Trump wants US Army to be a "PAID" Guard Dog for SAUDIS!!!

Did the Saudis slaughter over 1,000 Americans? No, Al Qaeuda did...yet Obama forced our military to fight for THEM for FREE!

Hillary has taken money from nations that support and fund terrorism, that murders homosexuals, and that oppresses women and engages in the mutulation of female genitals....

Yet you have a problem with someone finally demanding nations we defend or protect pay for part of the

Hate to break it to you but while we gave soend billins / trillions and hunan lives in the ME for decades for our own interests we have been doing so for Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, SAUDI, etc at the same time while getting nothing for doing so. And you want to keep doing so...
Did the Saudis slaughter over 1,000 Americans? No, Al Qaeuda did...yet Obama forced our military to fight for THEM for FREE!

Hillary has taken money from nations that support and fund terrorism, that murders homosexuals, and that oppresses women and engages in the mutulation of female genitals....

Yet you have a problem with someone finally demanding nations we defend or protect pay for part of the

Hate to break it to you but while we gave soend billins / trillions and hunan lives in the ME for decades for our own interests we have been doing so for Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, SAUDI, etc at the same time while getting nothing for doing so. And you want to keep doing so...

Goood, show us your real face. Show us what a Saudi lover you are. I bet you are an islamist too.
A perfect fir for trump...

And yet you have the nerve to call a US president a traitor.
It is obvious who is the traitor....
How am I a 'Saudi Lover' by pointing out US military actions paid for by the US alone in the ME has benefitted multiple ME nations to include Saudi? Does pointing out that our continual defense of S Korea FOR FREE make me a 'S Korea Lover'?

And how does forcing our military to help the terrorists who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans AND hiring these terrorists to guard a US Ambassador - putting them in place to assassinate him - NOT make Obama a Traitor?!

Me, an Islamist? are an idiot.

Again, continue to deny Obama helped Al Qaeda, who slaughtered Americans in the worst such attack in US history...ignore the FACT that Obama/Hillary hired Ambassador Stevens' assassins to guard him. You claim someone who betrays his own people this way is NOT a traitor. If not, then he us the biggest F*ing IDIOT to wver serve as President. The FACT is these were a betrayal of his own nation and of Amvasador Stevens.

It's a free country, and it is your right to pull for traitors...just have the brains and / or balls to admit that's what you're doing.
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Alpine, put on your little Boy Scout's uniform and follow this one to hell and back. She's an experienced combat veteran:

How much you want to shut the fuck up?

Since you are willing to send US troops to death for cash, it shouldn't cost me much to shut you up.

Whereas you want to make them Saudi Arabia's bitches for free.

Nope, I want them out of there. Not fight anybody elses wars others than this nations.

But you like the idea to be a bitch to Saudis, for money.
Thats the difference between me and you...

So then you also support getting them out of Germany, Italy, Denmark, Britain, Netherlands, South Korea and Japan, right?

Do you read ENGLISH?

This asshole is planning to take Saudis money and in return send US troops to war, to fight for them. Saudis,... who were behind 9/11 and ISIS.

What part of this you dont understand, you bone head??? You are all stupid or acting stupid like Trump?

Now go play with yourself...

We have already sent U.S. troops to war to protect Saudi Arabia, and what did we get for it? Why should we do it for free?

What part of that don't you understand, eh bone head?
Did the Saudis slaughter over 1,000 Americans? No, Al Qaeuda did...yet Obama forced our military to fight for THEM for FREE!

Hillary has taken money from nations that support and fund terrorism, that murders homosexuals, and that oppresses women and engages in the mutulation of female genitals....

Yet you have a problem with someone finally demanding nations we defend or protect pay for part of the

Hate to break it to you but while we gave soend billins / trillions and hunan lives in the ME for decades for our own interests we have been doing so for Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, SAUDI, etc at the same time while getting nothing for doing so. And you want to keep doing so...

Goood, show us your real face. Show us what a Saudi lover you are. I bet you are an islamist too.
A perfect fir for trump...

And yet you have the nerve to call a US president a traitor.
It is obvious who is the traitor....

Obama is a traitor. His immigration "policy" (if you can call it that) alone is enough to make him a traitor.
What I heard from Rush Limbaugh is that Trump is following the rules of this book "The Art of the Deal."

What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible. And after that you negotiate to get what you really wanted.

Trump Supporter: Read The Art of the Deal to Understand What He's Doing - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible"

What is his "outrageous" demand?
Money... :)

And what is he offering in return?
American blood.

Wow, what a negotiator. I am sure sure Americans going to feel safe and secure to know a guy willing to trade them like a cattle, sitting in the office....

"Art of deal"... :)
It is more like "Art of pimpology"
How stupid you people are is beyond imagination...
What I heard from Rush Limbaugh is that Trump is following the rules of this book "The Art of the Deal."

What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible. And after that you negotiate to get what you really wanted.

Trump Supporter: Read The Art of the Deal to Understand What He's Doing - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible"

What is his "outrageous" demand?
Money... :)

And what is he offering in return?
American blood.

Wow, what a negotiator. I am sure sure Americans going to feel safe and secure to know a guy willing to trade them like a cattle, sitting in the office....

"Art of deal"... :)
It is more like "Art of pimpology"
How stupid you people are is beyond imagination...

I never negotiate a business deal. I make a quote and keep steadfast with it. You can either accept my offer or refuse it.
What I heard from Rush Limbaugh is that Trump is following the rules of this book "The Art of the Deal."

What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible. And after that you negotiate to get what you really wanted.

Trump Supporter: Read The Art of the Deal to Understand What He's Doing - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"What that means is before a negotiation, you demand the most outrageous terms possible"

What is his "outrageous" demand?
Money... :)

And what is he offering in return?
American blood.

Wow, what a negotiator. I am sure sure Americans going to feel safe and secure to know a guy willing to trade them like a cattle, sitting in the office....

"Art of deal"... :)
It is more like "Art of pimpology"
How stupid you people are is beyond imagination...

I never negotiate a business deal. I make a quote and keep steadfast with it. You can either accept my offer or refuse it.

The point is; You DON'T want a guy willing to negotiate to save MONEY, in exchange of AMERICAN LIVES, sitting the office.
On contrary; You want a guy willing to negotiate to save AMERICAN LIVES, in exchange of MONEY, sitting in the office.

It is all about your priorities...
We have already sent U.S. troops to war to protect Saudi Arabia, and what did we get for it? Why should we do it for free?

What part of that don't you understand, eh bone head?

Eh, "you" didn't go to war to protect Saudi Arabia but to carry out Israel's wishes, protect the petro $ and the profits of the arms industry.

But it would be very refreshing to be open about it for a change, the US as the largest mercenary force in the world. Pay enough $$$ and get the liberation/regime change/peace & democracy bombing you want.

Trump / El Chapo 2016!

Hey Alp, you shouldn't want a President who ignores Congess, takes the country to war on his own, and forces our military to help TERRORISTS who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans, either...

....but here you are defending him and attacking someone for saying we should get paid for something we've been doing for free.

MY priority is a President who DOESN'T use and sacrifice American lives to HELP terrorists.
We have already sent U.S. troops to war to protect Saudi Arabia, and what did we get for it? Why should we do it for free?

What part of that don't you understand, eh bone head?

Eh, "you" didn't go to war to protect Saudi Arabia but to carry out Israel's wishes, protect the petro $ and the profits of the arms industry.

But it would be very refreshing to be open about it for a change, the US as the largest mercenary force in the world. Pay enough $$$ and get the liberation/regime change/peace & democracy bombing you want.

Trump / El Chapo 2016!


That isn't why we went to war, dingbat.
Hey Alp, you shouldn't want a President who ignores Congess, takes the country to war on his own, and forces our military to help TERRORISTS who slaughtered over 1,000 Americans, either...

....but here you are defending him and attacking someone for saying we should get paid for something we've been doing for free.

MY priority is a President who DOESN'T use and sacrifice American lives to HELP terrorists.

I am not defending anybody. I agree with you, thats why I didn't vote for Obama. I don't like his foreign policy a bit, except the last second Iranian deal.

He did help the terrorists, he did ally with the thugs of the mid east(Saudis-responsible for 9/11- Qatar Turkey), he fucked it up big time in Syria. I don't want such a president, nobody should.

And thats why I am telling you people, this rich douchebag is no better than Obama, he is even worse, he is willing to help terrorists in exchange of MONEY! Obama did not go that LOW...

But a patriot don't call a US president a traitor, regardless of him being a democrat or a republican, because he is an AMERICAN before everything else.
If people want a rich douchebag turning the US Army into a lap dog for Saudis for MONEY, even tho I find this degrading for this great nation, I will see this as the will of people. I wont claim him being a traitor...
It already is. Has been for many years. Who do Americans think has been propping up the Saudi Royal Family all these years? It's the United States Military. The Saudis would be long dead and buried if it weren't for the U.S. Military.

You do realize that there are no US troops in Saudi Arabia, right? They were all pulled out years ago.

The Saudi Royal Family is still in power due to U.S. money and weapons. There would be no 'Saudi' Arabia without the U.S. Military.
I guess that Donald the Chump doesn't realize that it is illegal to use the US Military as a mercenary force.

Our soldiers are mercenaries. Our Military is used to plunder nations for the Globalist Elites. Who gets rich off Perpetual War? Not the soldiers, not the People. Only the Globalist Elites who keep us in a state of Permanent War.

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