Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

GOP closet faggots were there trying to act tough attacking cops and going bat shit crazy. And its all on video

You people look stupid as fuck running around like wackos crying like babies, playing dress up like little children.
You look so fuckin stupid !!!
And its all on video for the whole world to see.
The world laughs at MAGA trash
Oh dear stop dodging and defending your antifa faggots buddies.
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Suddenly, the leftists hate riots.

He has these poor souls thinking they're fighting for freedom and liberty and God and against commies and evil. This guy, of all people.

All he cares about is either promoting or saving his sorry, weak, needy ass. He won't think twice about ripping down this country to do it.

I still can't believe they fell for him. I try to understand it, but...

Try to understand this:

Trump made this country stronger in every way in less than two years.

Biden made it much weaker in less than two years.
Because there was no "insurrection" dumbass. The correct answer is zero.

Trump tried at least 32 tactics to steal the election. Should I have to list them? Sidney Powell. See Fox News if you don't know how stupid you are. But that's another conversation.

One of his tactics was to send a riot down to the Capital to disrupt the democratic process. It was all part of an attempted coup. If only Mike Pence and others went along. You don't know how close we came to a constitutional crisis because Trump failed.

And it's not a new tactic. Roger Stone is a good buddy of Trump's. Roger Stone started a riot in 2000 to get the recount in Florida to stop. And Roger Stone was involved in Trump's insurrection.

Whatever an insurrection is. Treason? Coup? Traitor? Give all those titles to Trump and you confederates.

Out of respect we didn't call confederates what they were. Traitors. That's why we should tear down their statues. Not just because they were racist democrats.
I suppose that was a threat. [Sigh]

To be honest, that's kinda flattering. The good poster Circe seems to think my poor avatar is more ominous than I think he is. OK. We be cool with that.

But, the truth 'swing a bat' reference is to my periodic exercise of stepping into the batting cage at the driving range near our country club.

Still, I can be sorta tough. I think. At times. Maybe.
Trump tried at least 32 tactics to steal the election. Should I have to list them? Sidney Powell. See Fox News if you don't know how stupid you are. But that's another conversation.
One of his tactics was to send a riot down to the Capital to disrupt the democratic process. It was all part of an attempted coup. If only Mike Pence and others went along. You don't know how close we came to a constitutional crisis because Trump failed.
And it's not a new tactic. Roger Stone is a good buddy of Trump's. Roger Stone started a riot in 2000 to get the recount in Florida to stop. And Roger Stone was involved in Trump's insurrection.
Whatever an insurrection is. Treason? Coup? Traitor? Give all those titles to Trump and you confederates.
Out of respect we didn't call confederates what they were. Traitors. That's why we should tear down their statues. Not just because they were racist democrats.
Your post hinges on one key LIE.
Prove this statement:
"was to send a riot down to the Capital to disrupt the democratic process"

Show a video or quote where Trump actually said that. Otherwise you're lying.
Your post hinges on one key LIE.
Prove this statement:
"was to send a riot down to the Capital to disrupt the democratic process"

Show a video or quote where Trump actually said that. Otherwise you're lying.
Trump incited the riot/insurrection.
Your post hinges on one key LIE.
Prove this statement:
"was to send a riot down to the Capital to disrupt the democratic process"

Show a video or quote where Trump actually said that. Otherwise you're lying.
You must think we are as stupid as you. Or you must think we are as stupid as Fox News thinks you are.

In recent weeks Fox News has also found itself thoroughly, and publicly, embarrassed, as internal messages have revealed not just the extent to which the organization attempted to ignore the actual news in its coverage of the 2020 election, but also the contempt many people within the organization have for Fox News viewers.

“Like negotiating with terrorists,” Alex Pfeiffer, then a producer on Tucker Carlson’s nightly show, said of the line Fox News had to tread between reporting the news and feeding its audience the conspiracy theories they crave.

“But especially dumb ones. Cousin-fucking types, not Saudi royalty.”

Are you a cousin fucking Republican?
You must think we are as stupid as you. Or you must think we are as stupid as Fox News thinks you are.
In recent weeks Fox News has also found itself thoroughly, and publicly, embarrassed, as internal messages have revealed not just the extent to which the organization attempted to ignore the actual news in its coverage of the 2020 election, but also the contempt many people within the organization have for Fox News viewers.
“Like negotiating with terrorists,” Alex Pfeiffer, then a producer on Tucker Carlson’s nightly show, said of the line Fox News had to tread between reporting the news and feeding its audience the conspiracy theories they crave.
“But especially dumb ones. Cousin-fucking types, not Saudi royalty.”
Are you a cousin fucking Republican?
Thanks for admitting that you can't prove your lie.
Show me the video or quote. Otherwise you're lying. Hint: the FBI said he didn't
I watched the Trump gang that entire day giving speeches and firing up the clowns. It was planned and Trump incited it.
Thanks for admitting that you can't prove your lie.
Nothing will get through to you Nazi. The question is, are you Fox News knowingly lying to me or are you a Fox News Viewer who believes the lies?

“But especially dumb ones. Cousin-fucking types, not Saudi royalty.”

That's what Fox thinks about your dumb ass. So are you a liar or idiot? Are you a liar or a cousing fucking Republican as Fox puts it. Their words not mine. We just called you deplorables.
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

/---/ It doesn't matter if Trump calls for protests or not, you libtards will accuse him of it anyway.

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