Trump wants US Army to be a "PAID" Guard Dog for SAUDIS!!!

People and their free shit mentality..smh

Not seeing the problem here.

Saudi Arabia is our ally...but they had no qualms driving down the price of oil to destroy our oil industry...How much did that cost us?

Now they need our help...and we'll happily give it to them, but we know they can afford to offset our costs...why shouldn't we require them to do that?

Actually, it's high time we elected a businessman to the Presidency. Let's elect someone who can look out for this nation's interests and run the nation in a businesslike fashion.

There is absolutely no reason we should defend Japan, Germany, or any other nation and maintain military bases within the borders of those nations and pay them rent to maintain bases there for their benefit. Saudi Arabia can certainly pay for our military protection. Apparently, they have some military themselves as well. I totally agree with Trump also that we should have had Iraq pay for our military presence in their country. We should have seized the Iraqi oil and kept it for our own use until we recouped our military expenses. The American taxpayer is simply expected to pay too much already. The costs of providing military bases and military protection for all these nations could be better spent on our own infrastructure and needs here at home.

Really curious how the "evaluation" would work.

As a "bankrupt" businessman, curious for how much Trump would negotiate the price of each fallen American soldier...

100.000$ sounds like a fair price?
or maybe 250.000$?

What is a fair price for AMERICAN BLOOD???

What's the price for American blood now? Who's paying now? The American taxpayer, that's who's footing the bill past and present.

American blood is not for sale now. The "Army of the United States" fighting its wars, not for money, but for ideals; for democracy, for liberty, for human rights... For great ideas American people are believing in, which makes this country great... Not for money...

What Trump is suggesting... marketing American blood... is beyond disgusting and the utmost unpatriotic idea I have ever heard, degrading to the American people...

I wonder if he would give them a discount if they paid for 2 wars at once...

I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...
People and their free shit mentality..smh

Not seeing the problem here.

Saudi Arabia is our ally...but they had no qualms driving down the price of oil to destroy our oil industry...How much did that cost us?

Now they need our help...and we'll happily give it to them, but we know they can afford to offset our costs...why shouldn't we require them to do that?

Actually, it's high time we elected a businessman to the Presidency. Let's elect someone who can look out for this nation's interests and run the nation in a businesslike fashion.

There is absolutely no reason we should defend Japan, Germany, or any other nation and maintain military bases within the borders of those nations and pay them rent to maintain bases there for their benefit. Saudi Arabia can certainly pay for our military protection. Apparently, they have some military themselves as well. I totally agree with Trump also that we should have had Iraq pay for our military presence in their country. We should have seized the Iraqi oil and kept it for our own use until we recouped our military expenses. The American taxpayer is simply expected to pay too much already. The costs of providing military bases and military protection for all these nations could be better spent on our own infrastructure and needs here at home.

Really curious how the "evaluation" would work.

As a "bankrupt" businessman, curious for how much Trump would negotiate the price of each fallen American soldier...

100.000$ sounds like a fair price?
or maybe 250.000$?

What is a fair price for AMERICAN BLOOD???

What's the price for American blood now? Who's paying now? The American taxpayer, that's who's footing the bill past and present.

American blood is not for sale now. The "Army of the United States" fighting its wars, not for money, but for ideals; for democracy, for liberty, for human rights... For great ideas American people are believing in, which makes this country great... Not for money...

What Trump is suggesting... marketing American blood... is beyond disgusting and the utmost unpatriotic idea I have ever heard, degrading to the American people...

I wonder if he would give them a discount if they paid for 2 wars at once...

I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.
we should not be sending our military to protect them, our guy's lives are worth more than money.

THIS IS WHY we don't ever want or need a real estate tycoon or businessman to run our Nation.
Really curious how the "evaluation" would work.

As a "bankrupt" businessman, curious for how much Trump would negotiate the price of each fallen American soldier...

100.000$ sounds like a fair price?
or maybe 250.000$?

What is a fair price for AMERICAN BLOOD???

What's the price for American blood now? Who's paying now? The American taxpayer, that's who's footing the bill past and present.

American blood is not for sale now. The "Army of the United States" fighting its wars, not for money, but for ideals; for democracy, for liberty, for human rights... For great ideas American people are believing in, which makes this country great... Not for money...

What Trump is suggesting... marketing American blood... is beyond disgusting and the utmost unpatriotic idea I have ever heard, degrading to the American people...

I wonder if he would give them a discount if they paid for 2 wars at once...

I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.


Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.
It already is. Has been for many years. Who do Americans think has been propping up the Saudi Royal Family all these years? It's the United States Military. The Saudis would be long dead and buried if it weren't for the U.S. Military.
What's the price for American blood now? Who's paying now? The American taxpayer, that's who's footing the bill past and present.

American blood is not for sale now. The "Army of the United States" fighting its wars, not for money, but for ideals; for democracy, for liberty, for human rights... For great ideas American people are believing in, which makes this country great... Not for money...

What Trump is suggesting... marketing American blood... is beyond disgusting and the utmost unpatriotic idea I have ever heard, degrading to the American people...

I wonder if he would give them a discount if they paid for 2 wars at once...

I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.
It already is. Has been for many years. Who do Americans think has been propping up the Saudi Royal Family all these years? It's the United States Military. The Saudis would be long dead and buried if it weren't for the U.S. Military.

Exactly, yet they support radical Islam with their oil money.
We sold our soul to the Saudi devil a long time ago. It's all about that oil cash. We still consider them our 'Good Friends' even after funding 9/11 and creating awful groups like ISIS. Like the song says... "It's money that matters... In the U.S.A."
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
We sold our soul to the Saudi devil a long time ago. It's all about that oil cash. We still consider them our 'Good Friends' even after funding 9/11 and creating awful groups like ISIS. Like the song says... "It's money that matters... In the U.S.A."

Yes. We need people in Washington who can actually think and negotiate in behalf of the American people for a change.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.

Trump isn't saying anything that most past Presidents haven't said. We sold our soul to the Saudi devil a long time ago. They've all bowed to Saudi Kings. And that includes the current U.S. President. I don't expect any change in policy on Saudi Arabia regardless of who the next President is.
American blood is not for sale now. The "Army of the United States" fighting its wars, not for money, but for ideals; for democracy, for liberty, for human rights... For great ideas American people are believing in, which makes this country great... Not for money...

What Trump is suggesting... marketing American blood... is beyond disgusting and the utmost unpatriotic idea I have ever heard, degrading to the American people...

I wonder if he would give them a discount if they paid for 2 wars at once...

I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...
I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is doing this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

It's always about the $$. Why do we still refer to Saudi Arabia as a 'Good Friend?' It's possibly the most evil nation on this earth. You know why we still refer to them as our 'Good Friends?'... Because of the $$.
He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is doing this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

It's always about the $$. Why do we still refer to Saudi Arabia as a 'Good Friend?' It's possibly the most evil nation on this earth. You know why we still refer to them as our 'Good Friends?'... Because of the $$.

I think there is a big difference between fighting for resources that are essential for the survival of your people, and fighting for cash money.

What Trump is suggesting, asking for cash money in exchange of the blood of your own people is unacceptable.

But without oil, without energy;
our children will not survive cold winters/hot summers/epidemics
our society will not prosper
our civilization will not progress

And this is a just cause to fight for, against any force on this planet that are trying to block this nation from accessing to the oil resources...
I believe you are twisting the truth a mite in order to discredit Donald. Our troops are in Japan and Germany and no war is going on there. I am a veteran myself and I say make those countries shoulder some of the load instead of making the taxpayers shoulder all the load. You can take your fake ideals and a dollar and buy yourself a cup of coffee.

He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.
“Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia,” he said. "I would want to protect Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically. They were making, before the oil went down ... they were making $1 billion a day.”

This is hilarious. I don't know why his head doesn't explode from cognitive dissonance. I guess it doesn't because you have to have cognition first.

"Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically." They are, dumbass, by deliberately keeping oil production high so the price of oil drops.

"They were making, before the oil went down, $1 billion a day." Again, the "oil went down" because of Saudi Arabia!

What an idiot.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.

Trump isn't saying anything that most past Presidents haven't said. We sold our soul to the Saudi devil a long time ago. They've all bowed to Saudi Kings. And that includes the current U.S. President. I don't expect any change in policy on Saudi Arabia regardless of who the next President is.

I don't either. I do wish we would open up more of our own lands for exploration though and even more offshore.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a UN Nation coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.
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