Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Can you point to an example or two? Lets go with CNN. Which recent story did they not cover responsibly?
CNN Report: The White House's Response To Allegations Of Collusion With Russia "Ends Up Confirming The Reporting"
JAKE TAPPER (HOST): The White House is pushing back strongly today against the CNN exclusive CNN reporters found that the FBI rejected a request made by the White House to try to publicly knock down reporting by both CNN and The New York Times about contacts between President Trump's campaign staff and Russians known to US Intelligence. CNN's Jim Sciutto joins me now. And Jim, the White House 's push back is interesting because it actually ends up confirming the reporting.

JIM SCIUTTO: Between all the push back and the normal insults and the obfuscation this essential fact, the White House confirms it did speak to the FBI about these communications and did ask for help knocking down stories describing those communications. And more broadly, the White House has not denied the existence of these communications between Trump advisers and Russians known to U.S. Intelligence during the campaign as CNN reported last week.
What was false about that story? Specifically??
Why? He doesn't like being investigated for the lying douche he is? He settled the Trump 'University' case because he was right? They shouldn't have reported on how it was ripping people off? What scumbags they are!


So now you just resort to infantile infographics. A sure sign you have no answer.

What am i butthurt about? I'm not the guy who had to pay out $25 million for being a douche.

And what does the infographic mean anyway? That I'm criticising Trump for ripping off people and you don't like it? So you were okay with him ripping off people with their hard-earned cash thinking they were going to get a Diploma from what they thought was an accredited learning institution? You're okay with that?

meh, why wouldn't you be. You're a deplorable...
Why are they lower than snake shit? I watched and read all sorts over the election cycle. Fox were just awful. Terrible. Not even interested in the issues, just bashing Hillary 24/7. You okay with that? If you are, no big deal. That is your right. But please, don't ever, ever, EVER lecture me about freedom again. Ever. You obviously do not believe in it.

Fox uses AP...they do very little original reporting....but yeah, Fox is selective in the opposite direction from the others....omission of positive news is just as wrong as fake news. Find me ONE positive story about Trump on the CNN site....hint: there aren't any.
Can you point to an example or two? Lets go with CNN. Which recent story did they not cover responsibly?
CNN Report: The White House's Response To Allegations Of Collusion With Russia "Ends Up Confirming The Reporting"
JAKE TAPPER (HOST): The White House is pushing back strongly today against the CNN exclusive CNN reporters found that the FBI rejected a request made by the White House to try to publicly knock down reporting by both CNN and The New York Times about contacts between President Trump's campaign staff and Russians known to US Intelligence. CNN's Jim Sciutto joins me now. And Jim, the White House 's push back is interesting because it actually ends up confirming the reporting.

JIM SCIUTTO: Between all the push back and the normal insults and the obfuscation this essential fact, the White House confirms it did speak to the FBI about these communications and did ask for help knocking down stories describing those communications. And more broadly, the White House has not denied the existence of these communications between Trump advisers and Russians known to U.S. Intelligence during the campaign as CNN reported last week.
What was false about that story? Specifically??
Nothing was false about it ...that is my point...the only one with a record of lying is Trump...HE PRETENDED TO BE "John Miller" TO CALL THE MEDIA AND PRAISE HIMSELF
Can you imagine if Obama blocked Fox News or Brietfart? There would be so much outrage on this forum.

So basically any news outlet that is critical of Trump is going to banned from WH press. Got it.

Putin has taught Trump well.
Eventually one of the barred media outlets will take the Comrade down...and enjoy it.
Can you imagine if Obama blocked Fox News or Brietfart? There would be so much outrage on this forum.

So basically any news outlet that is critical of Trump is going to banned from WH press. Got it.

Putin has taught Trump well.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

When that "dissent" is sedition and treason that's correct. It's a pity Trump isn't a fascist because if he was, most to the NYTimes editorial staff would be floating face-down in the East River.
I hear that train a comin'
Its rollin' round the bend
Big Orange won't see the sunshine
Ever again
He'll be suck in Folsom prison
While I'm home gettin' high
But I'll always laugh about him
Except for when I cry
I bet there's rich folk's eatin'
In fancy dining cars
Their probably grabbing pussy
and drinking in the bars
But I know I had it comin'
Ever since I watched girls pee
But now the democrats are winning
And the press is free
As a follow-up, this is such a big threat to freedom of the press:

1) doesn't mention it
2) doesn't mention it
3) doesn't mention it.

Interesting, don't you think?

Addendum: Even more interesting ... the only place, other than CNN, that I can find the story is on, a decidedly CONSERVATIVE leaning website.

Guess it isn't as big a story as CNN and the OP would like you to believe. Or, is this the very definition of fake news?

Those other news organization aren't saying anything because they don't want to lose access. This ban is intimidation of the media. Trump has used CNN and LA times to scare the other media outlets into submission.

This is a classic dictator move.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

And you feel that dissent against Trump has been eliminated?
Fascists can never fully stamp out dissent. They can get close, though. Trump's only had a month. Give him time.

So, you see rapid progrespolitig made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

Half the nation distrusted the liberal media long before trump got into politics. Why?

Because we were tired of them telling such obvious lies.

Example a headline that says one thing with a story saying the exact opposite.

It happens all the freaking time.

You can't lie for decades and then be shocked that no one believes you
Can you point to an example or two? Lets go with CNN. Which recent story did they not cover responsibly?
CNN Report: The White House's Response To Allegations Of Collusion With Russia "Ends Up Confirming The Reporting"
JAKE TAPPER (HOST): The White House is pushing back strongly today against the CNN exclusive CNN reporters found that the FBI rejected a request made by the White House to try to publicly knock down reporting by both CNN and The New York Times about contacts between President Trump's campaign staff and Russians known to US Intelligence. CNN's Jim Sciutto joins me now. And Jim, the White House 's push back is interesting because it actually ends up confirming the reporting.

JIM SCIUTTO: Between all the push back and the normal insults and the obfuscation this essential fact, the White House confirms it did speak to the FBI about these communications and did ask for help knocking down stories describing those communications. And more broadly, the White House has not denied the existence of these communications between Trump advisers and Russians known to U.S. Intelligence during the campaign as CNN reported last week.
What was false about that story? Specifically??
Nothing was false about it ...that is my point...the only one with a record of lying is Trump...HE PRETENDED TO BE "John Miller" TO CALL THE MEDIA AND PRAISE HIMSELF
It is amusing to hear the king of fake news (Trump) make this such a prominent talking point. While I do think there are many problems with honesty in our media, he doesn't have any credibility to combat it. And now his puppets keep echoing the talking point, especially against CNN, but I haven't found one that can defend it.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

What did he do to stop them from publishing? You have a very loose interpretation of the First Amendment. I don't think it was a good move on his part but he did not m
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!

Obama and Democrats did the same thing. Banned the Washington Times, Left out Fox News on Conference calls; referred to Fox News as "Entertainment", "not real news". Even tried to use the Fairness Doctrine to silence them.

Everytime Obama and The Democrats pulled shit like this, while I was annoyed, I took solace knowing that Obama and The Democrats were setting precedent. I stated they were doing such at the time as well. Obama said, "Elections have consequences", "Punish your Enemies."
'Access.' That's how you punish the Fake Newsters. The Fake Newsters can't stand not having access. I mean, they're gonna make it all up anyway. But without the access, they really come off as Fake News. Withhold the access, and you might force some integrity out of em.
Good....fascist liberal propaganda fake news organizations have no place there.

And right wing media belongs? Isn't it fair to have media outlets from both sides there? Fox News bashed Obama 8 years straight. Can't stand Fox News but if Obama banned Fox News from WH I'd call him out on it.

Trump doesn't like like CNN and NY times because it's left leaning and doesn't kiss his orange ass.
As a follow-up, this is such a big threat to freedom of the press:

1) doesn't mention it
2) doesn't mention it
3) doesn't mention it.

Interesting, don't you think?

Addendum: Even more interesting ... the only place, other than CNN, that I can find the story is on, a decidedly CONSERVATIVE leaning website.

Guess it isn't as big a story as CNN and the OP would like you to believe. Or, is this the very definition of fake news?

Those other news organization aren't saying anything because they don't want to lose access. This ban is intimidation of the media. Trump has used CNN and LA times to scare the other media outlets into submission.

This is a classic dictator move.
It is a Nazi move by the liberals, that's why Trump is taking you're fascist propaganda outlets head on....your Nazi Soros will not be allowed to be our dictator......

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