Trump wants US Army to be a "PAID" Guard Dog for SAUDIS!!!

So you say Trump will pull out of middle east completely and let Iran and Russia take over the majority of the world oil reserves on top of what they already have?

Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.

No, I didn't even argue that subject. Because that's not what I am arguing here.

If US should stay or leave mid east, is a whole different subject that would require a lot of data to consider the options. Like;
* what is the oil production of the US
* what are the potential sources
* how much US importing
* what are the consequences of increasing the production
* etc

You look at those figures and decide what to do. Without the data, it would be just a wishful thinking. I would rather have the US get the hell out of the mid east, that's for sure. But I don't know if this is the best interest of the American people at this point. That's why you are electing presidents, to make the best judgement.

The reason I opened this topic is because Trump made such comments that I felt like could be offending to a lot of people in this country, like people who served and currently serving in the army and their families.

If you don't feel offended, that's ok too.

I don't feel offended in the least. What he advocates is a whole lot better than what we have been doing and are now doing.

He is advocating sending troops to fight a war for Saudis, if the Saudis paid the correct amount...

If you dont find this offending, I dont know what you would...

No. He is advocating making the Saudis foot the bill if we have to defend them. Big difference. Let's face it, your total aim here is to just have another thread bashing Trump. Be honest about it at least.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is his comment. Everybody will make their own judgement...
Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.

No, I didn't even argue that subject. Because that's not what I am arguing here.

If US should stay or leave mid east, is a whole different subject that would require a lot of data to consider the options. Like;
* what is the oil production of the US
* what are the potential sources
* how much US importing
* what are the consequences of increasing the production
* etc

You look at those figures and decide what to do. Without the data, it would be just a wishful thinking. I would rather have the US get the hell out of the mid east, that's for sure. But I don't know if this is the best interest of the American people at this point. That's why you are electing presidents, to make the best judgement.

The reason I opened this topic is because Trump made such comments that I felt like could be offending to a lot of people in this country, like people who served and currently serving in the army and their families.

If you don't feel offended, that's ok too.

I don't feel offended in the least. What he advocates is a whole lot better than what we have been doing and are now doing.

He is advocating sending troops to fight a war for Saudis, if the Saudis paid the correct amount...

If you dont find this offending, I dont know what you would...

No. He is advocating making the Saudis foot the bill if we have to defend them. Big difference. Let's face it, your total aim here is to just have another thread bashing Trump. Be honest about it at least.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is his comment. Everybody will make their own judgement...

Yes, and at my age I'll wait until it happens before I lose any sleep over it.
No, I didn't even argue that subject. Because that's not what I am arguing here.

If US should stay or leave mid east, is a whole different subject that would require a lot of data to consider the options. Like;
* what is the oil production of the US
* what are the potential sources
* how much US importing
* what are the consequences of increasing the production
* etc

You look at those figures and decide what to do. Without the data, it would be just a wishful thinking. I would rather have the US get the hell out of the mid east, that's for sure. But I don't know if this is the best interest of the American people at this point. That's why you are electing presidents, to make the best judgement.

The reason I opened this topic is because Trump made such comments that I felt like could be offending to a lot of people in this country, like people who served and currently serving in the army and their families.

If you don't feel offended, that's ok too.

I don't feel offended in the least. What he advocates is a whole lot better than what we have been doing and are now doing.

He is advocating sending troops to fight a war for Saudis, if the Saudis paid the correct amount...

If you dont find this offending, I dont know what you would...

No. He is advocating making the Saudis foot the bill if we have to defend them. Big difference. Let's face it, your total aim here is to just have another thread bashing Trump. Be honest about it at least.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is his comment. Everybody will make their own judgement...

Yes, and at my age I'll wait until it happens before I lose any sleep over it.

Well, at your age, you don't need much sleep either :)
People and their free shit mentality..smh

Not seeing the problem here.

Saudi Arabia is our ally...but they had no qualms driving down the price of oil to destroy our oil industry...How much did that cost us?

Now they need our help...and we'll happily give it to them, but we know they can afford to offset our costs...why shouldn't we require them to do that?

Actually, it's high time we elected a businessman to the Presidency. Let's elect someone who can look out for this nation's interests and run the nation in a businesslike fashion.

There is absolutely no reason we should defend Japan, Germany, or any other nation and maintain military bases within the borders of those nations and pay them rent to maintain bases there for their benefit. Saudi Arabia can certainly pay for our military protection. Apparently, they have some military themselves as well. I totally agree with Trump also that we should have had Iraq pay for our military presence in their country. We should have seized the Iraqi oil and kept it for our own use until we recouped our military expenses. The American taxpayer is simply expected to pay too much already. The costs of providing military bases and military protection for all these nations could be better spent on our own infrastructure and needs here at home.

Really curious how the "evaluation" would work.

As a "bankrupt" businessman, curious for how much Trump would negotiate the price of each fallen American soldier...

100.000$ sounds like a fair price?
or maybe 250.000$?

What is a fair price for AMERICAN BLOOD???

What's the price for American blood now? Who's paying now? The American taxpayer, that's who's footing the bill past and present.
based on suidi sharia
man blood= 100 camel or cow
woman blood = 50 camel or cow
And what if they don't? What if Saudis say: "No, we are not paying anything..."

Then what?

Then, you go to war anyways, because you know you have to. And what you gonna tell your soldiers then? "Well, they didn't pay, but hell to them, we will defend those bastards anyways..."

That's why, he is not gonna be a good president if he keeps talking before thinking...

Then choose option (1) or option (3). So far you haven't made any choice. All you do is complain about Trump.

So you say Trump will pull out of middle east completely and let Iran and Russia take over the majority of the world oil reserves on top of what they already have?

Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.
Those military men you are willing to send to their death to fight another country's war, do not receive a dime of that money....they go to defend the constitution and Nation.

Saudi Arabia is wealthy, why don't they hire mercenaries to do the job? At least the mercenaries get paid 5 to 10 times what our Military men get paid....

WHY DO WE ALWAYS have to be the ones using our Military for countries whose citizens hate us? Bin Laden and 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis....

And Trump wants to negotiate a price for our military men's lives? F-him.

He really is a non thinking duffus, to the nth degree... a complete joke

Fool!! I'm not for sending anyone anywhere. I'm for pulling completely out of the Middle East. You really are a special kind of stupid.
Trump is fine with it, as long as he can negotiate a price for their deaths...
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Where is Lybia?
right across the Mediterranean sea from the tip of Italy....Tripoli at one time had a huge Italian community there and we once had an Air Force base there, but Gadaffi kicked them all out decades ago

but if you are referring to me using the term NATO, I meant to go back in and edit that to coalition of westernized countries.
Then choose option (1) or option (3). So far you haven't made any choice. All you do is complain about Trump.

So you say Trump will pull out of middle east completely and let Iran and Russia take over the majority of the world oil reserves on top of what they already have?

Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.
Those military men you are willing to send to their death to fight another country's war, do not receive a dime of that money....they go to defend the constitution and Nation.

Saudi Arabia is wealthy, why don't they hire mercenaries to do the job? At least the mercenaries get paid 5 to 10 times what our Military men get paid....

WHY DO WE ALWAYS have to be the ones using our Military for countries whose citizens hate us? Bin Laden and 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis....

And Trump wants to negotiate a price for our military men's lives? F-him.

He really is a non thinking duffus, to the nth degree... a complete joke

Fool!! I'm not for sending anyone anywhere. I'm for pulling completely out of the Middle East. You really are a special kind of stupid.
Trump is fine with it, as long as he can negotiate a price for their deaths...

Yeah. Obama and Hillary are perfectly willing to even let our Ambassador die for free.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Listen, she said herself that she prodded Obama. She also said she was the one who prodded Obama to go after Bin Laden. She is quick to take credit when it benefits her just like she voted for the Iraq invasion and now claims she regrets it. Get real.
the Secretary of State is our TOP Diplomat

not a war mongering position but a diplomatic position.

It is not the Secretary of Defense position, or a Top Military commander, or a top CIA position that could reasonably argue for war for security purposes.

She was one of his inner circle of top advisors. Like it or not, she took credit for it by her own mouth.
Did she?
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Where is Lybia?
right across the Mediterranean sea from the tip of Italy....Tripoli at one time had a huge Italian community there and we once had an Air Force base there, but Gadaffi kicked them all out decades ago

but if you are referring to me using the term NATO, I meant to go back in and edit that to coalition of westernized countries.

You mean Libya?
So you say Trump will pull out of middle east completely and let Iran and Russia take over the majority of the world oil reserves on top of what they already have?

Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.
Those military men you are willing to send to their death to fight another country's war, do not receive a dime of that money....they go to defend the constitution and Nation.

Saudi Arabia is wealthy, why don't they hire mercenaries to do the job? At least the mercenaries get paid 5 to 10 times what our Military men get paid....

WHY DO WE ALWAYS have to be the ones using our Military for countries whose citizens hate us? Bin Laden and 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis....

And Trump wants to negotiate a price for our military men's lives? F-him.

He really is a non thinking duffus, to the nth degree... a complete joke

Fool!! I'm not for sending anyone anywhere. I'm for pulling completely out of the Middle East. You really are a special kind of stupid.
Trump is fine with it, as long as he can negotiate a price for their deaths...

Yeah. Obama and Hillary are perfectly willing to even let our Ambassador die for free.
:rolleyes: you are hopeless!!!! :lol:
Where did I say anything about what Trump might or might not do? You're the one with Trump bashing on his brain. I said you offered no solutions at all other than committing American troops to fight yet another war in the Middle East totally paid for by the taxpayer.
Those military men you are willing to send to their death to fight another country's war, do not receive a dime of that money....they go to defend the constitution and Nation.

Saudi Arabia is wealthy, why don't they hire mercenaries to do the job? At least the mercenaries get paid 5 to 10 times what our Military men get paid....

WHY DO WE ALWAYS have to be the ones using our Military for countries whose citizens hate us? Bin Laden and 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis....

And Trump wants to negotiate a price for our military men's lives? F-him.

He really is a non thinking duffus, to the nth degree... a complete joke

Fool!! I'm not for sending anyone anywhere. I'm for pulling completely out of the Middle East. You really are a special kind of stupid.
Trump is fine with it, as long as he can negotiate a price for their deaths...

Yeah. Obama and Hillary are perfectly willing to even let our Ambassador die for free.
:rolleyes: you are hopeless!!!! :lol:

Actually, I'm the honest one on here.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Where is Lybia?
right across the Mediterranean sea from the tip of Italy....Tripoli at one time had a huge Italian community there and we once had an Air Force base there, but Gadaffi kicked them all out decades ago

but if you are referring to me using the term NATO, I meant to go back in and edit that to coalition of westernized countries.

You mean Libya?
Yeah, in Tripoli, Libya.... I am not certain about the rest of Libya having an Italian community, but I know in the city of Tripoli, Libya, they did.
Those military men you are willing to send to their death to fight another country's war, do not receive a dime of that money....they go to defend the constitution and Nation.

Saudi Arabia is wealthy, why don't they hire mercenaries to do the job? At least the mercenaries get paid 5 to 10 times what our Military men get paid....

WHY DO WE ALWAYS have to be the ones using our Military for countries whose citizens hate us? Bin Laden and 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis....

And Trump wants to negotiate a price for our military men's lives? F-him.

He really is a non thinking duffus, to the nth degree... a complete joke

Fool!! I'm not for sending anyone anywhere. I'm for pulling completely out of the Middle East. You really are a special kind of stupid.
Trump is fine with it, as long as he can negotiate a price for their deaths...

Yeah. Obama and Hillary are perfectly willing to even let our Ambassador die for free.
:rolleyes: you are hopeless!!!! :lol:

Actually, I'm the honest one on here.

Agree that you are a legend in your own mind.

So why do liberals have a problem with a nation we agree to help paying part of the cost?

Obama took the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over their own country, and all we got in return was 4 dead Americans...
Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Where is Lybia?
right across the Mediterranean sea from the tip of Italy....Tripoli at one time had a huge Italian community there and we once had an Air Force base there, but Gadaffi kicked them all out decades ago

but if you are referring to me using the term NATO, I meant to go back in and edit that to coalition of westernized countries.

You mean Libya?
Yeah, in Tripoli, Libya.... I am not certain about the rest of Libya having an Italian community, but I know in the city of Tripoli, Libya, they did.

So it's not Lybia like you said?

“Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia,” he said. "I would want to protect Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down ... they were making $1 billion a day.”

Not for ideals, not for humanitarian reasons, not for friendship, but just FOR MONEY...
How typical...

Trump: 'I would want to protect Saudi Arabia'

Donald and Hilary must have coordinated before releasing their joint policy statement.......since Trump obviously works for the Clintons.
So why do liberals have a problem with a nation we agree to help paying part of the cost?

Obama took the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over their own country, and all we got in return was 4 dead Americans...

Trump is not saying a country he would agree to help should share the cost,
he is saying he will agree to help depending on the amount they agree to pay...

SO he simply proposing to sell(or loan or rent) US soldiers like cattles...
so much for Donald and world politics.
I would guess that Hilary pleasures herself every night with a vibrator made in the image of Donald Trump.....since he's the guy who going to get her elected President.
Alpine, Obama forced our military to fight and help the terrorists that attacked us and killed over 1,000 US civilians on 9/11/ don't get much worse than that.

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