Trump Virtues

I noticed you've stopped talking about virtues when it comes to your god err I mean blob. I guess cheating on your wife while paying a porn star is exactly the type of life you want for your kids.
LOL!! Democrats trying to play the "morals card" after pushing for "no limits abortion" is hilarious.
So cutting a baby's head off as it comes out of the chute is just fine, but adultery is a crime?
Do you see how ridiculous your "moral equivalency" sounds?
Apparently Trump and Melania have an "open marriage", or some other arrangement, so what?
As I said before, my kids are not prudes.

Trump "virtues" are more related to saving the US from the clutches of the "Liberal World Order".

LOL!! Democrats trying to play the "morals card" after pushing for "no limits abortion" is hilarious.
So cutting a baby's head off as it comes out of the chute is just fine, but adultery is a crime?
Do you see how ridiculous your "moral equivalency" sounds?
Apparently Trump and Melania have an "open marriage", or some other arrangement, so what?
As I said before, my kids are not prudes.

Trump "virtues" are more related to saving the US from the clutches of the "Liberal World Order".

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Still don’t want to talk about your blob’s virtues?
Thanks. I read as much as I could stand. Boiled down to this: Trump isn't about politics, he's fighting a war. The culture war.

Fuck the war. Fuck Trump. Fuck the Democrats. And fuck you if you are a part of this idiocy.
We're all part of it like it or not...
We're all part of it like it or not...
No. The culture war cannot be fought via government. Not without creating totalitarian government. Arguably, Democrats "started it", but now that Republicans have joined them, totalitarian government seems inevitable.
No. The culture war cannot be fought via government. Not without creating totalitarian government. Arguably, Democrats "started it", but now that Republicans have joined them, totalitarian government seems inevitable.
That’s exactly what the wokecomm’s want.
So far nobody here from the right wing wants to list Trump's virtues on they own.... they want you to watch some video so they themselves can't be quoted as stating that the blob is moral, honest, humble, or even civil.

j-mac is afraid.
I skipped through it. A Trump apologist tossing out terms like "Woke Comms" and the standard litany of Hannity-level apocalyptic talk radio talking points, while trying to paint his demigod's vulgar, shallow, juvenile temperament as some kind of positive attribute for President of the United States.

Oh, and "it takes courage and independence to live authentically." Donald Trump. Courageous and honest and authentic and virtuous as the day is long. What an angel.

So, they swallow it as they swallow everything else, and point to it as some kind of evidence of "virtue".

This used to be funny. Now it isn't.
No it's not funny, it's pathetic. Trump is the worst human being in the history of this Country to ever enter politics. And they made him POTUS. Trump has torn this Country in half for his own self seving gain & has accomplished in the past 6 years what our enemies have been trying to do for decades. Not only that but he did it with the help of the GOP who still support him even during this latest fiasco. They're no better then he is.
No it's not funny, it's pathetic. Trump is the worst human being in the history of this Country to ever enter politics. And they made him POTUS. Trump has torn this Country in half for his own self seving gain & has accomplished in the past 6 years what our enemies have been trying to do for decades. Not only that but he did it with the help of the GOP who still support him even during this latest fiasco. They're no better then he is.
I just don't think this is about him.

What does it say about the condition of this country, sociologically, culturally, that so many people fallen head over heals for a fast talking, obvious, blatant con man?

THAT'S my concern with all this.
So far nobody here from the right wing wants to list Trump's virtues on they own.... they want you to watch some video so they themselves can't be quoted as stating that the blob is moral, honest, humble, or even civil.
Keep whining about Trump. 2024 is coming.
I just don't think this is about him.

What does it say about the condition of this country, sociologically, culturally, that so many people fallen head over heals for a fast talking, obvious, blatant con man?

THAT'S my concern with all this.
Exactly. How did things get so bad that people turned to someone like him, and how do we fix it?

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