moratorium on evictions is conceded maybe legal. "Defunding The Payroll Tax" is easily a bi-partisan non-starter.

But there are Executive Orders, August 8, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
As RNC famous Arnold might put it: "I'll be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14:30--Convention-City-Along-with-RNC!)
More desperate Communist Democrat

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The White House will have some explaining to do. Why all of a sudden, $400.00 equal amounts, unemployment enhancement? The Moratorium on evictions is conceded maybe legal. "Defunding The Payroll Tax" is easily a bi-partisan non-starter.

But there are Executive Orders, August 8, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
As RNC famous Arnold might put it: "I'll be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14:30--Convention-City-Along-with-RNC!)
I guess the dim wits shouldn't have put everything on the socialist wish list in one bill to shove down our throats? Dems own this.. Lock, Stock, and Barrel...
Anti-American Nostra poster even prooves it suggesting that the Senate and the White House do not exist!

Do Not Exist! That's how Anti-American a poster like that shows itself to be!

Spending and appropriations originate in the House, in the context of rules-USA, Nostra-Hated, Nostra-Posted, Nostra-then shown forever! (Which even mimics Segregationist(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
As RNC famous Arnold might put it: "I'll be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14:30--Convention-City-Along-with-RNC!)
Paperwork challenging Trump's EO will be filed first thing Monday Morning.
Democrats support Small Business. Republicans do not. Small Businesses employ US Nationals. Republicans are now in full-fledged opposition. People need the excess of the Unemployment Relief. Republicans do not support Living Wages.

And the list continues.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
As RNC famous Arnold might put it: "I'll be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14:30--Convention-City-Along-with-RNC!)

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