Trump told by Rosenstien he is not a target in the Mueller investigation.

here is a thread from April 4th on it...

Mueller Admits: Donald Trump NOT a Criminal Target of his Investigation!
A story about Mueller posted 2 weeks ago about a conversation from the month before.

Vs this thread about a different person's conversation this week.

Yup, totally the same...
guess gramps isn't as smart as he thinks he is ....But we all knew that

Wait let me find an irony image...

here is a thread from April 4th on it...

Mueller Admits: Donald Trump NOT a Criminal Target of his Investigation!
A story about Mueller posted 2 weeks ago about a conversation from the month before.

Vs this thread about a different person's conversation this week.

Yup, totally the same...
I didn't mean to be rude to you.... :(

I'm just saying, regarding the topic of Trump not being a target, but being a subject in the investigation was talked about and known a few weeks back....

but the Rosenstein coming out today, is new and worthy of a new thread!
This thread does not in any way claim that the witch hunt is legitimate.
Uh yeah it does. Trump not being a current “target” does not mean he is off the hook. What Mueller is examining is his campaign’s involvement with Russian meddling. That simply means Trump himself isn’t being directly investigated.

So the Cohen investigation is really a desperate witch hunt to get dirt on Trump? :itsok:
It’s not actually, because his campaign is being investigated. All this means is that he directly isn’t CURRENTLY being investigated. As stated, Mueller did not rule out making Trump direct target in the future. For now he is a “subject”.

It’s such legal nuance you and Trump are too dumb to understand.

I'm sorry I was distracted by Trump still being the president and the GOP still in control of the House and Senate. What were you fantasizing about?
Oh I’m approaching the actual reality of the situation. See, charges won’t be brought until the investigation is over. I know you’re too dumb to be a lawyer, but it doesn’t take one to know investigations of this scale may take a year or two to complete.

Oh and Dems will take the House in the November election. You do know that election happens every two years right?

Blue... ripple
Trump is in the third category in bold.

If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC
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How many threads per day are required to apply soothing caresses to the RW butthurt over the Mueller probe?

If you have been paying attention and you don't think Trump has obstructed justice, then there is no excuse for you.

If you are poised to.believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth, then there is no excuse for you.
This is my first thread on the subject. Perhaps some Sesame Street Count episodes would be in order to remind you that 1 comes many.

Nope. It is not. Why would you say something so obviously untrue?
Just broke on Bloomberg.

It leaked that he was told he was a SUBJECT in the special counsel investigation.....

That ain't good.....

What took so long for TRUMP TV-Fox to tell you?

It broke on Bloomberg today, seems you have reading comprehension issues.
it might have broken on bloomberg today, and I just saw Cavuto mention it, but it broke over a week ago, in the press... we had a thread or two on it, if memory serves me....
Why the fuck are you watching Cavuto?

Evil Fox News viewer! Explains your gullibility right? Pleb
i try to watch a half hour here and there on FOX every day, so I know what foolishness they are using to brainwash their keeps me on my toes....for arguing here! :D

That is a half hour more than I watch any day of the week.
“Target” is actually a specific legal term. “Subject” is another which he could be. This reflects an indirect investigation. It also doesn’t mean Trump wouldn’t become a target later in the investigation

What I find rather pathetic about this thread is that you asshats are always saying the entire investigation is bullshit, but when the narrative of the investigation is more favorable to Trump, you pretend the investigation actually is legitimate. You cherry pick like a bunch of children.

We do that on both sides, liberals do it also, even with your post

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“Target” is actually a specific legal term. “Subject” is another which he could be. This reflects an indirect investigation. It also doesn’t mean Trump wouldn’t become a target later in the investigation

What I find rather pathetic about this thread is that you asshats are always saying the entire investigation is bullshit, but when the narrative of the investigation is more favorable to Trump, you pretend the investigation actually is legitimate. You cherry pick like a bunch of children.

We do that on both sides, liberals do it also, even with your post

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Some do. Overall we are more objective.
Only hacks on both sides thought he was a "target". It makes for a convenient volleyball when the news swings in either direction. If Mueller finds any wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign he'll take care of it, but he'd be more than happy to find out there's nothing there. That's how investigations work.

So far he has turned up crimes that probably never would have seen the light of day had the special counsel not been appointed. Crimes that you or I would have been ravenously pursued for.

Let the man do his job, and the chips fall where they may.
His "job" is prosecuting a witch hunt. That needs to end ASAP.
“Target” is actually a specific legal term. “Subject” is another which he could be. This reflects an indirect investigation. It also doesn’t mean Trump wouldn’t become a target later in the investigation

What I find rather pathetic about this thread is that you asshats are always saying the entire investigation is bullshit, but when the narrative of the investigation is more favorable to Trump, you pretend the investigation actually is legitimate. You cherry pick like a bunch of children.

We do that on both sides, liberals do it also, even with your post

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Some do. Overall we are more objective.

Snowflakes are more objective?

A "target" is the cherry on top that comes last - right before the hammer comes down.

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