Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Trump has committed “treason”

Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years' imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States will permanently lose the right to ever hold or run for public office anywhere in any capacity within the United States.[9][10]

Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state. They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both.[4] At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed. Only one person has ever been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.[5]

Treason laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Donald Trump is transparent…that’s why people love him....He’s not going to be impeached. The bottom line is they hate his style and they hate him. I'm here to tell you- his legacy will be decided at the polls—not in congress or in the courts.
Trump has committed “treason”

Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years' imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States will permanently lose the right to ever hold or run for public office anywhere in any capacity within the United States.[9][10]

Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state. They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both.[4] At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed. Only one person has ever been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.[5]

Treason laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Donald Trump is transparent…

Trump transparent? Seems he is not an alien - but I would not be sure about. Pay aliens taxes?

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– Adam Smith: Theorie der ethischen Gefühle, S. 316
The original English text is:

The rich...are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.

I don't have any idea how someone is able to believe in such a stupid nonsense.

You do realize, I quoted our president, John Adams, and now you are responding by quoting Adam Smith?
– Adam Smith: Theorie der ethischen Gefühle, S. 316
The original English text is:

The rich...are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.

I don't have any idea how someone is able to believe in such a stupid nonsense.

You do realize, I quoted our president, John Adams, and now you are responding by quoting Adam Smith?

What exactly do you ask?

Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

Trump has the highest net worth supporters proving they are the most wise
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

Trump has the highest net worth supporters proving they are the most wise

Trump has a supporter? Good grief: Who is this idiot?

Look at the polls

Trump has won the men

Has won the military

Has won the white men in a landslide

Has won the highest net worth supporters

Has won the REAL POWER and the deep state are in a panic !!
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

Trump has the highest net worth supporters proving they are the most wise

Trump has a supporter? Good grief: Who is this idiot?

Look at the polls

Trump has won the men

Has won the military

Has won the white men in a landslide

Has won the highest net worth supporters

Has won the REAL POWER and the deep state are in a panic !!

Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day, and instead of saying, as one might, about any other ruler, "The King's in council," here they always said. "The Emperor's in his dressing room."

In the great city where he lived, life was always gay. Every day many strangers came to town, and among them one day came two swindlers. They let it be known they were weavers, and they said they could weave the most magnificent fabrics imaginable. Not only were their colors and patterns uncommonly fine, but clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was unusually stupid.

"Those would be just the clothes for me," thought the Emperor. "If I wore them I would be able to discover which men in my empire are unfit for their posts. And I could tell the wise men from the fools. Yes, I certainly must get some of the stuff woven for me right away." He paid the two swindlers a large sum of money to start work at once.

They set up two looms and pretended to weave, though there was nothing on the looms. All the finest silk and the purest old thread which they demanded went into their traveling bags, while they worked the empty looms far into the night.

"I'd like to know how those weavers are getting on with the cloth," the Emperor thought, but he felt slightly uncomfortable when he remembered that those who were unfit for their position would not be able to see the fabric. It couldn't have been that he doubted himself, yet he thought he'd rather send someone else to see how things were going. The whole town knew about the cloth's peculiar power, and all were impatient to find out how stupid their neighbors were.

"I'll send my honest old minister to the weavers," the Emperor decided. "He'll be the best one to tell me how the material looks, for he's a sensible man and no one does his duty better."

So the honest old minister went to the room where the two swindlers sat working away at their empty looms.

"Heaven help me," he thought as his eyes flew wide open, "I can't see anything at all". But he did not say so.

Both the swindlers begged him to be so kind as to come near to approve the excellent pattern, the beautiful colors. They pointed to the empty looms, and the poor old minister stared as hard as he dared. He couldn't see anything, because there was nothing to see. "Heaven have mercy," he thought. "Can it be that I'm a fool? I'd have never guessed it, and not a soul must know. Am I unfit to be the minister? It would never do to let on that I can't see the cloth."

"Don't hesitate to tell us what you think of it," said one of the weavers.

"Oh, it's beautiful -it's enchanting." The old minister peered through his spectacles. "Such a pattern, what colors!" I'll be sure to tell the Emperor how delighted I am with it."

"We're pleased to hear that," the swindlers said. They proceeded to name all the colors and to explain the intricate pattern. The old minister paid the closest attention, so that he could tell it all to the Emperor. And so he did.

The swindlers at once asked for more money, more silk and gold thread, to get on with the weaving. But it all went into their pockets. Not a thread went into the looms, though they worked at their weaving as hard as ever.

The Emperor presently sent another trustworthy official to see how the work progressed and how soon it would be ready. The same thing happened to him that had happened to the minister. He looked and he looked, but as there was nothing to see in the looms he couldn't see anything.

"Isn't it a beautiful piece of goods?" the swindlers asked him, as they displayed and described their imaginary pattern.

"I know I'm not stupid," the man thought, "so it must be that I'm unworthy of my good office. That's strange. I mustn't let anyone find it out, though." So he praised the material he did not see. He declared he was delighted with the beautiful colors and the exquisite pattern. To the Emperor he said, "It held me spellbound."

All the town was talking of this splendid cloth, and the Emperor wanted to see it for himself while it was still in the looms. Attended by a band of chosen men, among whom were his two old trusted officials-the ones who had been to the weavers-he set out to see the two swindlers. He found them weaving with might and main, but without a thread in their looms.

"Magnificent," said the two officials already duped. "Just look, Your Majesty, what colors! What a design!" They pointed to the empty looms, each supposing that the others could see the stuff.

"What's this?" thought the Emperor. "I can't see anything. This is terrible!

Am I a fool? Am I unfit to be the Emperor? What a thing to happen to me of all people! - Oh! It's very pretty," he said. "It has my highest approval." And he nodded approbation at the empty loom. Nothing could make him say that he couldn't see anything.

His whole retinue stared and stared. One saw no more than another, but they all joined the Emperor in exclaiming, "Oh! It's very pretty," and they advised him to wear clothes made of this wonderful cloth especially for the great procession he was soon to lead. "Magnificent! Excellent! Unsurpassed!" were bandied from mouth to mouth, and everyone did his best to seem well pleased. The Emperor gave each of the swindlers a cross to wear in his buttonhole, and the title of "Sir Weaver."

Before the procession the swindlers sat up all night and burned more than six candles, to show how busy they were finishing the Emperor's new clothes. They pretended to take the cloth off the loom. They made cuts in the air with huge scissors. And at last they said, "Now the Emperor's new clothes are ready for him."

Then the Emperor himself came with his noblest noblemen, and the swindlers each raised an arm as if they were holding something. They said, "These are the trousers, here's the coat, and this is the mantle," naming each garment. "All of them are as light as a spider web. One would almost think he had nothing on, but that's what makes them so fine."

"Exactly," all the noblemen agreed, though they could see nothing, for there was nothing to see.

"If Your Imperial Majesty will condescend to take your clothes off," said the swindlers, "we will help you on with your new ones here in front of the long mirror."

The Emperor undressed, and the swindlers pretended to put his new clothes on him, one garment after another. They took him around the waist and seemed to be fastening something - that was his train-as the Emperor turned round and round before the looking glass.

"How well Your Majesty's new clothes look. Aren't they becoming!" He heard on all sides, "That pattern, so perfect! Those colors, so suitable! It is a magnificent outfit."

Then the minister of public processions announced: "Your Majesty's canopy is waiting outside."

"Well, I'm supposed to be ready," the Emperor said, and turned again for one last look in the mirror. "It is a remarkable fit, isn't it?" He seemed to regard his costume with the greatest interest.

The noblemen who were to carry his train stooped low and reached for the floor as if they were picking up his mantle. Then they pretended to lift and hold it high. They didn't dare admit they had nothing to hold.

So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.

– Adam Smith: Theorie der ethischen Gefühle, S. 316
The original English text is:

The rich...are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.

I don't have any idea how someone is able to believe in such a stupid nonsense.

You do realize, I quoted our president, John Adams, and now you are responding by quoting Adam Smith?

What exactly do you ask?

???, I replied to your post? You can not see that, you can not figure it out? You can not read what you wrote and my response and make sense of what you got wrong? I stated what you got wrong. It is that simple.
Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day, and instead of saying, as one might, about any other ruler, "The King's in council," here they always said. "The Emperor's in his dressing room."

Excellent point, the media and the democrats certainly spewed a ton of praise on Obama/Biden. The Democrats "New Clothes". Now that Biden runs for president the Media and the Democrats don't like Biden's clothes, yet they fit fine and got praise while he was vice president for Obama.

Segregationist, racist, bigot, is what the democrats now call Biden, yet under Obama they loved Biden.

Excellent point, thank you!
– Adam Smith: Theorie der ethischen Gefühle, S. 316
The original English text is:

The rich...are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.

I don't have any idea how someone is able to believe in such a stupid nonsense.

You do realize, I quoted our president, John Adams, and now you are responding by quoting Adam Smith?

What exactly do you ask?

???, I replied to your post? You can not see that, you can not figure it out? You can not read what you wrote and my response and make sense of what you got wrong? I stated what you got wrong. It is that simple.

Adam Smith is totally unimportant for me. I do not see a great philosopher in him. I showed only that this man made mistakes too. Everyone makes mistakes. It's by the way nearly impossible to speak with US-Americans reasonable. One reason for is the stupid rhethoric construction to find or to postulate nonsense about others and to deduce the nonsense the own person said is the same nonsense the other person thought.

In case of economy worldwide I would say we need alternatives. I guess specially the phenomenon "super-richdom" needs corrections. Example: The founder of Amazon - which is by the way a criminal company in my eyes - owns $120 billions. The minimum wage in the USA is often less than $8 per hour. If I calculate 40 hours a week 46 weeks a year then this are less than $15,000 a year. So this means this man - don't know his name in the moment - worked 8 million years - or the lifetime of 100,000 people. "One man one vote" and "only one rich man owns the money of 100,000 poor others" is in my eyes a contradiction, which is dangerous for the freedom of all people and for the democratic states of the world.

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Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day, and instead of saying, as one might, about any other ruler, "The King's in council," here they always said. "The Emperor's in his dressing room."

Excellent point, the media and the democrats certainly spewed a ton of praise on Obama/Biden. The Democrats "New Clothes". Now that Biden runs for president the Media and the Democrats don't like Biden's clothes, yet they fit fine and got praise while he was vice president for Obama.

Segregationist, racist, bigot, is what the democrats now call Biden, yet under Obama they loved Biden.

Excellent point, thank you!

I would say the Emperor is Uncle Sam and the swindlers - but not as good-natured as in this fairy-tale - are Trump and his spitlickers. It's nice to dream with military power on 4th of Juli of a "grand nation" as France is doing since Napoleon is dead - or to dream to be an empire - as the Brits are still doing, although their empire is dead - or to dream of a "lousy but respected"-USA, ah sorry: "great" USA. Interesting clothing - but indeed important are only the values someone keeps on his own. Oh by the way: Do not forget to close the concentration camp Guantanamo, where you installed once different laws for US-Americans and the rest of the world. On problem in this context: When judically will become the "other US-Americans" "rest of the world".

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Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

Trump has the highest net worth supporters proving they are the most wise
Let's see your proof trump has support from those with the highest net worth....
I would say the Emperor is Uncle Sam and the swindlers - but not as good-natured as in this fairy-tale - are Trump and his spitlickers. It's nice to dream with military power on 4th of Juli of a "grand nation" as France is doing since Napoleon is dead - or to dream to be an empire - as the Brits are still doing, although their empire is dead - or to dream of a "lousy but respected"-USA, ah sorry: "great" USA. Interesting clothing - but indeed important are only the values someone keeps on his own. Oh by the way: Do not forget to close the concentration camp Guantanamo, where you installed once different laws for US-Americans and the rest of the world. On problem in this context: When judically will become the "other US-Americans" "rest of the world".

Yes, you could state a "fairy-tale", that is you prerogative. Trump built nothing of what you speak? Trump is new, never before a politician. A breath of fresh air on the World stage. Hence, any problem you see in the World and try to associate with Trump, is simple bull shit.

Concentration camps and different laws for Americans. Yes, sadly, with the best Government in the World you get the Best Constitution and laws. Do the poor prisoners of Guantanamo deserve rights? Do they deserve better than what they got for their actions? Again, that had nothing to do with Trump, and Trump is more than just to let them rot in a shit hole let alone Club Gitmo.

The prisoners of Club Gitmo are lucky, nobody else in the World would of treated them as fairly as the USA.
I would say the Emperor is Uncle Sam and the swindlers - but not as good-natured as in this fairy-tale - are Trump and his spitlickers. It's nice to dream with military power on 4th of Juli of a "grand nation" as France is doing since Napoleon is dead - or to dream to be an empire - as the Brits are still doing, although their empire is dead - or to dream of a "lousy but respected"-USA, ah sorry: "great" USA. Interesting clothing - but indeed important are only the values someone keeps on his own. Oh by the way: Do not forget to close the concentration camp Guantanamo, where you installed once different laws for US-Americans and the rest of the world. On problem in this context: When judically will become the "other US-Americans" "rest of the world".

Yes, you could state a "fairy-tale", that is you prerogative. Trump built nothing of what you speak? Trump is new, never before a politician.

He was never before anything else except rich and far from any real problem.

A breath of fresh air


on the World stage. Hence, any problem you see in the World and try to associate with Trump, is simple bull shit. Concentration camps and different laws for Americans. Yes, sadly, with the best Government in the World you get the Best Constitution and laws. Do the poor prisoners of Guantanamo deserve rights?

Aha - again I speak with a structural Nazi, who intentionally ignores the human rights, international rights and civil rights. Rights do not depend on an asshole-index or a frustration component.

Do they deserve better than what they got for their actions? Again, that had nothing to do with Trump, and Trump is more than just to let them rot in a shit hole let alone Club Gitmo.

The prisoners of Club Gitmo are lucky, nobody else in the World would of treated them as fairly as the USA.

Okay. So it's not any problem for you to send US-Nazis and/or US-terrorists into the concentration camp Guantanamo.

It's by way interesting for me how compressed the US-propaganda is. You bring the Club of Rome and all Catholics and environmentalists and all Muslims with only some very few words into a common "enemy/terrorist"-sphere. The Göbbels who plants such propagandistic structures into the brains of so many US-Americans is for sure intelligent. Artificial intelligent and/or satanic intelligent, I guess.

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Adam Smith is totally unimportant for me. I do not see a great philosopher in him. I showed only that this man made mistakes too.
Nobody in this thread quoted Adam Smith, you replied to me as if I did? Yes, the man made mistakes, as you have in this thread, thank you.

Your problem is that I don't have a little idea what you try to speak about with me. What do you like to know from me? Which mistake did I make? Or do you like only to tell me something? To try to tell me that I'm an asshole is only like to carry owls to Athens.

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“When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says in the recording, which was obtained by the Washington Post and released on Friday. “You can do anything.”

Trump, in a 2005 conversation with a television host that was caught on a live microphone, describes a failed seduction, saying: “I did try and fuck her, she was married,” and says that when he meets beautiful women he feels able to “grab them by the pussy”.

You can do anything,” he tells Billy Bush, the TV host who is a cousin of George W and Jeb Bush.

On Friday night, amid a storm of condemnation and disavowals by other Republicans, Trump released a video statement in which he made an almost unprecedented apology.

“I said it. I am wrong. I apologize”.
'You can do anything': Trump brags on tape about using fame to get women

This is the President of the USA and some here love this guy, and one wonders why :)-
I would say the Emperor is Uncle Sam and the swindlers - but not as good-natured as in this fairy-tale - are Trump and his spitlickers. It's nice to dream with military power on 4th of Juli of a "grand nation" as France is doing since Napoleon is dead - or to dream to be an empire - as the Brits are still doing, although their empire is dead - or to dream of a "lousy but respected"-USA, ah sorry: "great" USA. Interesting clothing - but indeed important are only the values someone keeps on his own. Oh by the way: Do not forget to close the concentration camp Guantanamo, where you installed once different laws for US-Americans and the rest of the world. On problem in this context: When judically will become the "other US-Americans" "rest of the world".

Yes, you could state a "fairy-tale", that is you prerogative. Trump built nothing of what you speak? Trump is new, never before a politician.

He was never before anything else except rich and far from any real problem.

A breath of fresh air


on the World stage. Hence, any problem you see in the World and try to associate with Trump, is simple bull shit. Concentration camps and different laws for Americans. Yes, sadly, with the best Government in the World you get the Best Constitution and laws. Do the poor prisoners of Guantanamo deserve rights?

Aha - again I speak with a structural Nazi, who intentionally ignores the human rights, international rights and civil rights. Rights do not depend on an asshole-index or a frustration component.

Do they deserve better than what they got for their actions? Again, that had nothing to do with Trump, and Trump is more than just to let them rot in a shit hole let alone Club Gitmo.

The prisoners of Club Gitmo are lucky, nobody else in the World would of treated them as fairly as the USA.

Okay. So it's not any problem for you to send US-Nazis and/or US-terrorists into the concentration camp Guantanamo.

It's by way interesting for me how compressed the US-propaganda is. You bring the Club of Rome and all Catholics and environmentalists and all Muslims with only some very few words into a common "enemy/terrorist"-sphere. The Göbbels who plants such propagandistic structures into the brains of so many US-Americans is for sure intelligent. Artificial intelligent and/or satanic intelligent, I guess.

Rights and Trump? Adams? You are kind of all over the place, first and foremost Adam Smith is not mentioned in this thread yet you responded to my post as if I was quoting Adam Smith. I quoted John Adams. Big mistage on your part showing you somehow lack english comprehension skills.

Yes, Moslems attacked the USA. Yes, Moslems got sent to Club Gitmo. You compare that to Germany killing Women and Children in the 1940's and before.

Maybe now you can see why you sound like a complete idiot.

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