trump vows to end America's march to Electric Cars


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.
Good, I don't want to pay $20,000 for a new battery or change tires every year. Where will I get tires, jimboliar, when we have no petroleum products?
Does your SNAP card pay for your EV???
We cant afford EVs anyway. According to how bidens green give-a-ways are working, each electric charger costs us about 1B dollars
Just to add, musk plans on adding thousands more chargers, for a total of 500M.
The government cant do shit right. But statists are the smart ones in the room :lmao:
Yeah, good luck with that. :)
Technology marches on no matter who sits in the White House

Trump would have an easier time building that wall than he would stopping the evolution of electric cars.
Like all technology adoption, it comes with time.

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.

Republicans I hear talking about this say EV is costing us at the pump. And it probably is a little. But it's so worth it. But try telling stupid Americans that.

Pick one

a. We go Green you live 3 years longer
b. We drill baby drill and save you $100 a month

They will pick drill baby drill.

P.S. If we did away with the Reagan/Bush/Trump tax breaks to the corporations, they would be paying their fair share. They are the global polluters. But Republicans won't make them pay. They'll cry that it'll just get passed on to the consumers.

Most people cant afford these. Most people dont want to sit for two hours while their car charges on family road trips. Most people dont want to replace a 20k battery every so often. Or tires twice a year.
The statist POS that scream about EVs need to understand that we have a way to go before this is sustainable. You cant just shove it down everyones throat. You raging dumb asses.

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.

Good. Disposal of the massive, toxic batteries that are in EVs, which you're too dumb to even think about, is an environmental disaster.

Not to mention the slave labor used to mine the raw materials.
I do not want an EV.

So I will not purcase one.

See how easy that is?

No 'talking points'' required.

No orange man or tater required.

Ta daaaa...
Yeah, good luck with that. :)
Technology marches on no matter who sits in the White House

Trump would have an easier time building that wall than he would stopping the evolution of electric cars.
Like all technology adoption, it comes with time.
He can end the nonsense mandates.
Yeah, good luck with that. :)
Technology marches on no matter who sits in the White House

Trump would have an easier time building that wall than he would stopping the evolution of electric cars.
Like all technology adoption, it comes with time.
EVs would be more prominent on US roads if Musk had not shown himself to be a crazy. People don't want to invest in a product owned by w whack job.

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.

Something I agree with Trump on. First off, the American market is not ready to jump head first into electric cars. They don't get the same performance as gas powered vehicles and the infrastructure doesn't exist to support them, be it charging stations along the roadway or power generation facilities in general. Additionally, there are the environmental consequences of battery manufacturing and disposal that you all conveniently ignore.

The most important factor is your dismissive attitude to lower income and middle-class Americans who cannot afford this type of change at such a rapid pace, especially in the current inflationary cycle, nor will they in the near future. I guarantee you California's mandate of no gas-powered vehicles being sold in the state in the early 2030's is going to end up getting postponed or repealed or simply not enforced because as that day draws near even the people there are going to revolt against it due to the financial hardship it puts on them.

This kind of shit is why Trump is running competitive to Biden. Your party continues to embrace radical changes to cater to the elite of our society while ignoring the plights of the average Americans who you claim to be the representatives of. Switching to electric cars isn't going to do a damn thing to stop "climate change" no matter what your climate religion tells you to believe. What it will do is put everyday Americans in economic hurt and produce more asshats like Trump to get elected to office as an obstacle to it.

Someday electric cars might be the norm, but it's not today and it's not ten years from now. Biden's attempt to force this on the American people is just plain stupid and it's already backfiring.
The liberal love for electric cars comes from the fact that they are expensive enough, most Americans will be forced to take the city bus. 'Further, they require America to be dependent on foreign sources of lithium and other elements that aren't mined here.

The way to get the libs to give up their love will be through technology. If Tesla or someone else invents a new, inexpensive battery that will keep everyone on the road driving- they'll suddenly turn against EV's.

Just like they turned from natural gas when fracking made the resource plentiful.

Liberalism is a ideology based upon Scarcity, as opposed to Americanism which is based upon Plenty.
Something I agree with Trump on. First off, the American market is not ready to jump head first into electric cars. They don't get the same performance as gas powered vehicles and the infrastructure doesn't exist to support them, be it charging stations along the roadway or power generation facilities in general. Additionally, there are the environmental consequences of battery manufacturing and disposal that you all conveniently ignore.

The most important factor is your dismissive attitude to lower income and middle-class Americans who cannot afford this type of change at such a rapid pace, especially in the current inflationary cycle, nor will they in the near future. I guarantee you California's mandate of no gas-powered vehicles being sold in the state in the early 2030's is going to end up getting postponed or repealed or simply not enforced because as that day draws near even the people there are going to revolt against it due to the financial hardship it puts on them.

This kind of shit is why Trump is running competitive to Biden. Your party continues to embrace radical changes to cater to the elite of our society while ignoring the plights of the average Americans who you claim to be the representatives of. Switching to electric cars isn't going to do a damn thing to stop "climate change" no matter what your climate religion tells you to believe. What it will do is put everyday Americans in economic hurt and produce more asshats like Trump to get elected to office as an obstacle to it.

Someday electric cars might be the norm, but it's not today and it's not ten years from now. Biden's attempt to force this on the American people is just plain stupid and it's already backfiring.
Who is forcing you to do anything? Biden understands the damage that fossil fuels are doing to our environment. He is trying to address the obvious crisis that is beginning to appear. trump doesn't give a shit about you or the environment. He cares about trump.

I agree that we need more infrastructure to make EVs successful, but trashing all the efforts that are now being made is not how you do that. trump cannot see past the tip of his orange nose. But he will not be around when the wild fires, tornadoes, and draught hit the US in the next few decades. But my grandkids and greatgrandkids will.

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