Trump tries to force Twitter to let him tweet again

Huh..whatever happened to GETTR? I thought it was going to be the censor-free site all wanted..I just went there and it's pretty one-sided..much more than Twitter. A bunch of misleading material..and some pretty big lies---hoorah free speech? Or..attack of the robots?

Nothing I said even came close to saying we should quantify somebody's freedom of speech. I merely showed that he still have the freedom of speech.

I am saying it is ok to censor Trump on Twitter because Twitter is a private company. There is no guarantee you get to "speak" anywhere you choose. I hold the power to censor waht is said on my property.

Yes, they should. It is their fucking company, they should get to decide who uses it and who does not. I have been banned from a few forums, does that mean my freedom of speech has been removed? Of course not, unless I use your logic.

There is one very important detail about all this that people are overlooking.

This is a case of simple contract law between two private parties.

One person presented their contract, or TOS agreement, to another who wants to use that service.

That person who wants to use that service reads the contract then sings it by clicking on the button AGREE.

The person agrees to the very clear and plain rules the owner has set forth in the contract. One of those rules he agreed to was if he violated the contract by violating the rules they freely agreed to follow, was that the owner can stop doing business with them.

trump signed a contract that clearly stated the rules. He agreed that twitter could kick him off the site if he violated that contract.

So that's what twitter did.

Now trump and his followers are whining about it.

That is the whole case.

No judge or jury will ever rule in trump's favor since trump gave twitter the permission to kick him off that site if he violated the contract.
I'm not on the left, but I definitely fear him. Or, more to the point, I fear the idiot army he's assembled. Nothing more dangerous than angry, self-righteous morons.

I am WAY on the left, but I like Trump for the refreshing honesty he has brought to politics.
Sure he lies, exaggerates, etc., but all politicians not only do the same, but are such hypocrites, pretending Congress is not totally corrupt.
But then they pass illegal laws like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, illegal wars, etc.
There is one very important detail about all this that people are overlooking.

This is a case of simple contract law between two private parties.

One person presented their contract, or TOS agreement, to another who wants to use that service.

That person who wants to use that service reads the contract then sings it by clicking on the button AGREE.

The person agrees to the very clear and plain rules the owner has set forth in the contract. One of those rules he agreed to was if he violated the contract by violating the rules they freely agreed to follow, was that the owner can stop doing business with them.

trump signed a contract that clearly stated the rules. He agreed that twitter could kick him off the site if he violated that contract.

So that's what twitter did.

Now trump and his followers are whining about it.

That is the whole case.

No judge or jury will ever rule in trump's favor since trump gave twitter the permission to kick him off that site if he violated the contract.

Totally and completely WRONG!

First of all, Trump did not at all violate any TOS contract.
Second is that Twitter is legally bound the FCC regulation to NOT illegal censor political expression, if they want to continue using the public Internet.

Any and all juries would rule in Trump's favor, but it does not have to get to that, because the FCC should act instead, to prevent illegal censorship and political discrimination.
Democrats are fucking stupid.

:abgg2q.jpg: How can America be a right wing country with so many Biden voters?
So that is why we account for 70% of the GDP in this nation, right? Because we are stupid?
  • The 2020 elections, chaotic and marked by races “too close to call,” have nonetheless reaffirmed that, at least in Washington, the two parties now speak for markedly different segments of the U.S. economy.
  • President Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties across the country that together generate 29% of the American economy, according to a new study by the Brookings Institution.
  • President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that together generate 70% of U.S. GDP.
  • These differences, if they persist or worsen, could result in partisan gridlock for years to come, a researcher wrote.
  • Democratic counties represent 70% of U.S. GDP, 2020 election shows
If the man has anywhere online to leave his thoughts, to me, that is all that should ever matters. His camp members will know where to find him

God bless you and him and his fan base always!!!

God damn every one of you that endorse the traitor.
So that is why we account for 70% of the GDP in this nation, right? Because we are stupid?
  • The 2020 elections, chaotic and marked by races “too close to call,” have nonetheless reaffirmed that, at least in Washington, the two parties now speak for markedly different segments of the U.S. economy.
  • President Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties across the country that together generate 29% of the American economy, according to a new study by the Brookings Institution.
  • President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that together generate 70% of U.S. GDP.
  • These differences, if they persist or worsen, could result in partisan gridlock for years to come, a researcher wrote.
  • Democratic counties represent 70% of U.S. GDP, 2020 election shows

Not entirely fair because rural areas of food production are federally subsidized and therefore appear to be a much smaller factor of our economic production than they really are.
The reality is that without these rural areas, we would have to import more food and our cost of living would go way up.
I am WAY on the left, but I like Trump for the refreshing honesty he has brought to politics.
I'm not surprised by this at all. Many of his supporters, that I've met, are disenchanted Democrats. They mistake his brash, asinine persona with candor, or even, as you said honesty.

All I see is a con man duping his marks
Totally and completely WRONG!

First of all, Trump did not at all violate any TOS contract.
Second is that Twitter is legally bound the FCC regulation to NOT illegal censor political expression, if they want to continue using the public Internet.

Any and all juries would rule in Trump's favor, but it does not have to get to that, because the FCC should act instead, to prevent illegal censorship and political discrimination.

It is amazing. Absolutely everything you wrote. Was wrong.

The FCC is not in control of content providers. But the ISP’s must give you access to all sites. Twitter is not an ISP. So that means the TOS come into play.
The Donald should not lower himself by begging to be on certain social media.

He could find other ways to express his opinion.

Quite frankly, most people no longer care what he says anyway (and I say this as someone who proudly voted twice for him and would do so again in a New York minute).

He had his fifteen minutes (plus) of fame.

Now it's time to become a statesperson and just do his best to help the 2024 Republican candidate get elected.

(P.S. Wouldn't it be grand if the Republican candidate wins and then appoints DJT to a choice government post? His enemies would go bananas.)
The left owns the media. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
You apparently don't know about Conservotard talk radio.
Five days a week, all day long....Conservative propaganda.
All the week's hyped-up, bullshit talking points.
First Brian Kilmeade for three hours.
Then Fox News' newest whiner...Dan Bongino for his 3 hour bitch-fest.
And then of course, Sean Hannity gets his three hour slot.
And the day wraps up with another 3 hours of Ben Shapiro....who sounds a little like Alvin and the Chipmunks when he speaks....but go figure.
They still put him on the radio anyway.

And the thing is not ONE of these loudmouth, opinionated fuckers has any REAL credentials to actually speak on any of the subjects they try to cover.
Yet there they Conservotards all across America their marching orders for what they're supposed to be harping on.
"Biden/Pelosi bad!"
"Trump good/innocent/falsely persecuted," and so on.

And their influence is so pervasive that I will hear those same talking points coming up in the conversation with my Conservative acquaintances and recognize it as what (for instance) Bongino said on his show on Tuesday.
It never doe
s much good to mention to them though that I happen to KNOW where their effed-up opinions actually come from....because they'll invariably claim "I don't watch Fox News," or I never listen to Dan Bongino"


Kinda weird then that you seem to be channeling that idiot's EXACT words!

But I digress.
Please save your whining about "leftists owning the media."
It isn't true.
Cons just don't like media that their fascist leaders can't control.

That's all.
You apparently don't know about Conservotard talk radio.
Five days a week, all day long....Conservative propaganda.
All the week's hyped-up, bullshit talking points.
First Brian Kilmeade for three hours.
Then Fox News' newest whiner...Dan Bongino for his 3 hour bitch-fest.
And then of course, Sean Hannity gets his three hour slot.
And the day wraps up with another 3 hours of Ben Shapiro....who sounds a little like Alvin and the Chipmunks when he speaks....but go figure.
They still put him on the radio anyway.

And the thing is not ONE of these loudmouth, opinionated fuckers has any REAL credentials to actually speak on any of the subjects they try to cover.
Yet there they Conservotards all across America their marching orders for what they're supposed to be harping on.
"Biden/Pelosi bad!"
"Trump good/innocent/falsely persecuted," and so on.

And their influence is so pervasive that I will hear those same talking points coming up in the conversation with my Conservative acquaintances and recognize it as what (for instance) Bongino said on his show on Tuesday.
It never doe
s much good to mention to them though that I happen to KNOW where their effed-up opinions actually come from....because they'll invariably claim "I don't watch Fox News," or I never listen to Dan Bongino"


Kinda weird then that you seem to be channeling that idiot's EXACT words!

But I digress.
Please save your whining about "leftists owning the media."
It isn't true.
Cons just don't like media that their fascist leaders can't control.

That's all.
Conservative radio doesnt pop up when you open google, but shitloads of left wing articles are there. Most people get media from phones, not the radio.
Conservative radio doesnt pop up when you open google, but shitloads of left wing articles are there. Most people get media from phones, not the radio.
Don’t use google if you don’t like your results.

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