Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

So, you do not understand the need for people to defend the election results, but you participate in the attempt to prove them invalid.

You sound like a flat earther trying to convince everyone the earth is flat and then whining when people respond their BS
Where on Earth have I participated in attempting to prove the election results invalid? I have never done that, not even once. All I have said is that Trump & Co have a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, just as flat Earthers have a first amendment right to claim the Earth is flat, just as Democrats spread election lies after Trump won in 2016.
Why take part in hearings where those in charge determine what testimony they want, what is released, and what is squashed?
Why ask me? Ask the several close advisers, aides, and cabinet members who did testify. I imagine that doing their civic duty would be high on this list.

But you can't think of any reasons, no matter how hard you try. That seems to be a you problem.
That is English. I can't help if it appears not to be to you.
Man, you've got to get off your high horse and defensive bullshit because I don't like Trump, don't want him to be president again, know that he lost the election on day one, and generally don't like the guy. But, he does have a first amendment right to say the election was stolen, whether there is any proof of it or not, and his supporters have the right to believe it if they want. And, as such, he is not responsible for Jan 6th just because he said the election was stolen. The ones who actually rioted are responsible for what they did. That's just total politically biased kangaroo court bullshit.
Magaturds were given a chance to participate and they nominated the most outspoken opposition magaturds they could find to try and sabotage the whole thing. It didn't fly with the Speaker, she booted them, McConnell had a hissy, magaturds took their ball and went home.

Oh well. :dunno:
Bullshit. You crapeaters are gonna pay for your fakers and hijinks
Why should McCarthy submit to Miss Piggy?
Let’s unpack your logic here.
So McCarthy should not under any circumstance cooperate with the committee while at the same time it is Pelosi who is at fault for the membership of the committee. :uhoh3:

Make that make sense.

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