Trump wants US Army to be a "PAID" Guard Dog for SAUDIS!!!

What ideals did Obama send our troops to war for when he ordered them to aid the terrorists who slaughterd over 1,000 US citizens and who had recruited juhadists from all over the world for a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops?!

Please, do tell...

He did a mistake, a bad mistake.

But you know what is worse than making a bad mistake?
Making the mistake because somebody paid you good money for it.

This Trump guy says he would support Saudis, who caused 9/11 and all the evils this nation had to bear for the last 10 years, if they paid the right amount, and you support Trump?
Picking up 1% milk at the store instead of 2% is a mistake.

Intentionally bypassing Congress because you KNOW you will never get the authorization to use the military to help terrorists take over a country THEN taking the nation to war on his own, ordering our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 US citizens, and then later hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' a now-DEAD US Ambassador is NOT a 'mistake'. THAT is TREASON!

YUP, and this is how you are being a patriot ha, accusing the president of your own country as a traitor.

So this is what right wing came down to.

You are the traitors to this nation, in my honest opinion. Despicable, simply despicable....

Coming form a coward who will not serve his country, that is a compliment.
What ideals did Obama send our troops to war for when he ordered them to aid the terrorists who slaughterd over 1,000 US citizens and who had recruited juhadists from all over the world for a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops?!

Please, do tell...

He did a mistake, a bad mistake.

But you know what is worse than making a bad mistake?
Making the mistake because somebody paid you good money for it.

This Trump guy says he would support Saudis, who caused 9/11 and all the evils this nation had to bear for the last 10 years, if they paid the right amount, and you support Trump?

Oh, he did a little mistake. LOL!! Hillary got all those guys killed at the embassy too. The military had assets ready to go. She lied through her teeth about the emails. She lied about being under fire in Bosnia. Tell me how you support all those ideals again.

You are old, your eyes not capable of reading anymore either. I said a BAD mistake, not a little mistake.

So Obama, knowingly supported ISIS. Hillary knowingly caused killings of the seals. Is that what you want to say?

Say it out loud, "USA is a fucked up corrupt country, it elects corrupt traitor as president."

So we can just call the day and walk out of this country, since it is this corrupt. And call this "patriotism"....

You dont know what you are talking about, nor what your word meaning...

You refuse to see the woods for the trees. If you were a patriot, you would have volunteered to serve in the military. Now you can come back and claim you have some disability that prevented your service. You are a loser.
No it can. This is worse.

This is not the way to treat your soldiers who are risking their lives, as a president of this country. Sending them the way of whoever pays the right price... This is what pimps do to their hos.

A president should send their soldiers to wars for ideals, not for money. At least act like they do so. SO that the people enlisting for the army know they are fighting for something bigger than them, rather than for some lousy ass Saudi sheikhs oil money...

Tell us all about your own experience in combat please since you are apparently such an expert.

What does this have to do with any combat experience?

When you start wars, or when you join wars, some people die, some people get wounded and never heal for the rest of their lives.

And if this was Trump sending troops to war, defending Saudis, just because Saudis were able to pay the right price, what he was gonna tell the families of the fallen, or the people that are gonna be disabled for the rest of their lives at the end?

"Well, they died but we made good money..." ???

Is this how you see this country.

If so, go ahead, vote for this guy. I wouldn't care less.......

But I know there are a lot of people who see this country as a country of ideals, and believe or want to believe this is what this country is fighting for, when it is fighting.

You can go believe whatever you want to believe. This is a free country after all...............

That's exactly what I figured. You're beating your gums about guys fighting wars and have never put on a uniform yourself. Your kind are disgusting.

No, you are the disgusting one. How do you know anything about what uniform I put on?

You did put a uniform but you had no idea what that uniform meant!!!!! PITY YOU!!!

You wear a Boy Scouts uniform or something? I do know this. We shouldn't have ever gotten involved in that country's civil war either. All those guys died and got maimed for what? We pulled out and left a whole lot of people who worked for our government over there to be killed and imprisoned. I did get a college education out of the G.I. Bill so I guess I'm a mercenary too?

Like I said and you make it perfectly clear, this thread is just another Trump bashing thread and you turn a blind eye to what Obama and Hillary have done. Typical Liberal.

Shouldnt wouldnt.... that dont change anything, does it?

Presidents of this country started wars, ended wars, throughout history.
Some were just some were not.
But nobody, but nobody, did go as low as your candidate, who offered his soldiers up for sale to Saudis, for the right price.

Now you can be proud of your choice....... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Tell us all about your own experience in combat please since you are apparently such an expert.

What does this have to do with any combat experience?

When you start wars, or when you join wars, some people die, some people get wounded and never heal for the rest of their lives.

And if this was Trump sending troops to war, defending Saudis, just because Saudis were able to pay the right price, what he was gonna tell the families of the fallen, or the people that are gonna be disabled for the rest of their lives at the end?

"Well, they died but we made good money..." ???

Is this how you see this country.

If so, go ahead, vote for this guy. I wouldn't care less.......

But I know there are a lot of people who see this country as a country of ideals, and believe or want to believe this is what this country is fighting for, when it is fighting.

You can go believe whatever you want to believe. This is a free country after all...............

That's exactly what I figured. You're beating your gums about guys fighting wars and have never put on a uniform yourself. Your kind are disgusting.

No, you are the disgusting one. How do you know anything about what uniform I put on?

You did put a uniform but you had no idea what that uniform meant!!!!! PITY YOU!!!

You wear a Boy Scouts uniform or something? I do know this. We shouldn't have ever gotten involved in that country's civil war either. All those guys died and got maimed for what? We pulled out and left a whole lot of people who worked for our government over there to be killed and imprisoned. I did get a college education out of the G.I. Bill so I guess I'm a mercenary too?

Like I said and you make it perfectly clear, this thread is just another Trump bashing thread and you turn a blind eye to what Obama and Hillary have done. Typical Liberal.

Shouldnt wouldnt.... that dont change anything, does it?

Presidents of this country started wars, ended wars, throughout history.
Some were just some were not.
But nobody, but nobody, did go as low as your candidate, who offered his soldiers up for sale to Saudis, for the right price.

Now you can be proud of your choice....... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

No, it justifies the fact that you are all talk and no action and a coward yourself. You fault Trump but spin and protect Hillary and Obama.
What does this have to do with any combat experience?

When you start wars, or when you join wars, some people die, some people get wounded and never heal for the rest of their lives.

And if this was Trump sending troops to war, defending Saudis, just because Saudis were able to pay the right price, what he was gonna tell the families of the fallen, or the people that are gonna be disabled for the rest of their lives at the end?

"Well, they died but we made good money..." ???

Is this how you see this country.

If so, go ahead, vote for this guy. I wouldn't care less.......

But I know there are a lot of people who see this country as a country of ideals, and believe or want to believe this is what this country is fighting for, when it is fighting.

You can go believe whatever you want to believe. This is a free country after all...............

That's exactly what I figured. You're beating your gums about guys fighting wars and have never put on a uniform yourself. Your kind are disgusting.

No, you are the disgusting one. How do you know anything about what uniform I put on?

You did put a uniform but you had no idea what that uniform meant!!!!! PITY YOU!!!

You wear a Boy Scouts uniform or something? I do know this. We shouldn't have ever gotten involved in that country's civil war either. All those guys died and got maimed for what? We pulled out and left a whole lot of people who worked for our government over there to be killed and imprisoned. I did get a college education out of the G.I. Bill so I guess I'm a mercenary too?

Like I said and you make it perfectly clear, this thread is just another Trump bashing thread and you turn a blind eye to what Obama and Hillary have done. Typical Liberal.

Shouldnt wouldnt.... that dont change anything, does it?

Presidents of this country started wars, ended wars, throughout history.
Some were just some were not.
But nobody, but nobody, did go as low as your candidate, who offered his soldiers up for sale to Saudis, for the right price.

Now you can be proud of your choice....... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

No, it justifies the fact that you are all talk and no action and a coward yourself. You fault Trump but spin and protect Hillary and Obama.

What else would you do for money???
What ideals did Obama send our troops to war for when he ordered them to aid the terrorists who slaughterd over 1,000 US citizens and who had recruited juhadists from all over the world for a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops?!

Please, do tell...

He did a mistake, a bad mistake.

But you know what is worse than making a bad mistake?
Making the mistake because somebody paid you good money for it.

This Trump guy says he would support Saudis, who caused 9/11 and all the evils this nation had to bear for the last 10 years, if they paid the right amount, and you support Trump?
Picking up 1% milk at the store instead of 2% is a mistake.

Intentionally bypassing Congress because you KNOW you will never get the authorization to use the military to help terrorists take over a country THEN taking the nation to war on his own, ordering our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 US citizens, and then later hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' a now-DEAD US Ambassador is NOT a 'mistake'. THAT is TREASON!

YUP, and this is how you are being a patriot ha, accusing the president of your own country as a traitor.

So this is what right wing came down to.

You are the traitors to this nation, in my honest opinion. Despicable, simply despicable....
That's what he is...that is the only thing you can call what he did. He took the country to war on his own and forced our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans...then he HIRED those same terrorists to 'guard' a US Ambassador...who they ASSASSINATED!

There is NOTHING else to call such actions taken by a US President than TREASON!
What ideals did Obama send our troops to war for when he ordered them to aid the terrorists who slaughterd over 1,000 US citizens and who had recruited juhadists from all over the world for a decade to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops?!

Please, do tell...

He did a mistake, a bad mistake.

But you know what is worse than making a bad mistake?
Making the mistake because somebody paid you good money for it.

This Trump guy says he would support Saudis, who caused 9/11 and all the evils this nation had to bear for the last 10 years, if they paid the right amount, and you support Trump?
Picking up 1% milk at the store instead of 2% is a mistake.

Intentionally bypassing Congress because you KNOW you will never get the authorization to use the military to help terrorists take over a country THEN taking the nation to war on his own, ordering our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 US citizens, and then later hiring Al Qaeida to 'protect' a now-DEAD US Ambassador is NOT a 'mistake'. THAT is TREASON!

YUP, and this is how you are being a patriot ha, accusing the president of your own country as a traitor.

So this is what right wing came down to.

You are the traitors to this nation, in my honest opinion. Despicable, simply despicable....
That's what he is...that is the only thing you can call what he did. He took the country to war on his own and forced our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans...then he HIRED those same terrorists to 'guard' a US Ambassador...who they ASSASSINATED!

There is NOTHING else to call such actions taken by a US President than TREASON!

Then call Bush a traitor too while you are there, and the president before that, and the one before that...

The list goes on and on....

Any president who did have any relations with Saudis, are traitors then, since they were behind 9/11 attacks and the ISIS terrorist...

Not to mention Trump planning to save the Saudis for the "right" price, this makes him a mercenary traitor then...

I think you guys just dont know what you are talking about.
There it from the fact that Obama is a traitor while screaming 'BUUUUSSSSHHH!'

Obama facilitated the assassination of a US actually hiring the same terrorists that slaughtered over 1,000 Americans to 'guard' that Ambassador.

WTF is wrong with you people that you will refuse to acknowedge this and ignore it!

The 'Nobel Prize Winner' dragged this country to war, has been fighting his own proxy war with Syria/Assad, and put terrorists in place to assassinate a US Ambassador....

Good God! Wake the F* Up!
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There it from the fact that Obama is a traitor while screaming 'BUUUUSSSSHHH!'

No US presidents are traitors.
Because US is much better than that...

God Bless America!

If you don't agree, you are the traitor...

“Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia,” he said. "I would want to protect Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down ... they were making $1 billion a day.”

Not for ideals, not for humanitarian reasons, not for friendship, but just FOR MONEY...
How typical...

Trump: 'I would want to protect Saudi Arabia'

So how is doing it for nothing better?

Not only should Saudi Arabia pay us, but so should South Korea, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Kuwait and dozens of other countries.
JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia does not plan to start a war with Iran because it would be “catastrophic” for the region, according to Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Economist magazine published on Thursday, he said: “It is something that we do not foresee at all, and whoever is pushing toward that is somebody who is not in their right mind. Because a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is the beginning of a major catastrophe in the region. ... For sure we will not allow any such thing.”

KSA rules out Iran war

Don't worry , Israel will go over in the middle of the night and bomb Iran's reactor, just like they did Iraq and Syria, although it was in vain both times.

and we give Israel $4 billion a year for failing .... sounds like a Republican plan to me.

What did they fail at?
There it from the fact that Obama is a traitor while screaming 'BUUUUSSSSHHH!'

No US presidents are traitors.
Because US is much better than that...

God Bless America!

If you don't agree, you are the traitor...

The US is much better than that....but this son of a bitch forced this nation who lost over 1,000 Americans to these terrorists to fight FOR them so they could have their own country...then hired these terrorists to 'guard' our Ambassador - putting them in place to assassinate him.

You can stick your head in the sand, keep mumbling how 'NO' US President is a traitor while intentionally ignoring what Obama did so you can continue to live in your fantasy world, but this is what he did...and what he did is called 'TREASON'!
Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

How much you want to shut the fuck up?

Since you are willing to send US troops to death for cash, it shouldn't cost me much to shut you up.
Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

How much you want to shut the fuck up?

Since you are willing to send US troops to death for cash, it shouldn't cost me much to shut you up.

Whereas you want to make them Saudi Arabia's bitches for free.

Nope, I want them out of there. Not fight anybody elses wars others than this nations.

But you like the idea to be a bitch to Saudis, for money.
Thats the difference between me and you...
Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

How much you want to shut the fuck up?

Since you are willing to send US troops to death for cash, it shouldn't cost me much to shut you up.

Whereas you want to make them Saudi Arabia's bitches for free.

Nope, I want them out of there. Not fight anybody elses wars others than this nations.

But you like the idea to be a bitch to Saudis, for money.
Thats the difference between me and you...

So then you also support getting them out of Germany, Italy, Denmark, Britain, Netherlands, South Korea and Japan, right?
Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

How much you want to shut the fuck up?

Since you are willing to send US troops to death for cash, it shouldn't cost me much to shut you up.

Whereas you want to make them Saudi Arabia's bitches for free.

Nope, I want them out of there. Not fight anybody elses wars others than this nations.

But you like the idea to be a bitch to Saudis, for money.
Thats the difference between me and you...

So then you also support getting them out of Germany, Italy, Denmark, Britain, Netherlands, South Korea and Japan, right?

Do you read ENGLISH?

This asshole is planning to take Saudis money and in return send US troops to war, to fight for them. Saudis,... who were behind 9/11 and ISIS.

What part of this you dont understand, you bone head??? You are all stupid or acting stupid like Trump?

Now go play with yourself...

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