Trump Was a Mistake

Trump Was a Mistake​

Trump was an excuse......


Trump was the peoples' reaction to DECADES of abuse, Sparky.

And instead of catching a clue, the fucktard establishment doubled down on stupid.

You know, dog and pony shows, stuff like that. Medical censorship, stuff like that. Back door violations of the First Amendment, stuff like that.

Hey - it'll be the coldest day in hell ever when the gubmint becomes the arbiter of truth. If Trump is the only one who'll carry that flag then millions upon millions of people will continue to tolerate his personality
it is about freedom,,

you just cant see or understand that because youre a useful idiot that needs the government to control your life,,
No...You're just hysterical because your Game Show Host humiliated himself.

If you have kids, you had to have them vaccinated to attend public school.

A vaccine is when they crush up a dead virus, so your body can create antibodies without being infected.

The Covid "vax" isn't that, not at all. It's genetic manipulation. They're injecting commands into you that cause your cells to behave differently. It's active genetic manipulation, as distinct from passive vaccination

A vaccine is when they crush up a dead virus, so your body can create antibodies without being infected.

The Covid "vax" isn't that, not at all. It's genetic manipulation. They're injecting commands into you that cause your cells to behave differently. It's active genetic manipulation, as distinct from passive vaccination
Please don't.
that's nonsense.

The problem became ours...

Who was stupid enough to believe that clown had the essentials to be POTUS?

President Trump was by the far the best President in most of our lifetimes.
Against all odds.
Against massive resistance.
Success after multiplied success.
Why do Democrats / snowflakes have to keep attacking Trump to make themselves feel better about intentionally voting for a brain damaged, treasonous, compromised, criminal, old racist?!


Very few actually voted for him.
Unless one believe the unverifiable mail in ballot system was legit.

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