Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

[QUOTme s of baby flesh.E="playtime, post: 13911202, member: 55512"]
Abortion is a very complicated issue.

Well no shit sherlock. ever have one? know anybody who has? don't try to patronize me sweetheart, cause it won't fly.
I know heaps of people who have.

'heaps' huh? you sure it wasn't 'tons'?

yes, sadly, i think it can be measured in tonage. :(

I'm having a hard time believing that, but for the sake of argument, let's say that is true. anybody who has 'regretted' it & thought they were 'lied' to, is not a reason or excuse to make that decision illegal to those women who are intelligent enough to make an informed decision, & are very grateful that they aren't shackled by those that want to control the uterus' of another. I have been 'in the know' concerning why abortion was chosen to be the solution in a few instances for real. and each one was for a different reason & I would NEVER tell a female why she cannot decide for herself whether she wants to terminate a pregnancy,& that she would be punished for it if she does abort.[/QUOTE]
Tonnes of baby flesh? That's pretty crass and horific, Playtime.
Trump is on a mission to see if he can lose every single female vote in America.

I might be one of the only ones because I extremely believe in the enforcement of ALL existing laws and that if you don't like a law, instead of breaking it, change it or get it pulled.

What punishment? That is not for me to decide. What would I personally like to see? I don't care what punishment it would be in this purely hypothetical situation that will never happen...except for the continued barbaric cases of late term abortions where children capable of living outside the womb are murdered in horrific ways.

Jail time - at least 6 months in jail...and I would plaster their cell walls with sonogram pictures of their baby, pictures of the instrument being rammed into their baby's head to scramble it's brains and kill it before it was pulled out of them, and play the sound of it's heartbeat over and over, to let them know they did not just kill a lump of cells or some fetus.

Ah, yes, let the misogyny flow through you.

Here it is everyone, the Misogyny of the Pro-Life movement on full display. They want to PUNISH women for having abortions.
Does that make me Cruel? A Monster? No more than any woman who could butcher / terminate in barbaric fashion a living being inside of them at that stage of the pregnancy. Do you know there are liberals who oppose allowing / making women hear the baby's heartbeat before they go through with the abortion? I know you can guess WHY that it is. Because it suddenly becomes REAL to them, that they are not just going to the gynecologist for a check-up but are going to - in many cases (late term abortions) - kill a human being inside of them...and Liberals don't WANT it to become 'real' to them. They may suddenly feel very differently about what they are doing...and the practice of such barbaric procedures as late term abortions.

If the mother's life is in jeopardy then by all means do not ban it under such dire situations, otherwise...BAN BARBARIC LATE TERM ABORTIONS NOW!

Guy, the the words 'Late Term abortions" are a misnomer. A baby is brought to term when it is actually born. The proper term is "Third Trimester Abortion". Except those constitute less than 1% of abortions performed, and they are almost always done for good medical reasons- a threat to the woman's health or the fetus is going to have some horrible deformity like Down Syndrome.
2014 and the historic, record-setting ass-kicking the Liberals received had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with frustration and being tired of the Liberals who had elevated themselves into position as a RULING class instead of representing the people, who had ignored the will of the majority of the American people and had begun ramming their agenda down those same people's throats. The ACA is a perfect example - liberals rammed a minority-supported piss-poor piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans - on both sides - who opposed it. They got their asses handed to them for it.

GUy, 2014 was a record low voting turnout year. You guys didn't win anything. People just gave up.

Quit acting like you won an argument.
These measures are chipping away at the choices of women, and in particular, the choices of women of color and poor women.

Interesting you brought that up. When anyone brings up Planned Parenthood's founder, her ideology / comments, and fact that Planned parenthood is most often found in the heart of or closer by poor and / or black population centers liberals react in an extremely volatile way...

You mean the quotes you keep attributing to Sanger she never actually said?
Back to the MAIN point of this thread:

Trump did nothing wrong, IMO, by giving his opinion that the perpetrator of a crime - who breaks existing law - in this country should be punished in some way. As pointed out, a judge could make that punishment 'rehab', counseling, etc.

EVERY existing law should be enforced, however, and those who break the law should be 'punished' in some way.

If Trump did nothing wrong, why did he retract the statement within hours?

Why should a woman get ANY punishment for controlling her own body?

Look, you guys don't care about "the babies", this is about the fact women are deciding to control their own bodies, which upsets you terribly.
He has been taking advice from others, as been reported in the news. Trump is stubborn and does things his own way, but he is not stupid. You can't be a successful businessman being stupid. He sees his numbers starting to slip, and he probably did see how this is being blown up to hurt him. If he is walking this back he may not believe he was wrong but - like any good politician - will do / say whatever it takes to get back in the good graces of voters to secure votes. In that Trump isn't that much different, IMO, than other politicians.

I thought that's why all you mouth-breathers were supporting him, because he WAS different than other politicians.

What Trump did was expose the truth about the "Pro-Life" movement. It is at the end of the day, an anti-women movement.

The people who try to snatch school lunches from the mouths of hungry children don't care care about children any more when they are the size of a kidney bean.
Back to the MAIN point of this thread:

Trump did nothing wrong, IMO, by giving his opinion that the perpetrator of a crime - who breaks existing law - in this country should be punished in some way. As pointed out, a judge could make that punishment 'rehab', counseling, etc.

EVERY existing law should be enforced, however, and those who break the law should be 'punished' in some way.

If Trump did nothing wrong, why did he retract the statement within hours?

Why should a woman get ANY punishment for controlling her own body?

Look, you guys don't care about "the babies", this is about the fact women are deciding to control their own bodies, which upsets you terribly.
It's about controlling your own and women...before creating another human.
Does that make me Cruel? A Monster? No more than any woman who could butcher / terminate in barbaric fashion a living being inside of them at that stage of the pregnancy. Do you know there are liberals who oppose allowing / making women hear the baby's heartbeat before they go through with the abortion? I know you can guess WHY that it is. Because it suddenly becomes REAL to them, that they are not just going to the gynecologist for a check-up but are going to - in many cases (late term abortions) - kill a human being inside of them...and Liberals don't WANT it to become 'real' to them. They may suddenly feel very differently about what they are doing...and the practice of such barbaric procedures as late term abortions.

If the mother's life is in jeopardy then by all means do not ban it under such dire situations, otherwise...BAN BARBARIC LATE TERM ABORTIONS NOW!

Guy, the the words 'Late Term abortions" are a misnomer. A baby is brought to term when it is actually born. The proper term is "Third Trimester Abortion". Except those constitute less than 1% of abortions performed, and they are almost always done for good medical reasons- a threat to the woman's health or the fetus is going to have some horrible deformity like Down Syndrome.
obama says trump is a fool ,knows nothing about foreign policies knows less about domestic policies Has managed to alienate 70% of women
Has 2 chances,,none and slim and slim walked out the door when the loud mouth spouted out about abortion and nukes The world looks on in amazement to see a complete ah supported by as many as he is
Note: "If it were banned in America"......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Then why did he totally walk it back? Hint: because he got a shitload of blowback - even from anti-abortion groups.

Who cares? It was a loaded question. But of course the left loons became unhinged over's more BS

He can't even handle pressure from Chris Matthews - so just imagine him with Putin. Trump's a choker.
Matthews put him in a position where in order to answer the question, he was damned either way. Trump, for all his faults, tends not to equivocate and blather on without answering the question like most politicians do. So what is he supposed to say--if someone is theoretically breaking the law, that person should theoretically be punished, yes? Matthews was being a total asshole--I've never seen him before, but I'll sure make a mental note not to in the future, either. He reminds me of a defense attorney who used to try putting words in my mouth on the stand all the time.
Note: "If it were banned in America"......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Then why did he totally walk it back? Hint: because he got a shitload of blowback - even from anti-abortion groups.

Who cares? It was a loaded question. But of course the left loons became unhinged over's more BS

He can't even handle pressure from Chris Matthews - so just imagine him with Putin. Trump's a choker.
Matthews put him in a position where in order to answer the question, he was damned either way. Trump, for all his faults, tends not to equivocate and blather on without answering the question like most politicians do. So what is he supposed to say--if someone is theoretically breaking the law, that person should theoretically be punished, yes? Matthews was being a total asshole--I've never seen him before, but I'll sure make a mental note not to in the future, either. He reminds me of a defense attorney who used to try putting words in my mouth on the stand all the time.

Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker. Imagine what Putin would do to him. Trump is also a world class idiot. CNN just reported that Trump has changed his stance on abortion FOUR times in ONE week. You can't blame that on Chris Matthews. Wow...
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