Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?
Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Thank you. I didn't think it made any sense, but I appreciate you confirming the fact.
Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Thank you. I didn't think it made any sense, but I appreciate you confirming the fact.

Absolutelly no agreement. Not anything what you and "protectionist" said had to do with facts. By the way: The current ambassador of the USA in Germany is more than only unqualified for this function.

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Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Thank you. I didn't think it made any sense, but I appreciate you confirming the fact.

no agreement

In that case, please translate.
Okay. You closed your markets and now you have jobs and everyone is happy. Is this what you say here? So build a wall around your country, leave all international organisations, cancel all treaties, contracts and deals, take your money home and your soldiers too and be happy. Rebuild the paradise which the USA was once in 1591. I hope Japan will not send a canon boat in 1853 to your coast and will force you to have to open your markets for international business. But I'm quite sure we are able to speak with them so they will not do so. It's not wise to try to eliminate indigen cultures.

Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Thank you. I didn't think it made any sense, but I appreciate you confirming the fact.

no agreement

In that case, please translate.

I decided not to discuss with Trumpists any longer. Bye bye.

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Does that translate to anything that makes sense?

no comment

Thank you. I didn't think it made any sense, but I appreciate you confirming the fact.

no agreement

In that case, please translate.

I decided not to discuss with Trumpists any longer. Bye bye.

Well, you haven't discussed anything so far, I don't see any loss.
"You" saved "me" in world war 2?
Yeah, America saved you in World War 2. That's correct.

That's not correct - specially also because nor you or I were a part of world war 2.

Without the over 400,000 American deaths in that war, and all the fierce fighting US military engaged in, you now would be a slave of German Nazis.

I am a German, idiot.

And you're too ignorant to even know it.

What do you think will history remember in 100 years about the USA?

For a 1000 years...........Germany will be remembered for the matter if those alive today took no part in it.........

Germany is number 1 in that department..........

The bomb...............will always be ended the 2nd World War.........and put Japan........who started the War on it's knees............

but please continue.

"You" saved "me" in world war 2?
Yeah, America saved you in World War 2. That's correct.

That's not correct - specially also because nor you or I were a part of world war 2.

Without the over 400,000 American deaths in that war, and all the fierce fighting US military engaged in, you now would be a slave of German Nazis.

I am a German, idiot.

And you're too ignorant to even know it.

What do you think will history remember in 100 years about the USA?

For a 1000 years...........Germany will be remembered for the matter if those alive today took no part in it.........

Germany is number 1 in that department..........

The bomb...............will always be ended the 2nd World War.........and put Japan........who started the War on it's knees............

but please continue.


The Nazis would call me a Jew and you call me a Nazi. So what do you think is for me the difference between an European Nazi and an US-American racist?

What about to close the concentration camp Guantanamo and to follow the opinion of senator McCain in context with torture? Trumpists - people who try to force everyone to follow their "triumpf of will" (or "the will of Trump") - and don't like to understand anything what's real - are for sure not people, who impress me. I believe in god and not in any will of any human being or any stupid impertinence.

If you like to know something about this time of history then ask me. I'm able to read all documents in this context in the original language. I don't need an US-American who explains to me what this is what you call "Holocaust", Jews call "Shoa" and Nazis called "Endlösung". You need me to explain this to you - if you would really like to know anything about this very real part of history, which you like to misuse for your own ... uglyness.

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There is a crime already on the books that covers a situation where an American colludes with a foreign country; i.e. an American enemy, to subvert American interests for self-serving reasons.

That crime is called Treason!!

I was wrong on the above, we can't get him for treason but we can get him on this---

The Emoluments Clause Could Be a Tipping Point in Trump’s Downfall

MAY 13, 2019
The obstruction of justice documented in Mueller’s report has gotten more attention, but Trump’s profiting from his office is an open-and-shut impeachment count.

On April 30, a federal district judge rejected Trump’s motion to throw out the lawsuit filed by approximately 201 members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives alleging that Trump has flagrantly violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause. The case was largely overlooked as national attention has focused on Trump’s obstruction of justice and his efforts to block further congressional scrutiny of his abuses of power.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, in a comprehensive 48-page opinion, ruled that the narrow definition of “emoluments” advanced by Trump’s lawyers “disregards the ordinary meaning of the term as set forth in the vast majority of Founding-era dictionaries; is inconsistent with the text, structure, historical interpretation, adoption, and purpose of the Clause; and is contrary to Executive Branch practice over the course of many years.”

The Emoluments Clause Could Be a Tipping Point in Trump’s Downfall

Dump Trump
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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
You mean the Democrats cause they ain't radical leftist..Just a bunch of women...
Yes, sadly the German people were broken and needed a leader, they rallied behind Hitler. But there is a huge difference, they were a country that had a history of Antisemitism, they preached, the Race, wrote laws that violated the rights of Jews, the same as the Democrat party in the USA.

Now it is the time for those who wish for the USA to survive and to be free, to join together and fight the Obama Brown Shirts.
No they didn't the nation of Germany in 1933 was 61 years old. You are thinking of the Austro-Hungarian ant-semitism where they made them were stars of David two hundred years before Germany was a nation.
No they didn't the nation of Germany in 1933 was 61 years old. You are thinking of the Austro-Hungarian ant-semitism where they made them were stars of David two hundred years before Germany was a nation.
The entire history of Germany was a history of Anti-Semitic. You say it could not be cause Germany was only 61 years old? That entire 61 years was anti-semitic.
Why should anyone follow Adams at all?

Because Adams was 100% right.

I never read anything what this man wrote. I read now this (translated into German)

„Vergebens, daß der stolze und gefühllose Grundherr seinen Blick über seine ausgedehnten Felder schweifen läßt und ohne einen Gedanken an die Bedürfnisse seiner Brüder in seiner Phantasie die ganze Ernte, die auf diesen Feldern wächst, selbst verzehrt. Das ungezierte und vulgäre Sprichwort, daß das Auge mehr fasse als der Bauch 2), hat sich nie vollständiger bewahrheitet als in bezug auf ihn. Das Fassungsvermögen seines Magens steht in keinem Verhältnis zu der maßlosen Größe seiner Begierden, ja, sein Magen wird nicht mehr aufnehmen können als der des geringsten Bauern. Den Rest muß er unter diejenigen verteilen, die auf das sorgsamste das Wenige zubereiten, das er braucht, unter diejenigen, die den Palast einrichten und instandhalten, in welchem dieses Wenige verzehrt werden soll, unter diejenigen, die all den verschiedenen Kram und Tand besorgen und in Ordnung halten, der in der Haushaltung der Vornehmen gebraucht wird; sie alle beziehen so von seinem Luxus und seiner Launenhaftigkeit ihren Teil an lebensnotwendigen Gütern, den sie sonst vergebens von seiner Menschlichkeit oder von seiner Gerechtigkeit erwartet hätten. Der Ertrag des Bodens erhält zu allen Zeiten ungefähr jene Anzahl von Bewohnern, die er zu erhalten fähig ist. Nur daß die Reichen aus dem ganzen Haufen dasjenige auswählen, was das Kostbarste und ihnen Angenehmste ist. Sie verzehren wenig mehr als die Armen; trotz ihrer natürlichen Selbstsucht und Raubgier und obwohl sie nur ihre eigene Bequemlichkeit im Auge haben, obwohl der einzige Zweck, welchen sie durch die Arbeit all der Tausende, die sie beschäftigen, erreichen wollen, die Befriedigung ihrer eigenen eitlen und unersättlichen Begierden ist, trotzdem teilen sie doch mit den Armen den Ertrag aller Verbesserungen, die sie in ihrer Landwirtschaft einführen. Von einer unsichtbaren Hand werden sie dahin geführt, beinahe die gleiche Verteilung der zum Leben notwendigen Güter zu verwirklichen, die zustandegekommen wäre, wenn die Erde zu gleichen Teilen unter alle ihre Bewohner verteilt worden wäre; und so fördern sie, ohne es zu beabsichtigen, ja ohne es zu wissen, das Interesse der Gesellschaft und gewähren die Mittel zur Vermehrung der Gattung. Als die Vorsehung die Erde unter eine geringe Zahl von Herren und Besitzern verteilte, da hat sie diejenigen, die sie scheinbar bei ihrer Teilung übergangen hat, doch nicht vergessen und nicht ganz verlassen.“

– Adam Smith: Theorie der ethischen Gefühle, S. 316

This sentence is for sure wrong:

"Von einer unsichtbaren Hand werden sie dahin geführt, beinahe die gleiche Verteilung der zum Leben notwendigen Güter zu verwirklichen, die zustandegekommen wäre, wenn die Erde zu gleichen Teilen unter alle ihre Bewohner verteilt worden wäre; und so fördern sie, ohne es zu beabsichtigen, ja ohne es zu wissen, das Interesse der Gesellschaft und gewähren die Mittel zur Vermehrung der Gattung."

The original English text is:

The rich...are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.

I don't have any idea how someone is able to believe in such a stupid nonsense.

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Trump has committed “treason”

Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years' imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States will permanently lose the right to ever hold or run for public office anywhere in any capacity within the United States.[9][10]

Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state. They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both.[4] At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed. Only one person has ever been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.[5]

Treason laws in the United States - Wikipedia

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