Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag

Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Why is it irresponsible? Ever heard of the first amendment?
In other words, you don't know why you think it was irresponsible.
Dont get mad because you didnt know trying to jail people for burning the flag was against the first amendment.
I'm not mad - or angry - I'm just trying to help you with your obvious difficulties in thinking your way through this issue.
The right wing version of PC.

I hate to see the flag being burned, but I'll defend you if you do it.

Same as if you don't want to bake a cake.

So much for freedom of expression.
I'll never defend flag-burning.
I might buy you a ticket to Cuba if you don't like America.

What will that do if you buy someone a ticket to Cuba? When they come back from vacation they can just keep burning flags.
I think getting out of the US is an eye-opener for snowflakes.
Getting out of the US is an eye opener for anyone. I still dont get your point.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
I think being drawn and quartered would be a good idea.

Some countries you get jail time for stepping on their currency because it has a picture of the king on it. (Thailand)

Singapore will lock you up for spitting on the sidewalk.

Being drawn and quartered is somewhat harsh.

Smashed hands, though, so that they could never again grasp and light a match (or hold a fork to feed themselves) would be more appropriate.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.
Why is it irresponsible? Ever heard of the first amendment?
In other words, you don't know why you think it was irresponsible.
Dont get mad because you didnt know trying to jail people for burning the flag was against the first amendment.
I'm not mad - or angry - I'm just trying to help you with your obvious difficulties in thinking your way through this issue.
Obviously you are angry. Youre embarrassed you didnt know what Drumpf is proposing is against the first amendment.
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

If Trump was such a patriot he would not of screwed so many small businessman and hired the best attorney to get out of paying taxes. He is what is wrong with America, and to be frank he nor his sons joined the military.
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

Are you pissed off at her wearing the flag or her attitude? I dont understand what you are saying and what her views have to do with it.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.

Whats irresponsible about promoting facism??? You got to be kidding me.
In other words you have no idea what the word fascism means.

So it's not fascist to throw citizens in jail for dissenting?
No one is being thrown in jail for dissenting. Trump is grahphically expressing an opinion, and you are claiming it is irresponsible and even fascist of him to exercise his first amendment rights. By your reasoning you must be a fascist.
'Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag'

Is ANYONE surprised the hypocritical, Flip-Flopping Snowflakes haven't mentioned this during their attacks on Trump regarding this issue:

"Trump takes heat for wanting to outlaw flag burning -- but Clinton wanted the same in 2005"

Hillary Clinton CO-SPONSORED a Bill in 2005 that would have criminalized burning the American Flag?!
-- Trump takes heat for wanting to outlaw flag burning -- but Clinton wanted the same in 2005

"Trump’s suggestions are similar to a bill pushed in the Senate in 2005 that would criminalize flag burning – a bill that was co-sponsored by then-Sen. Hillary Clinton."

The Snowflakes attacks on Trump prove THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR OWN CANDIDATE! If they did know this about Hillary it just proves how pathetic, hypocritical dirtbags they are to attack Trump for believing something that Senator Clinton tried to take legislative action on!

The more likely story is that the ignorant, Trump-hating SHEEP heard / read Trump wanted to criminalize flag burning and quickly moved to attack him for it...not being smart / informed enough to realize Trump is just piggy-backing off HILLARY's beliefs, which she tried to criminalize as a Senator.

Way to go, Snowflakes - way to keep make yourselves look ignorant!


'Goofy' Snowflakes :p
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.

Nice spin but a strong objection and being jailed are not the same spin meister
lol Who was jailed?
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.

Whats irresponsible about promoting facism??? You got to be kidding me.
In other words you have no idea what the word fascism means.

So it's not fascist to throw citizens in jail for dissenting?
No one is being thrown in jail for dissenting. Trump is grahphically expressing an opinion, and you are claiming it is irresponsible and even fascist of him to exercise his first amendment rights. By your reasoning you must be a fascist.

Try harder to make sense. Calling Drumpf irresponsible for making that statement is not the same as jailing him for making that statement.
Require flag burners to burn a flag in front of the Gold Star families and our disabled veterans.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
He's entitled to his opinion just like the rest of us.

Personally I fail to see how a physical activity can be considered free speech. It's like saying blacks protesting perceived oppression have the right to shit on or burn police cars.
You dont have to see how its considered free speech. They have people smarter than you that says it is. Youre comparing apples and oranges. Shitting or burning someone elses property is not considered free speech.
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

Are you pissed off at her wearing the flag or her attitude? I dont understand what you are saying and what her views have to do with it.

Both...I think of wearing the flag is a honor... I was raised that way as my father fought in WWII

When you wear it disrespectfully I find it very upsetting, while it dishonors the life's taken while fighting for our freedoms.

The woman is the bikini is nothing like the Muslim woman being cocky and has past history of supporting terrorists..

Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
I think being drawn and quartered would be a good idea.

Some countries you get jail time for stepping on their currency because it has a picture of the king on it. (Thailand)

Singapore will lock you up for spitting on the sidewalk.

Being drawn and quartered is somewhat harsh.

Smashed hands, though, so that they could never again grasp and light a match (or hold a fork to feed themselves) would be more appropriate.
I think kicking em off of section 8 would do the same thing.
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

Are you pissed off at her wearing the flag or her attitude? I dont understand what you are saying and what her views have to do with it.

Both...I think of wearing the flag is a honor... I was raised that way as my father fought in WWII

When you wear it disrespectfully I find it very upsetting, while it dishonors the life's taken while fighting for our freedoms.

The woman is the bikini is nothing like the Muslim woman being cocky and has past history of supporting terrorists..

I never knew wearing a flag was an honor. I was in the military and we were brainwashed to believe it couldnt even touch the ground let alone be worn by anyone.
'Trump wants to throw people in jail or take away their citizenship for burning the American flag'

Is ANYONE surprised the hypocritical, Flip-Flopping Snowflakes haven't mentioned this during their attacks on Trump regarding this issue:

"Trump takes heat for wanting to outlaw flag burning -- but Clinton wanted the same in 2005"

Hillary Clinton CO-SPONSORED a Bill in 2005 that would have criminalized burning the American Flag?!
-- Trump takes heat for wanting to outlaw flag burning -- but Clinton wanted the same in 2005

"Trump’s suggestions are similar to a bill pushed in the Senate in 2005 that would criminalize flag burning – a bill that was co-sponsored by then-Sen. Hillary Clinton."

The Snowflakes attacks on Trump prove THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR OWN CANDIDATE! If they did know this about Hillary it just proves how pathetic, hypocritical dirtbags they are to attack Trump for believing something that Senator Clinton tried to take legislative action on!

The more likely story is that the ignorant, Trump-hating SHEEP heard / read Trump wanted to criminalize flag burning and quickly moved to attack him for it...not being smart / informed enough to realize Trump is just piggy-backing off HILLARY's beliefs, which she tried to criminalize as a Senator.

Way to go, Snowflakes - way to keep make yourselves look ignorant!

View attachment 100326

'Goofy' Snowflakes :p

Yes, Red, and she took flack for that too. She also voted against the Flag Burning Amendment. But she is not the one pushing the buttons. The Groper Elect is.
Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail -

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.
Why is it irresponsible? He is graphically expressing a strong objection to burning the flag. I'll bet most Americans share his feelings about it.

I find the idea of burning the American flag objectionable, borderline reprehensible. That being said, should Donald Dump do something along the lines described in the OP, I will be among the first to burn an American flag in the middle of the street shouting "First Amendment Mother Fucker!"
What about wearing the flag on your head? This actually pisses me off.

Why does that piss you off?

Does this piss you off?


You obviously did not see her on the news this last summer...I found it very disrespectful.
She was cocky as hell while having "ulterior motives" ... You have to look at her past to see her intentions..

American domestic law enforcement policies have also received Ahmed’s condemnation during the 2010 trial of Mohamed Mohamud. An FBI sting operation had caught Mohamud seeking to detonate what he thought was a van loaded with explosives in downtown Portland, although his legal defense claimed entrapment.

Mohamud’s “family friend,” Ahmed condemned officials for irresponsible behavior, saying that the “Muslim community is the one suffering the consequences.” Ahmed concluded in charging the government with incitement after arson at Mohamud’s mosque. “We will take very serious action – politically and legally – against the government for this.”

Are you pissed off at her wearing the flag or her attitude? I dont understand what you are saying and what her views have to do with it.

Both...I think of wearing the flag is a honor... I was raised that way as my father fought in WWII

When you wear it disrespectfully I find it very upsetting, while it dishonors the life's taken while fighting for our freedoms.

The woman is the bikini is nothing like the Muslim woman being cocky and has past history of supporting terrorists..

I never knew wearing a flag was an honor. I was in the military and we were brainwashed to believe it couldnt even touch the ground let alone be worn by anyone.

Yes I remember that, and it has to be folded in a respectful way. ( I was in the Girl scouts. and had a full sash of patches ( which I find to be an honer as well.) .... I mean wearing the symbol of the flag is an honor.. Not the flag itself..


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