Trump Walked into Room with Pelosi and Schumer, BLASTED THEM, Cancelled Mtg And Walked Out!

At least we have to try or keep our bloc solid
Wow Trump is a lot dumber than I thought.

He is now saying to all of America that will hold American economy hostage to get himself personally out of the Congressional investigation.

Pelosi and Schummer probably can't belive how easily this chump gets bent over.

Neither side looked good after todays matching of wits. The one who takes the high riad will be the winner in 2020.

Sorta like niether side looked good during the shutdown when Trump approval dropped like a rock?
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
If he was all in for himself, he would have been like Obama...ignoring everything but the Obamacare. The wall would be Trumps major legacy builder but he has worked hard to make the economy as great as it is, not just creating deals for the wall. He has the COUNTRY as his "Must Do List."
Time for the Democrats in government to govern and do something for the Peoples of the USA(legal citizens only) instead of entertaining themselves only by pushing and perpetuating the witch hunt
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
Trump cares about America
Dems care about cheating to win and then accusing the actual winner of what they unsuccessfully attempted
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At least we have to try or keep our bloc solid
Wow Trump is a lot dumber than I thought.

He is now saying to all of America that will hold American economy hostage to get himself personally out of the Congressional investigation.

Pelosi and Schummer probably can't belive how easily this chump gets bent over.

Neither side looked good after todays matching of wits. The one who takes the high riad will be the winner in 2020.

Sorta like niether side looked good during the shutdown when Trump approval dropped like a rock?
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
Any type of deal progressives would come up with would be one-sided… Their side. So why bother?
That is exactly why elections are so important. We need people who can make deals an d not throw grenades right before infrasturcture meetings.
At least we have to try or keep our bloc solid
Wow Trump is a lot dumber than I thought.

He is now saying to all of America that will hold American economy hostage to get himself personally out of the Congressional investigation.

Pelosi and Schummer probably can't belive how easily this chump gets bent over.

Neither side looked good after todays matching of wits. The one who takes the high riad will be the winner in 2020.

Sorta like niether side looked good during the shutdown when Trump approval dropped like a rock?
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
Any type of deal progressives would come up with would be one-sided… Their side. So why bother?

Thats not what Trump is saying though - he is saying that he will not do ANY deals, even if they are good for American economy, untill investigations into his misconduct are dropped.

That is a clear statement to America that he puts his own problems above the problems of the country.

Meanwhile Democrats can now say - see, we can walk and chew gum at the same time, but the guy in the White House is holding American economy hostage.
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President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!
Big deal...that is what Trump always does

Throws a temper tantrum and storms out
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP! Infrastructure Week? :71:

CRCs love them some petulant child as President, don't they? :71:
Why even negotiate? You know it’s going to be one sided with the progressives involved.
Rural America does not need infrastructure....
Missed your link on that. The last I heard, rural America had transportation and needed highways to get their product to the stores.
Time for the Democrats in government to govern and do something for the Peoples of the USA(legal citizens only) instead of entertaining themselves only by pushing and perpetuating the witch hunt
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
Unfortunately for you, in America, there has to be evidence of something that needs oversight or investigation. It’s not a 24 hours 360 degree radar sweep to see if you can conjour up something. Notice how the word conjour fits so well with witch hunt.
Last edited:
At least we have to try or keep our bloc solid
Neither side looked good after todays matching of wits. The one who takes the high riad will be the winner in 2020.

Sorta like niether side looked good during the shutdown when Trump approval dropped like a rock?
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
Any type of deal progressives would come up with would be one-sided… Their side. So why bother?

Thats not what Trump is saying though - he is saying that he will not do ANY deals, even if they are good for America, untill investigations into his misconduct are dropped.
Seems to be an abuse of power

Offering to do his job only if his crimes are ignored
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
Unfortunately for you, in America, there has to be evidence of something that needs oversight or investigation. It’s not a 24 hours 360 degree radar sweep to see if you can conjour up something. Notice how the word conjoyr fits so well with witch hunt.
Mueller released a very damning report and left it up to congress to pursue further. And so they will, despite Trump and Barr’s obstruction. Didn’t Nixon’s AG go to prison? Barr better watch himself.
At least we have to try or keep our bloc solid
Neither side looked good after todays matching of wits. The one who takes the high riad will be the winner in 2020.

Sorta like niether side looked good during the shutdown when Trump approval dropped like a rock?
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
Any type of deal progressives would come up with would be one-sided… Their side. So why bother?

Thats not what Trump is saying though - he is saying that he will not do ANY deals, even if they are good for American economy, untill investigations into his misconduct are dropped.

That is a clear statement to America that he puts his own problems above the problems of the country.

Meanwhile Democrats can now say - see, we can walk and chew gum at the same time, but the guy int he White House doesn't want to work with us to improve American economy.
Rural America does not need infrastructure, It was always planned to be one-sided… The progressive side.
Time for the Democrats in government to govern and do something for the Peoples of the USA(legal citizens only) instead of entertaining themselves only by pushing and perpetuating the witch hunt
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
You know, being president of the US has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. And that's when Congress and the people have their back. Can you imagine just how hard the left makes that job harder when they can't even talk about infrasturucture without saying minutes before the meeting, he's a criminal? Like a fireman fighting earthquakes on the way to putting out several fires at the same time. Rough.
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
Unfortunately for you, in America, there has to be evidence of something that needs oversight or investigation. It’s not a 24 hours 360 degree radar sweep to see if you can conjour up something. Notice how the word conjoyr fits so well with witch hunt.

And there is - it's called the Mueller report, Part II and it contains 10 episodes of possible Obstruction of Justice by the President for Congress to consider holding POTUS accountable for.
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP! Infrastructure Week? :71:

CRCs love them some petulant child as President, don't they? :71:
Why even negotiate? You know it’s going to be one sided with the progressives involved.
Rural America does not need infrastructure....
Missed your link on that. The last I heard, rural America had transportation and needed highways to get their product to the stores.
The vast majority of the roads in rural America are state/privately funded
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
You know, being president of the US has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. And that's when Congress and the people have their back. Can you imagine just how hard the left makes that job harder when they can't even talk about infrasturucture without saying minutes before the meeting, he's a criminal? Like a fireman fighting earthquakes on the way to putting out several fires at the same time. Rough.
May I remind of your behavior for 8 years under Obama? Go fuck yourself you piece of trash.
The Left will be getting their heads handed to them in 2020.

The Political momentum is all with Trump and against The Left Tard Horde of Incompetent and Unaccomplished Idiots all wanting to be President.

Super Majority 2020!

This post will come back to haunt you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry Left Tard, but it won't

I can give you a million reasons why.

But let me give you a quote from your dear lying leader Nazi Pelosi.

'We need to take back Control of Congress so we can make Trump Accountable"

And then of course everyone was told to STFU about Impeachment while they were trying to get elected.

Then Now

"We have to keep Control of Congress so we should not go after President Trump to hold him accountable"

Instead of trying to impeach him....they can't...they are just going to try to harass him.....and get NOTHING DONE.

And they will be voted out for accomplishing absolutely nothing

Super Majority 2020!

you said the same thing before the 2018 elections about the Repubs

Actually I said we would gain seats in The Senate and outperform the usual historical midterm losses for a president in The House.

Thanks to gerrymandering you didn't lose more seats. You guys lost the house by about 8.5% of the popular vote. Republicans haven't had those numbers in ages, nobody has.
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP! Infrastructure Week? :71:

CRCs love them some petulant child as President, don't they? :71:
Why even negotiate? You know it’s going to be one sided with the progressives involved.
Rural America does not need infrastructure....
Missed your link on that. The last I heard, rural America had transportation and needed highways to get their product to the stores.
The vast majority of the roads in rural America are state/privately funded
Yes they do love to leech off their cities.
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!

So, the 8 year old fat ass Big Mac chomping 'obstructor in chief' just threw another TANTRUM.

Yep, that fat ass pig is not fit for office.

I think a prison cell would suit him much better.
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
Unfortunately for you, in America, there has to be evidence of something that needs oversight or investigation. It’s not a 24 hours 360 degree radar sweep to see if you can conjour up something. Notice how the word conjoyr fits so well with witch hunt.
Mueller released a very damning report and left it up to congress to pursue further. And so they will, despite Trump and Barr’s obstruction. Didn’t Nixon’s AG go to prison? Barr better watch himself.
Mueller released a damning report? How many reports were there. The report I heard of did not cite any crimes against Trump. Better start watching the real news.

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