Trump Virtues

The myopic, half-inch-deep thinking of the ends of the spectrum is fucking killing us.
But they've groomed generations of voters to follow along. And, like any good con, no one wants to admit they're marks, so they deny the con.
I have not yet figured out a way to communicate with people who exist in a different reality.
Maybe it would help if you knocked the insulting shit like "people who exist in a different reality" off....Just sayin'

For example, I'm a better and more informed capitalist than you could ever dream of being, and yet you are convinced that I'm a communist.
I see, so looking down your nose, based on nothing but your own sense of ego, is how you operate...I've met people like you before, they usually aren't as successful as they think they are.

You're certainly free to believe that.
I don't need your permission, as much as you believe I do....But, I never said you were a communist, but you do support neo socialism.

But I'm not required to engage, since I already know where such conversations would go.
Then what exactly are you doing posting on a political debate message board? The whole point is to engage....But, if you want conversations where you more readily agree, then I would suggest boards like Reddit, or DailyKOS. At least there you'd be more at home.

That's boring. You are boring.
lol....Well, good God, I can't think of any better ways you could use your time, than endlessly monitoring, and posting in a message board where you find the subjects too boring to engage...That right there shows me you suck as a capitalist...Shouldn't you be looking for ways to maximize your time?

All you know to do is spin and attack.
I give what I get...If you were half the intellect you envision yourself to be, you'd figure that out...And this statement here shows your laziness, and projection on a scale that the psychiatric community would love to study...If I were to take the sum total of your contribution to the many topics here at USMB, I'd have to say the sum total of meaningful interaction would be zero....But, then again it's your time to waste, but smarter people than you see that is a direct refutation of your own narcissism....
I disagree.

But tell me, how does it help to vote for a bad candidate? How does that make any fucking sense?
I assume your look for candidates that come as close to your views as possible. Well, me too...I am a conservative. And, I also want to make sure that those running whom I think would continue a bad path for this country don't get voted in....Therefore, it is in my interests to vote for those that are as close to my beliefs, and have a chance to win...

You on the other hand, look down your nose at anyone who votes for a major party candidate, but vote for people who siphon off votes that have a better chance to win, therefore giving the vote to someone you think is bad for the country...
I assume your look for candidates that come as close to your views as possible. Well, me too...I am a conservative. And, I also want to make sure that those running whom I think would continue a bad path for this country don't get voted in....
Right. And that's where you jump the shark. Your fear prompts you to do something that actually makes the problem worse.
You on the other hand, look down your nose at anyone who votes for a major party candidate ...
Not necessarily. If you vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump because you actually think they are the best candidate - that's legit. I might think you're woefully wrong - but you're voting honestly.

If, on the other hand, you vote dishonestly - choosing a bad candidate in an attempt to game the system - I definitely look down my nose. If you do that, you are the problem.

..but vote for people who siphon off votes that have a better chance to win, therefore giving the vote to someone you think is bad for the country...

This makes no fucking sense. I voted Libertarian in the last election. Who exactly do you think I "gave" my vote to?

Here's a little hint as to why your point of view seems so stupid to me: Democrats will say that by voting Libertarian I'm helping the Republicans. Republicans, of course, say I'm helping Democrats. Are they both right? Or are they both full of shit? You know my answer.
But they've groomed generations of voters to follow along. And, like any good con, no one wants to admit they're marks, so they deny the con.
This particular phenomenon has been far deeper and more personal and more intense than anything I've ever seen up close.

I would never have thought I'd miss the ugly days of the regular Left vs. Right bullshit. Never.
This particular phenomenon has been far deeper and more personal and more intense than anything I've ever seen up close.

I would never have thought I'd miss the ugly days of the regular Left vs. Right bullshit. Never.
We need ranked choice voting worse than ever. The race to the bottom inherent in "lesser-of-two-evils" voting is, unsurprisingly, nearing the bottom. I keep hoping voters will start waking up. That it's finally bad enough that some of them will look around and say "For fuck's sake, no. I'm not voting for your loser candidate. No matter how bad the presumed 'other' candidate is."

Maybe that's wishful thinking. Maybe we're doomed. But I won't be a part of the idiocy dooming us.
We need ranked choice voting worse than ever. The race to the bottom inherent in "lesser-of-two-evils" voting is, unsurprisingly, nearing the bottom. I keep hoping voters will start waking up. That it's finally bad enough that some of them will look around and say "For fuck's sake, no. I'm not voting for your loser candidate. No matter how bad the presumed 'other' candidate is."

Maybe that's wishful thinking. Maybe we're doomed. But I won't be a part of the idiocy dooming us.
I finally realized a while back that I'm now a one-issue voter. That's it. Period. One.

We have to fix a system that incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants. Before it's too late. Everything else is secondary.
View attachment 693843 Keep whining about Trump. 2024 is coming.
pfft... Coming? LOL...


How'd that last publicity stunt work out?
Right. And that's where you jump the shark. Your fear prompts you to do something that actually makes the problem worse.

Not necessarily. If you vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump because you actually think they are the best candidate - that's legit. I might think you're woefully wrong - but you're voting honestly.

If, on the other hand, you vote dishonestly - choosing a bad candidate in an attempt to game the system - I definitely look down my nose. If you do that, you are the problem.

This makes no fucking sense. I voted Libertarian in the last election. Who exactly do you think I "gave" my vote to?

Here's a little hint as to why your point of view seems so stupid to me: Democrats will say that by voting Libertarian I'm helping the Republicans. Republicans, of course, say I'm helping Democrats. Are they both right? Or are they both full of shit? You know my answer.
No, your definitely helping Democrats with the libertarian vote.

Heres why….

1. would you agree that republicans or democrats more closely align with traditional libertarian views?

2. The tally of votes were that Trump received 75 million, while Biden received 81 million. The Libertarian vote was 1.4% therefore, the 1,050,000 votes. In key states that signifies a complete turn around of results.

By knowingly voting for a candidate you know has no chance of winning, you are taking votes away from one who would win…
No, your definitely helping Democrats with the libertarian vote.

Heres why….

1. would you agree that republicans or democrats more closely align with traditional libertarian views?
It doesn't matter. Neither is even remotely close enough. They're both borderline fascists.
2. The tally of votes were that Trump received 75 million, while Biden received 81 million. The Libertarian vote was 1.4% therefore, the 1,050,000 votes. In key states that signifies a complete turn around of results.
Uh huh. Democrats said exactly the same thing in 2016. That Libertarian voters were responsible for Trump getting elected. Again, who's right? You know the answer.
By knowingly voting for a candidate you know has no chance of winning, you are taking votes away from one who would win…
No. I'm not taking votes away from anyone. I'm just not voting for shitty candidates, regardless of party. Sorry, not sorry.

My vote is too valuable to waste on your moronic little con. I'm not falling for it. Find some other mark to scare.
Then we have nothing to discuss.
You'd just dodge anyway. Like the way you keep avoiding the fact that both Democrats and Republicans insist I'm helping the other side when I won't give them my vote. It's a con, and you know it.
You'd just dodge anyway. Like the way you keep avoiding the fact that both Democrats and Republicans insist I'm helping the other side when I won't give them my vote. It's a con, and you know it.
Ok, see ya later.

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