Trump treated like any other criminal defendant.

Oh, that must have cut to the core....It'd be nice if you'd type english...But, I understand, you have nothing in response, so you think being creative with insult is the ticket....Like most third graders, you'd be wrong.
Still unable to understand the topic?
What's wrong ape boy?
Brain too small and some stuff fell out when you dug the ear boogers out for licking?

The topic my moronic butt sniffer is "Trump as convict."
Still unable to understand the topic?
What's wrong ape boy?
Brain too small and some stuff fell out when you dug the ear boogers out for licking?

The topic my moronic butt sniffer is "Trump as convict."
What has Trump been convicted of?
It is good to see that some of our patriots in Congress are preparing for the future.
Many people have pointed out the various logistical challenges of putting our national orange menace in prison if and when he is finally convicted on any one (or more) of his numerous felony charges.
Now Bennie Thompson and other dems have come up with a solution.
Just treat him like anybody else once he's convicted.

“It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality,” the Mississippi lawmaker said. “Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment —and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them.”

He named his bill the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act — or the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act.


The dumbest thing you could say , you said. For this is a President. Look up VP Spiro Agnew and his run-in with the law before you make up dumb shit to say just because you feel like saying it. I am NOT a Trumpie either, I just loathe stupid goddam blowhards like you
You never said WHEN.
It's the premise of the OP

Democrats treat Trump no different than Democrats treated Dred Scott in court.

How did that turn out.
Democrats treat Trump no different than Democrats treated Dred Scott in court.

How did that turn out.

Please note that Democrats in modernity were not descendents of Democrats of the antebellum and postbellum eras, same goes for Repubs.
It is good to see that some of our patriots in Congress are preparing for the future.
Many people have pointed out the various logistical challenges of putting our national orange menace in prison if and when he is finally convicted on any one (or more) of his numerous felony charges.
Now Bennie Thompson and other dems have come up with a solution.
Just treat him like anybody else once he's convicted.

“It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality,” the Mississippi lawmaker said. “Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment —and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them.”

He named his bill the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act — or the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act.

This is a law that definitely needs to be passed! Trump deserves a big black cell mate named Bubba!
It's not an argument. It's a fact. Anything Trump took with him was declassified, as only a president can do unilaterally.

A president who would exact a blanket declassification regime without implementing memorialization protocols is derelict, and treasonous, in my view.

Here are some pertinent facts you are ignoring:
1. The charge of espionage does not depend on any classification regime.
2. If convicted, DNI damage assessments will have more relevance.
3. Trump declared he 'declassified' while he was a private citizen, which he has no right to do. If it were true, he'd have to prove it, and since did not follow any memorialization protocol as all presidents before him, especially Barr, Meadows, and Bolton, those who were closest to him, denied his doing it.
4. The FBI inventory list recorded on nuke docs (RD/FRD/TSNI), which cannot be declassified by the president without oversight/coordination from the classifying origination point/classification authority (per the AEA) and there was at least one document classified as FRD.

But, item #3- is of little consequence per #1.

The only reason Trump never made a big show of declassifying everything, before the Biden Adm hatched this document scheme, was nobody ever had to deal with a criminal in the White House trying to eliminate his primary political opponent using the courts before.
Joe Biden does not direct, nor influence, nor control, the actions of the DOJ. Nor do you have any proof of such. Given the voluminous record of Trump's crimes, for which there is substantial probable cause, no motivation of 'politics' can be ascribed. Criminals, candidates or not, must be treated like any other criminal. That they happen to be members of the opposing party is, therefore, and incidental and inadvertent fact.

Every document Trump had was a copy of documents that were already in the archives, except gifts Trump collected during his presidency and newspaper clippings.
Your claim has no merit for the following reasons:

  1. Classification and National Security: Many of the documents found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence were classified at various levels, including top secret and sensitive compartmented information (SCI). Classified documents, regardless of whether copies exist elsewhere, are subject to strict government control and handling procedures to safeguard national security. The mere possession of these documents in an unauthorized location, like a personal residence, can represent a significant breach of national security protocols.
  2. Presidential Records Act: This law mandates that all presidential records must be preserved and turned over to the Archivist of the United States at the end of a president's term. The records are not personal property and cannot be legally retained by the former president. This includes not only documents produced by the president or his staff but also those received during his tenure. Thus, even if some materials were gifts, they might still fall under the scope of this act if they pertain to his duties as president.
  3. No Distinction for Copies: The claim that all retained documents were merely copies does not alleviate potential legal issues. Both original documents and their copies can be considered classified or fall under the Presidential Records Act if they were created or used during the president's term. The nature of a document as a "copy" does not change its classification status or its importance to national security or historical record.
  4. The Handling and Storage of Classified Materials: The manner in which these documents were stored—reportedly in boxes in various rooms and spaces within Mar-a-Lago—raises serious concerns about adherence to protocols that dictate the secure handling and storage of classified materials. Proper storage involves specific conditions to prevent unauthorized access, which were not met in this scenario.
  5. Espionage: The charge of espionage does not depend on any classification regime.
This is Banana Republic type actions.
So says a banana republican, how quaint.
I suggest that after the next election that everyone in the prior administration be taken out back and shot like they do in 3rd World countries.
That's consistent with banana republicanism, cute. You condemn it, then you become it. Brilliant. Did this occur to you all by yourself, or did your puppet masters assist you on this epiphanic moment of stable geniusness?
Please note that Democrats in modernity were not descendents of Democrats of the antebellum and postbellum eras, same goes for Repubs.
Please note, Democrat Joe Biden is a descendent of slave owners!

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,”

“History never repeats itself. Man always does.”

Democrats treat Trump no different than Democrats treated Dred Scott in court.
And who, among is, isn't?
Do you contradict yourself all the time? Do you always post your feelings proving yourself ignorant? I easily proved you are wrong. I can easily prove everything you post is wrong.
Please note that Democrats in modernity were not descendents of Democrats of the antebellum and postbellum eras, same goes for Repubs.
A president who would exact a blanket declassification regime without implementing memorialization protocols is derelict, and treasonous, in my view.
Rumpole, your view is hypocrisy (if not a deliberate lie) which I just proved in post, #118
Here are some pertinent facts you are ignoring:
Rumpole, you ignore pertinent facts. Oh, wait, I am wrong. Rumpole is completely ignorant of the pertinent facts relevant to the charges of the espionage act Trump is charged with.

Many crimes require intent. Good luck proving that Trump intended to cause injury to the United States of America.

Facts ignored by Rumpole

18 U.S.C. § 793​

(a) Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States

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