Trump Vows To ‘Destroy’ The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.
From the OP:

“Churches may have a 1st Amendment right to endorse candidates, but there is no constitutional right to a tax exemption.”
Trump is a Christian unlike most of you liberals, who remember about God only if it helps them to win some cheap political points.

We all remember how Madeleine Albright suddenly remembered about Hell existence and threatened all the women would go there unless they voted Clinton. And a few days ago she said she would register as a Muslim. I can't wait, she'll sure look a lot prettier in Burka.
Have you told the Dems that since so many churches openly support them. A number of them even go to the churches to 'preach'.
Hillary Clinton speaks at Philly Baptist church on final Sunday of campaign | Daily Mail Online
Hillary Clinton Speaks About Systemic Racism At Historic Black North Carolina Church | The Huffington Post
Hillary Clinton's Foundry United Methodist Sermon: 'We All Have Different Gifts'
Just a taste for ya.

From the OP:

“Churches may have a 1st Amendment right to endorse candidates, but there is no constitutional right to a tax exemption.”
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.

It won't happen but I'll call out every lib who opposes because you guys don't care that Planned Parenthood, a tax-exempt organization, endorsed Hillary Clinton and donated to her campaign. If they can do it, why can't churches?

In the past, churches have been threatened that they will lose their tax-exempt status just for opposing certain things, like abortion. The reasoning was that if they spoke out on any issues, it was the same as supporting or opposing certain candidates.

If PP can do it, then every other tax-exempt organization should, too.

Black member churches and others supported Dems. Is that okay?

Take your pick. Do we extend the privilege to all churches, including ones that support Republicans, or do we take some churches and PP's tax-exempt status away and stop giving them our money so they can donate to Dem candidates?
From the OP:

“Churches may have a 1st Amendment right to endorse candidates, but there is no constitutional right to a tax exemption.”
----------------------------------------------------- unless the President destroys the 'Johnson amendment' and then lets the churches keep their tax exempt status same as [I think] Unions have Lakhota .
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.
LOL, Good ole honest LBJ introduced this law to give himself an advantage over a political opponent when he ran for senate.
There's nothing honest about the law.
Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon humankind. It's a plague.
From the OP:

“Churches may have a 1st Amendment right to endorse candidates, but there is no constitutional right to a tax exemption.”

It's never stopped the black churches using their facilities for fund-raising and their tax-exemption to avoid campaign laws. Shiver you quiver seeing us do the same thing does it, Shitting Bull? :crybaby:
Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon humankind. It's a plague.

This, in a nutshell, is why democrats and their supporters are quickly becoming irrelevant to the voters of America. You so quickly dismiss anyone who doesn't hold YOUR views to be a 'plague' and other such pejoratives. Exclusion is not a winning strategy for politics in democracy.

Most Americans consider themselves, to some degree, to be religious. There are just as many organised religious bodies out their that support Democrat candidates as support Republicans. To dismiss them all as 'plagues to humankind' is incredibly exclusive and does nothing to ingratiate yourselves with the voters.
From the OP:

“Churches may have a 1st Amendment right to endorse candidates, but there is no constitutional right to a tax exemption.”
Churches can do what they like. All they have to do is forgo the tax exempt status. Non 501 (C)(3) churches usually call 501 (C)(3) churches "corporate churches."
Hey, If Soros can pac 'em in, so should churches pac. We live with America's decisions. Soros undermines them.
Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon humankind. It's a plague.
Religion gives millions of people the power to face life. Of course, it can cause even wars but so can any other influential entity. Of course, lifting the ban could help the Republicans in the future as the Democrats increasingly rely on everyone not representing the ordinary white faithful American voter but the ban includes every organization that receives tax money, not only churches.
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.

Gotcha, Tonto. Only liberal tax exempt organizations should be endorsing candidates
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.
No tax exemption then.

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