Trump wants US Army to be a "PAID" Guard Dog for SAUDIS!!!

It already is. Has been for many years. Who do Americans think has been propping up the Saudi Royal Family all these years? It's the United States Military. The Saudis would be long dead and buried if it weren't for the U.S. Military.

Are you sure?



I would have shown more pix but they are rated XXX.


We can expect trump to hold hands with the Saudi prince if he visits and bow to him like Bush.

trump, for commander in Fief.
Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is doing this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

It's always about the $$. Why do we still refer to Saudi Arabia as a 'Good Friend?' It's possibly the most evil nation on this earth. You know why we still refer to them as our 'Good Friends?'... Because of the $$.

I think there is a big difference between fighting for resources that are essential for the survival of your people, and fighting for cash money.

What Trump is suggesting, asking for cash money in exchange of the blood of your own people is unacceptable.

But without oil, without energy;
our children will not survive cold winters/hot summers/epidemics
our society will not prosper
our civilization will not progress

And this is a just cause to fight for, against any force on this planet that are trying to block this nation from accessing to the oil resources...

It might be were it not that we are sitting on one of the richest oil reserves in the world. It's also a fact that many Liberals and environmentalists don't want us to drill. Now, does it make sense to militarily go after another nation's oil when we refuse to go after our own?
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Listen, she said herself that she prodded Obama. She also said she was the one who prodded Obama to go after Bin Laden. She is quick to take credit when it benefits her just like she voted for the Iraq invasion and now claims she regrets it. Get real.
He is not talking about Japan or Germany. I bet those countries are well capable of defending themselves.

He is talking about SAUDIS and the Iranians getting in a hot war, where armies will fight, and soldiers will die.

I don't know what kind of a veteran you are, but you have missed the WHOLE point of fighting wars, that's for sure...

Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives.
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?
Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives.
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?
as a wife of a Disabled Veteran, I agree with you 100%!
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Listen, she said herself that she prodded Obama. She also said she was the one who prodded Obama to go after Bin Laden. She is quick to take credit when it benefits her just like she voted for the Iraq invasion and now claims she regrets it. Get real.
the Secretary of State is our TOP Diplomat

not a war mongering position but a diplomatic position.

It is not the Secretary of Defense position, or a Top Military commander, or a top CIA position that could reasonably argue for war for security purposes.
Well, just to clue you in, Japan and Germany are prohibited from raising a standing army according to the terms of their surrender. Yes, I certainly missed out on fighting wars. I'm a ten point veteran of the Viet Nam war. I let an arm and part of a shoulder over there. I've seen soldiers die. Actually, I am an isolationist. Those ideals you speak of is exactly why the whole damn Middle East is now a power keg. The United States should never have involved itself in that quagmire.

Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.
Trump's foot in mouth disease and foolishness is making Hillary, (*and Bernie) seem smarter and smarter by the minute.

Even Trump can't make that happen. Hillary is a war hawk. She was instrumental in the ISIS takeover of Libya.
it was a NATO coalition in Lybia because they broke a UN Resolution, not a sole US operation and the President, the CIC is the commander, not the Sec of State or Sec of Defense or Military commanders.

Listen, she said herself that she prodded Obama. She also said she was the one who prodded Obama to go after Bin Laden. She is quick to take credit when it benefits her just like she voted for the Iraq invasion and now claims she regrets it. Get real.
the Secretary of State is our TOP Diplomat

not a war mongering position but a diplomatic position.

It is not the Secretary of Defense position, or a Top Military commander, or a top CIA position that could reasonably argue for war for security purposes.

She was one of his inner circle of top advisors. Like it or not, she took credit for it by her own mouth.
Now you talking... and I agree 100%!

There are no IDEALS in fighting wars for SAUDIS
Let alone asking money for fighting their wars and sacrificing own blood and flesh.



What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...
What we should do is pull all our military out of the Middle East and build a few small military bases along BOTH our borders and then totally secure our borders. BOTH of them. Halt all immigration and refugee relocation until we can complete vet an immigrant or refugee even if that vetting takes a year to accomplish.

China has a very strong military. No one attacks China. You hear of no terrorism in China. China pretty much stays out of conflicts themselves. China has an isolationist policy.

I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.
I could argue regarding China being strong, because they are having trouble with their minorities.
They look strong, but in fact they are not even close to the strength of the US.

Putting this aside; you disagree with Trump, right?
As a veteran who have seen and gone through a lot, you realize how wrong his suggestion is, right?
You know better than anybody else on this forum most likely; what it means to sacrifice own blood and flesh...
His suggestion is to do this in exchange of money... And it is not even his blood or flesh, but sons of this country...

I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...
I'd have to read up on what he said. I do know he said that we should not pay Japan or Germany to have bases there and that he would have seized the Iraqi oil fields until we recouped our military costs. I really haven't kept up with anything concerning him and the Saudis.
I do support him over either Bernie or Hillary though. I support Cruz and Rand Paul but I admit Rand hasn't a snowball's chance.
I do believe Trump will support the military and the veterans a whole lot better than either Hillary or Bernie. Hillary is already talking about cutting the military more.

“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...

I appreciate your opinion but I submit that what your real purpose is is simply another Trump attack. You attack the man without considering the alternative. That alternative is to allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia which will result in their controlling even more of the world's oil supply. All Trump is really doing is telling everyone that should he commit to their defense, they will have to bear some or all of the expense. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that I can see. You can blow your horn and claim patriotism and bang yoyr drum all you wish. I see through it.
The simple fact is that there are three options: (1) support Iran, (2) support Saudi Arabia, or (3) get the hell out of the Middle East and drill your own oil.
“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...

I appreciate your opinion but I submit that what your real purpose is is simply another Trump attack. You attack the man without considering the alternative. That alternative is to allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia which will result in their controlling even more of the world's oil supply. All Trump is really doing is telling everyone that should he commit to their defense, they will have to bear some or all of the expense. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that I can see. You can blow your horn and claim patriotism and bang yoyr drum all you wish. I see through it.


“That’s phase one — to go into Saudi Arabia and, frankly, the Saudis don’t survive without us. And the question is, at what point do we get involved and how much will Saudi Arabia pay us to save them? That’s ultimately what’s going to happen.”

This is what he said, regarding Iran-Saudi conflict.

I am not saying you should vote for this or that. It is up to you to decide. Who the hell I am to tell you what to vote for.

But this is a very touchy subject and he seems like he is unaware of it.

He is talking about "saving Saudis".

And who will save them?
American soldiers.
And how?
By risking their lives. ha
Some will die, some will bare the burden for the rest of their lives.
And this whole subject is like a horse trade for him, he is willing to negotiate a price...

You dont have to be agreeing with a guy 100% to vote for him. But if enough of his supporters disagree, he will have to change. This is not one way street where candidates can push all their agenda to their supporters. Candidates should listen to their supporters sometimes too, not?

Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...

I appreciate your opinion but I submit that what your real purpose is is simply another Trump attack. You attack the man without considering the alternative. That alternative is to allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia which will result in their controlling even more of the world's oil supply. All Trump is really doing is telling everyone that should he commit to their defense, they will have to bear some or all of the expense. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that I can see. You can blow your horn and claim patriotism and bang yoyr drum all you wish. I see through it.

And what if they don't? What if Saudis say: "No, we are not paying anything..."

Then what?

Then, you go to war anyways, because you know you have to. And what you gonna tell your soldiers then? "Well, they didn't pay, but hell to them, we will defend those bastards anyways..."

That's why, he is not gonna be a good president if he keeps talking before thinking...
Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...

I appreciate your opinion but I submit that what your real purpose is is simply another Trump attack. You attack the man without considering the alternative. That alternative is to allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia which will result in their controlling even more of the world's oil supply. All Trump is really doing is telling everyone that should he commit to their defense, they will have to bear some or all of the expense. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that I can see. You can blow your horn and claim patriotism and bang yoyr drum all you wish. I see through it.

And what if they don't? What if Saudis say: "No, we are not paying anything..."

Then what?

Then, you go to war anyways, because you know you have to. And what you gonna tell your soldiers then? "Well, they didn't pay, but hell to them, we will defend those bastards anyways..."

That's why, he is not gonna be a good president if he keeps talking before thinking...

Then choose option (1) or option (3). So far you haven't made any choice. All you do is complain about Trump.
Let's really leave our politics out of it and see where we are: Trump has also said to stay out of the Syrian mess and let Putin handle it.
Putin is aligned with Assad and Iran.

We signed a nuclear deal with Iran and freed up some $150 Billion in Iranian money. This enables Iran to fight alongside Putin in shoring up the Assad regime. It also allows Iran to support its radical Islamism.

We sent weapons and money to a bunch of mercenaries that were fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Many of these weapons wound up in the hands of ISIS. Who's damn side is the Obama Administration on?

Saudi supports radical Islam. The Saudi king is pretty much the head of OPEC. OPEC sells their oil to us and the Saudi king has worked with us in keeping the price of OPEC oil somewhat within reason.

You claim yourself it is permissible to use our military to get the oil resources of other nations in order to keep our children warm and toasty.

Now, do we turn our back on the Saudi king and continue to cater to Iran? It is Iran's goal to completely dominate the Middle East. If we allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia and its neighboring states, you can forget about cheap OPEC oil. Iran will control not only the price of Middle East oil but who gets it. Russia would most probably get the lion's share of the oil.

It is a clusterfuck and we have no clear foreign policy that makes any sense at all. The Donald is actually probably right. It appears the choice would be either to aid the Saudis or to forget about regime change in Syria and throw our support behind Putin and Iran.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Fighting for your children is a just and honorable cause.
Don't let Trump to degrade it by negotiation cash money in exchange, the way he does it.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for the people losing their lives in such a war...

Then you say we should support Iran and Putin. Got it.

Nope, what I am saying is; if you have to fight, you fight. But not because you got the right price from the Saudis, but because, as you explained, you have to fight. The way Trump approaches to this subject is very damaging to the core of the nationhood and the patriotism in this country. People don't enlist in the army for money or how much Saudis would pay in return, they enlist because they love their country and they want to fight for her. And here is Trump treating them like cattle, negotiating a price to send them to their death, for the Saudis!

You know, a lot of people think Bush was a bad president. I disagree. Before the invasion of Iraq, Turkish president was trying to negotiate a price to support US invasion. Bush told him "Did you come here for horse trade? This is war!". He might have had bad decisions, but he did them like a real president.

The way Trump approaching to this subject is no where close to that, in my honest opinion...

I appreciate your opinion but I submit that what your real purpose is is simply another Trump attack. You attack the man without considering the alternative. That alternative is to allow Iran to invade Saudi Arabia which will result in their controlling even more of the world's oil supply. All Trump is really doing is telling everyone that should he commit to their defense, they will have to bear some or all of the expense. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that I can see. You can blow your horn and claim patriotism and bang yoyr drum all you wish. I see through it.



THINK!! It will not hurt your little head I promise you. The Iranian oil will go to Putin.

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