Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Do you really ask me what I had suggested what the allies should had to do instead to bomb down refugees, who were praying in the monastery Monte Cassino?

Don't be silly. It was a prime target

In your "prime target" was not any German soldier - only some refugees prayed with priests and monks when you started a kind of galactic inferno there.

and the allies had tried repeatedly to take the building.

What was nonsense, because no German soldier was in Monte Cassino, before you destroyed it. Afterwards they used also the ruins of Monte Cassino for tehy tryings ot degnd Germany against the US-American and all other invaders from all over the world.

No refugee would have stayed there unless they were forced by the Nazis.

Lots of people lose their home in war.

Karl Valentin said about this it would had been much more effective if German bombers had bombed down Germany and British bombers had bombed down Britain. This had saved a lot of fools - ah sorry: "fuel".

Karl Valentin, as you well know, was a COMEDIAN.

Really? You see me perflexed.

The Charlie Chaplin of Germany. That has specifically what to do with Adolph Hitler bombing London?

It has to do with public critics during times of dictatorship.

Yes and no - both. The Nazis learned a lot from the mass-murderer USA and the mass-murderer British Empire. From others too.

Now you're just playing the fool, a Troll.


"Whatever US-Americans are doing is always good because "Hitler"" is the typical deafening US-Troll argument against every form of political critics. Every idiot in the English speaking world throws the word "Hitler" in whatever kind of arena of thoughts and thinks he says something with this word.

I hope you will slowly start to understand that the USA has problems it is not able to solve with wars. Not with economic wars and not with military wars. You need humanity. To waste much more money than anyway to much money in classical military structures - or to invest money in the breaking down of the global economy - will bring nothing and no one direction real future.
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When I listen to him speak I hear an imbecile who mocks, insults and ridicules decent people.

I love it! He drives Progressives NUTS. Let's say he mocks, insults, and ridicules people.

General Patton? The man who peed in the Rhine and drove through a closed tollbar, what he did not survive? Another "great man". With "great men" you are able to wallpaper the WTC-twins. Was this the reason someone broke them down and with them everything what was once the house of cards USA?

Absolutely, we desperately needed a man like General George S. Patton in WWII. Do you disagree? If so, why?

No one needed general Patton. Germany was perhaps able to scratch the USA - but not more. With or without general Patton. I guess Hiter had panic, when he declared war on the USA. If the USA had not took part in his war then he had not got the place in history which he has now as the most famous German of all times and for all times - although he was indeed only an unimportant idiot.

What did General Patton have to do with Muslim terrorists taking down the Twin Towers and killing 3,000 innocent people?

He had laughed about because he saw millions of innocent people die and major cities flat to the ground. He saw a country that never will have any chance for all and every future, while his problem was to pee from a bridge into the Rhine. Somehow a very funny man.

I was by the way very amused about a report from the year 1946 or 47 when the people of Munich after world war 2 went in the opera. It was an open air opera in ruins. The US-Americans did not understand this crazy behavior. They said it's better to rebuild the city first before to do so. What did you do in the ruins of the WTC?

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[QUOTE="Care4all, post: 22446705, member: 4748

Daddy saved him from all of his failures, constantly was bailing him out of his troubles....

Then he discovered the Russians and the banks dealing with them would loan money to him or the Oligarchs buying up his properties to launder their rubles, when the US Banks refused to ever loan any money to Mr Bankruptcy again....

He is a lousy lousy lousy business man.

But a GREAT marketer....

He focused on marketing himself and the Trump name, and got people to build the Trump named properties with their own money and paying him a royalty for his name...

He started the Apprentice to promote the Trump brand....

He is a very good marketing agent...[/QUOTE]
2016 - bad economy......
2017-2019 - good economy
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When I listen to him speak I hear an imbecile who mocks, insults and ridicules decent people.

I love it! He drives Progressives NUTS. Let's say he mocks, insults, and ridicules people.

General Patton? The man who peed in the Rhine and drove through a closed tollbar, what he did not survive? Another "great man". With "great men" you are able to wallpaper the WTC-twins. Was this the reason someone broke them down and with them everything what was once the house of cards USA?

Absolutely, we desperately needed a man like General George S. Patton in WWII. Do you disagree? If so, why?

No one needed general Patton. Germany was perhaps able to scratch the USA - but not more. With or without general Patton. I guess Hiter had panic, when he declared war on the USA. If the USA had not took part in his war then he had not got the place in history which he has now as the most famous German of all times and for all times - although he was indeed only an unimportant idiot.

What did General Patton have to do with Muslim terrorists taking down the Twin Towers and killing 3,000 innocent people?

He had laughed about because he saw millions of innocent people die and major cities flat to the ground. He saw a country that never will have any chance for all and every future, while his problem was to pee from a bridge into the Rhine. Somehow a very funny man.

I was by the way very amused about a report from the year 1946 or 47 when the people of Munich after world war 2 went in the opera. It was an open air opera in ruins. The US-Americans did not understand this crazy behavior. They said it's better to rebuild the city first before to do so. What did you do in the ruins of the WTC?

[QUOTE="Care4all, post: 22446705, member: 4748

Daddy saved him from all of his failures, constantly was bailing him out of his troubles....

Then he discovered the Russians and the banks dealing with them would loan money to him or the Oligarchs buying up his properties to launder their rubles, when the US Banks refused to ever loan any money to Mr Bankruptcy again....

He is a lousy lousy lousy business man.

But a GREAT marketer....

He focused on marketing himself and the Trump name, and got people to build the Trump named properties with their own money and paying him a royalty for his name...

He started the Apprentice to promote the Trump brand....

He is a very good marketing agent...
2016 - bad economy......
2017-2019 - good economy

Donald Trump crashes the future of the USA by driving continuously against walls, which he creates on his own. The USA is not able to do an endless war against the powers of the past, the powers of the present and the powers of the future by denying every rationality and fighting for the might and money of less and less superrich people. Did you ever hear from some theories about revolutions from the old German philosopher Karl Marx? So: Quo vadis USA? Isolationism and protectionism make not a big sense while everywhere in the world US-soldiers are "defending" (and destroying) the natural and civilisatoric ressources the USA (and everyone else) is basing on.

Donald Trump made for example billions with new taxes called "tarrifs" - but indeed pays the USA the price, specially the so called "masses" or "consumers". And your government will need money soon: new public debts. Sure are the superrich US-Americans happy. They earn a lot of more and much more money. But how helps this your country and the people, who live there?
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When I listen to him speak I hear an imbecile who mocks, insults and ridicules decent people.

I love it! He drives Progressives NUTS. Let's say he mocks, insults, and ridicules people.

General Patton? The man who peed in the Rhine and drove through a closed tollbar, what he did not survive? Another "great man". With "great men" you are able to wallpaper the WTC-twins. Was this the reason someone broke them down and with them everything what was once the house of cards USA?

Absolutely, we desperately needed a man like General George S. Patton in WWII. Do you disagree? If so, why?

No one needed general Patton. Germany was perhaps able to scratch the USA - but not more. With or without general Patton. I guess Hiter had panic, when he declared war on the USA. If the USA had not took part in his war then he had not got the place in history which he has now as the most famous German of all times and for all times - although he was indeed only an unimportant idiot.

What did General Patton have to do with Muslim terrorists taking down the Twin Towers and killing 3,000 innocent people?

He had laughed about because he saw millions of innocent people die and major cities flat to the ground. He saw a country that never will have any chance for all and every future, while his problem was to pee from a bridge into the Rhine. Somehow a very funny man.

I was by the way very amused about a report from the year 1946 or 47 when the people of Munich after world war 2 went in the opera. It was an open air opera in ruins. The US-Americans did not understand this crazy behavior. They said it's better to rebuild the city first before to do so. What did you do in the ruins of the WTC?


No - I gave some answers, which you don't like to hear, because this shows to you: the basics whereon your "thoughts" are irreal. As irreal as Donald Trump is irreal.
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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
Its tough to follow Adams but, don't fight against leftists, fight FOR yourself.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
Its tough to follow Adams but, don't fight against leftists, fight FOR yourself.

Who is Adams? The idiot who proclaimed a war everyone against everyone with nukes? Get real.

I hope you will slowly start to understand that the USA has problems it is not able to solve with wars. Not with economic wars and not with military wars. You need humanity. To waste much more money than anyway to much money in classical military structures - or to invest money in the breaking down of the global economy - will bring nothing and no one direction real future.

Name the country that has spent more to assist countries who have suffered hugely from natural or man-made disasters. Who is on the scene quicker? Take your time, I'll wait. Not really.
I hope you will slowly start to understand that the USA has problems it is not able to solve with wars. Not with economic wars and not with military wars. You need humanity. To waste much more money than anyway to much money in classical military structures - or to invest money in the breaking down of the global economy - will bring nothing and no one direction real future.

Name the country that has spent more to assist countries who have suffered hugely from natural or man-made disasters.

Why do you defend your country? Is this necessary? If I would think the USA is a lost country then I would not speak with you at all. It are not the people of the USA who have a problem. It's the USA on its own. Take for example the very famous (and lousy) Marshall plan ("European Recovery Program"). You gave Europe a credit about 13 billions from 1948-1952 (purchase power today: 130 billions). This help was extraordinary important - specially in Germany on psychological reasons - and it caused for example also the integration of Europe: it was a first step to the European Union. But this help was much more important for the USA on its own than for Europe. You did not give Europe any money - you gave European nations the right to buy on credit some overcharged goods from the USA. You - better to say some of the very rich US-Americans - earned twice, and this had helped the USA to reorganize their war economy.

Who is on the scene quicker? Take your time, I'll wait. Not really.


The neo-capitalism (In Germany we call it "neo-liberalism" or "killer instinct economy") socializes costs and privatizes profits. That's why the public debts explode and the people don't earn more money when companies make higher profits. The same time exist companies with a higher turnover than are the national budgets of big countries in the world. And what is Trump speaking about? How to force US-American scientist only to say, what the US-American government likes to allow them to say. First are the idiotic thoughts of lousy mighty people and afterwards scientists have to elaborate why this idiotic lousy thoughts are the reality. "All scientists against the climate change" seem to be the mission of the new US-American sole reign. Your politics is meanwhile on a level of the quality of a third world country and has nearly nothing to do with the expression "great" any longer, except you spell "great" l-o-u-s-y.

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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
Its tough to follow Adams but, don't fight against leftists, fight FOR yourself.

Why should anyone follow Adams at all? Why not to follow Thing T. Thing? No one, who is rich, is rich because of any individual quality. Poorness is often much more an expression of the will of god because poorness needs and forms much more character. Richdom is just simple an expression of the chaos rules of the game "capitalism". That's why a rich human being has the same vote as a poor human being. Capitalism is only a game - sometimes only a very stupid game - but politics means to care about the realities of all forms of life.

What Adam said in 1765 is by the way a pathetic platitude. It's nice to be free - but this is in lots of cases not an expression of the own possibilities or an expression of the own will - what you can see in everyone who drinks alcohol or is using any other form of mind-altering drug. Additionally not everyone is a man as was Miguel de Cervantes with his overwhelming striving for freedom. It's for sure nearly impossible to be fully free with financial debts. And the USA has more debts than groundhogs.

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Isolationism and protectionism make not a big sense while everywhere in the world US-soldiers are "defending" (and destroying) the natural and civilisatoric ressources the USA (and everyone else) is basing on.
Donald Trump made for example billions with new taxes called "tarrifs" - but indeed pays the USA the price, specially the so called "masses" or "consumers". And your government will need money soon: new public debts. Sure are the superrich US-Americans happy. They earn a lot of more and much more money. But how helps this your country and the people, who live there?
Oh let's see now....Gee what a hard question.

Maybe it would be black Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER.

Maybe it would be Hispanic Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER

Maybe it would be disabled Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER.

Maybe it would be American workers, who are experiencing their highest median income rate EVER.

Maybe it would be American workers, who are experiencing their highest number in the workforce EVER.

And no, US consumers do not pay the price for tariffs, as companies cannot raise prices for tariffs or any other reason. They can only set prices to what the market can bear. Any higher results in sales/income reductions. Your command of business economics is almost as bad as your use of English.

As for US soldiers, yeah they might defend US resources. sounds like a good idea. And they ought to be defending US resources here in the USA, much more against the "soldiers" invaders (aka "migrants") of countries carrying out imperialism against the US ($148 Billion/year remittances$$$), of which the US is the #1 victim in the world.
Isolationism and protectionism make not a big sense while everywhere in the world US-soldiers are "defending" (and destroying) the natural and civilisatoric ressources the USA (and everyone else) is basing on.
Donald Trump made for example billions with new taxes called "tarrifs" - but indeed pays the USA the price, specially the so called "masses" or "consumers". And your government will need money soon: new public debts. Sure are the superrich US-Americans happy. They earn a lot of more and much more money. But how helps this your country and the people, who live there?

Oh let's see now....Gee what a hard question.
Maybe it would be black Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER.
Maybe it would be Hispanic Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER
Maybe it would be disabled Americans, who are experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER.
Maybe it would be American workers, who are experiencing their highest median income rate EVER.
Maybe it would be American workers, who are experiencing their highest number in the workforce EVER.

So you can see the USA has a very serios problem. Economy good but no jobs. I would not be astonished when you will find a strong statistical relation between this and the number of private war weapons in the USA.

And no, US consumers do not pay the price for tariffs,

The citizens of the USA pay this price. Still only hundreds of dollars every year. Meanwhile your war against Huawei means Huawei will stop to buy goods for more than $30 billions every year in the USA. And it means you slow down your most important investments in the future which need a working 5G infrastructure. Autonomous driving cars for example needs a 5G net all over the USA.

as companies cannot raise prices for tariffs or any other reason.

And Mexico pays walls for Trumps private appartment USA and a candle light diner.

They can only set prices to what the market can bear.

Or they don't sell the goods which bring not any profit.

Any higher results in sales/income reductions. Your command of business economics is almost as bad as your use of English.

Indeed I don't have a big idea about economy. Economy is something what someone has to do because he lives, that's all - but economy is for me extremly seldom a reason for decisions.

As for US soldiers, yeah they might defend US resources. sounds like a good idea.

Ah - you seem to think a skull is a good symbol for the black flag of the USA and their black soldiers of the night.

And they ought to be defending US resources here in the USA, much more against the "soldiers" invaders (aka "migrants") of countries carrying out imperialism against the US ($148 Billion/year remittances$$$), of which the US is the #1 victim in the world.

What about for heavens sake do you speak here? You are angry about migrants who send money home to their families? That's the same in Germany. Additionally lots of Germans live outside of Germany and spend a lot of money all over the world. It's their right to do so: it's their money. In general: The better the economy in all countries works, the better the people are able to protect their nature and their resources and the more chances of others exist to make some money too.

Ah stop! You speak about normal business. When we Germans for example sell a machine in the USA then someone is using this machine to make money and to pay taxes. So what is the problem? Replace it with an US-american machine.

We have by the way a nursery rhyme with the etymologian "Dollar", called "Taler". Was a very famous currency once. It goes "Taler, Taler - Du musst wandern von der einen Hand zur anderen" (= "Dollar, dollar you have to wander from one's hand to the next"). It's some hundred years old, I guess. Money means nothing - the movement brings changes. So the best is to give money to the poor people - they need a lot of things - and the dollar will wander. Perhaps the system breaks down, when everyone buys alcohol and drugs and weapons and delusions.

But what are the neo-capitalists doing today? They give the money from the taxpayers (and tariff payers) directly to the superrich people and find more and more ways to let everyone else pay their costs. The answer to the challenge "China" are more investments and more cooperations within the world and not trade wars, which will anyway become real wars one day. And the USA is in the moment in a growing dangerous situation. It will need more than only some years to repair the damages Donald Trump had caused for the USA. Because of his destruction of the western world I would not be shy to arrest Donald Trump on reason of high treason. He draggs in mire the values of the western world and threatens constantly everyone who is not accepting his premise "I (and only l) am the USA. I am the greatest president of the world the USA and any ant ever had seen". Don't tell me now that I am so stupid not to know that ants are blind. In wonder why not every US-American child cries: "Look at imperator Trump - he wears a naked clothing".

Oh by the way - not to forget. With the so called digitalization and this what the people call "AI" (I call it "expert systems") lots of 'normal' jobs will go lost. I do not think the solution is to save looms from the use of steam drives. We all need new jobs - real new jobs. Innovations - not stupidities.

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I hope you will slowly start to understand that the USA has problems it is not able to solve with wars. Not with economic wars and not with military wars. You need humanity. To waste much more money than anyway to much money in classical military structures - or to invest money in the breaking down of the global economy - will bring nothing and no one direction real future.

Name the country that has spent more to assist countries who have suffered hugely from natural or man-made disasters.

Why do you defend your country? Is this necessary? If I would think the USA is a lost country then I would not speak with you at all. It are not the people of the USA who have a problem. It's the USA on its own. Take for example the very famous (and lousy) Marshall plan ("European Recovery Program"). You gave Europe a credit about 13 billions from 1948-1952 (purchase power today: 130 billions). This help was extraordinary important - specially in Germany on psychological reasons - and it caused for example also the integration of Europe: it was a first step to the European Union. But this help was much more important for the USA on its own than for Europe. You did not give Europe any money - you gave European nations the right to buy on credit some overcharged goods from the USA. You - better to say some of the very rich US-Americans - earned twice, and this had helped the USA to reorganize their war economy.

Who is on the scene quicker? Take your time, I'll wait. Not really.


The neo-capitalism (In Germany we call it "neo-liberalism" or "killer instinct economy") socializes costs and privatizes profits. That's why the public debts explode and the people don't earn more money when companies make higher profits. The same time exist companies with a higher turnover than are the national budgets of big countries in the world. And what is Trump speaking about? How to force US-American scientist only to say, what the US-American government likes to allow them to say. First are the idiotic thoughts of lousy mighty people and afterwards scientists have to elaborate why this idiotic lousy thoughts are the reality. "All scientists against the climate change" seem to be the mission of the new US-American sole reign. Your politics is meanwhile on a level of the quality of a third world country and has nearly nothing to do with the expression "great" any longer, except you spell "great" l-o-u-s-y.

Typical. You dodged my questions.

Thank you, thank you so much!
So you can see the USA has a very serios problem. Economy good but no jobs. I would not be astonished when you will find a strong statistical relation between this and the number of private war weapons in the USA.

The economy is not good, it is GREAT.

Please show us what you mean by "no jobs

Here's what I mean.

There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

  • There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • April marked the second month in a row that there were more vacancies than available hires, a phenomenon that had not happened before 2018.
  • Despite the mismatch, sizeable wage gains remain elusive, with average hourly earnings up just 2.7 percent over the past year.
There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before
I hope you will slowly start to understand that the USA has problems it is not able to solve with wars. Not with economic wars and not with military wars. You need humanity. To waste much more money than anyway to much money in classical military structures - or to invest money in the breaking down of the global economy - will bring nothing and no one direction real future.

Name the country that has spent more to assist countries who have suffered hugely from natural or man-made disasters.

Why do you defend your country? Is this necessary? If I would think the USA is a lost country then I would not speak with you at all. It are not the people of the USA who have a problem. It's the USA on its own. Take for example the very famous (and lousy) Marshall plan ("European Recovery Program"). You gave Europe a credit about 13 billions from 1948-1952 (purchase power today: 130 billions). This help was extraordinary important - specially in Germany on psychological reasons - and it caused for example also the integration of Europe: it was a first step to the European Union. But this help was much more important for the USA on its own than for Europe. You did not give Europe any money - you gave European nations the right to buy on credit some overcharged goods from the USA. You - better to say some of the very rich US-Americans - earned twice, and this had helped the USA to reorganize their war economy.

Who is on the scene quicker? Take your time, I'll wait. Not really.


The neo-capitalism (In Germany we call it "neo-liberalism" or "killer instinct economy") socializes costs and privatizes profits. That's why the public debts explode and the people don't earn more money when companies make higher profits. The same time exist companies with a higher turnover than are the national budgets of big countries in the world. And what is Trump speaking about? How to force US-American scientist only to say, what the US-American government likes to allow them to say. First are the idiotic thoughts of lousy mighty people and afterwards scientists have to elaborate why this idiotic lousy thoughts are the reality. "All scientists against the climate change" seem to be the mission of the new US-American sole reign. Your politics is meanwhile on a level of the quality of a third world country and has nearly nothing to do with the expression "great" any longer, except you spell "great" l-o-u-s-y.

Typical. You dodged my questions.

Thank you, thank you so much!

You asked nothing - your questions were statements.
So you can see the USA has a very serios problem. Economy good but no jobs. I would not be astonished when you will find a strong statistical relation between this and the number of private war weapons in the USA.

The economy is not good, it is GREAT.

My god. US-Americans are a torture. When a German says "that's not bad" then an US-American says "that's great".

Please show us what you mean by "no jobs

Here's what I mean.

There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

  • There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • April marked the second month in a row that there were more vacancies than available hires, a phenomenon that had not happened before 2018.
  • Despite the mismatch, sizeable wage gains remain elusive, with average hourly earnings up just 2.7 percent over the past year.
There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

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