Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

This is going to make for a fascinating night of news tonight on the PBS News Hour, CBS, and Charlie Rose. Can't wait !!
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

There is no first amendment issue here.

In fact last month you guys were mad at trump for not blocking smaller media outlets from the press briefing. Now its a violation of the first amendment? Really?

ohhh nooo shock horror

nothing like this has ever happened.....NEVAH NEVAHHHHHHHHHHH

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo
Fuck Donald Trump and Fuck Sean

Poll: 'Fake news'
media trusted more
than Trump

AOL News · 1 day ago

Poll: More
Americans Trust
The Media Than
Donald Trump

Forbes · 1 day ago

Media more
trustworthy than
Trump, poll finds -
Feb. 22, 2017

CNNMoney ·
Looks like the 1st Amendment wars have begun in earnest, so to speak.

This is not really a 1st Amendment issue, but it will get trumped-up as such (no pun intended).

I can see banning CNN -- they are terrible.

I am surprised that Politico got banned too though.

The various others that got banned I am not familiar enough with to judge.
The White House on Friday blocked a number of news outlets from covering spokesman Sean Spicer’s question-and-answer session.

According to The Hill, Spicer decided to hold an off-camera “gaggle” with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the traditional on-camera briefing in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.

Among the outlets not permitted to cover the gaggle were CNN, The New York Times, The Hill, Politico, BuzzFeed, the Daily Mail, BBC, the Los Angeles Times and the New York Daily News.

Those who were allowed to enter included journalists from Breitbart, the Washington Times and One America News Network.

News organizations such as ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Reuters, Bloomberg and McClatchy were invited as well.

The incident comes amid President Donald Trump’s longstanding feud with the media over their biased coverage against him.

During the election campaign, research indicated that an overwhelming majority (91%) of mentions of Trump in the mainstream media were in a negative context.

Only 9% of news stories on Trump carried by the mainstream networks were positive towards him.

Some of the outlets that were not allowed to attend Friday’s session are ones that Trump has criticized over their bias, including CNN which he once branded as “fake news”.

Last week, Trump vowed to achieve his legislative agenda despite the “lies, misrepresentations and false stories” thrown at him by the media.

White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said on Friday that “claims that outlets were excluded are not factual.”

“The pool was there, so various media mediums were represented,” she wrote in an email quoted by The Hill.

White House blocks several media outlets from press briefing

Some of these like CNN should be permanently barred from all Trump administration press conferences. It's no big deal since they have no interest in reporting the facts, anyway.
The media should be encouraged to scrutinize our politicians, not bow down. If you bar CNN then the next democrat president should be allow to bar Fox. Does that sound right to you? While CNN has gone overboard with the opinion panel discussions, that is not fake news. I challenge you to point out where they have made up sources or reported false information. Fake News is a grossly overblown charge.
The ones that were excluded are all biased "news" that ask only gotcha questions at news conferences as opposed to factual questions to better inform their readers. Washington Post should have been included in the list of those excluded. In reporting this same story the Washington Post left out all the major news sources that were in the conference.
Thanks for the honest response and for using biased news instead of fake news. I completely understand the "biased" claim as there is a disproportionate amount of negatives Trump stories to positive Trump stories. Not much different than the negative Obama stories on Fox vs the positive, right?

But surly you don't support the white house strong arming the media do you? Gotchya questions might be annoying but it is our politicians job to answer them. It is a slippery slope if we start allowing the white house to pick and choose media outlets and also punish those that they don't agree with. Just imagine if Obama locked out Fox. What Trump does now and what you support sets a precedent towards what you'd have to support a future democratic leader to do as well. So answer carefully.
Biased, irresponsible reporters at CNN and, sad to say, New York Times, BBC and the Washington Post deserve no more respect than protesters carrying signs and screaming political slogans in the streets. No one will try to stop either group from screaming or printing what they want, but neither should the government legitimize by treating these people as if they were responsible journalists.
These news outlets could tell the truth and be included. But no. They have to lie. Then they are outraged that Trump doesn't help them lie.
This will not end well for Trump. Such tactics never have.
This is what, the 14th Trump initiative that little Lakota has predicted "would not end well for Trump"?
Looks like he's trying to expand his perfect 0-for-everything score of failure in such predictions. :itsok:
The first amendment guarantees the MSM a spot in the WH? Link?
The first amendment guarantees the MSM a spot in the WH? Link?
No only right wing media should be allowed. Only those who suck up to the (P)resident
ABC NBC and a few others were allowed in, liar. Try posting a link and reading it :thup:
Why am I a liar, Einstein? I never mentioned ABC and NBC
Are you seriously that fucking retarded?

Perhaps if they stop lying they can come back in

What have they lied about? Tell you what, you make a list of what they've lied about and I'll make a list of what Trumpie has lied about. I'll see you back here in five minutes with your list. I'll be back with mine on about....oh....June some time...
Looks like the Orange Fiasco is going to have to ban Bloomberg

F-35 Partner Disputes Trump's Claims That He Secured Big Savings
Source: Bloomberg

The head of BAE Systems Plc, Europe’s biggest defense contractor and a partner on the F-35 fighter jet, has contradicted claims by President Donald Trump that he was responsible for lopping $728 million off the price tag for the Pentagon’s latest warplane order.

The contract’s lower price, valued at $8.2 billion, is due to savings achieved through a long-planned increase in production, Chief Executive Officer Ian King told analysts after releasing the company’s full-year earnings Thursday. On a per-plane basis, savings on the order for 90 of the Lockheed Martin Corp. jets exceeded the $600 million that Trump initially said he had achieved.

“In terms of the projected prices, they were all to do with the ramp-up in rates and were well-advertised,” King said. “But if somebody wants to take credit for that finalization, negotiation, then they can take credit for that negotiation if they wish.”

Trump took on Lockheed CEO Marillyn Hewson, tweeting that costs on the military program, the Pentagon’s most expensive, were “out of control.” Defense Department officials and Lockheed had been negotiating for more than a year and “were very close on price prior to President Trump’s involvement,” Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s chief weapons buyer under President Barack Obama, said this month.

Read more: F-35 Partner Disputes Trump's Claims That He Secured Big Savings
Perhaps if they stop lying they can come back in

What have they lied about? Tell you what, you make a list of what they've lied about and I'll make a list of what Trumpie has lied about. I'll see you back here in five minutes with your list. I'll be back with mine on about....oh....June some time...
They told us of the horror at Bowling Green tha the media kept hidden
Looks like the Orange Fiasco is going to have to ban Bloomberg after they reveal he lied about saving a billion !!!!!!!!!!!

F-35 Partner Disputes Trump's Claims That He Secured Big Savings
Source: Bloomberg

The head of BAE Systems Plc, Europe’s biggest defense contractor and a partner on the F-35 fighter jet, has contradicted claims by President Donald Trump that he was responsible for lopping $728 million off the price tag for the Pentagon’s latest warplane order.

The contract’s lower price, valued at $8.2 billion, is due to savings achieved through a long-planned increase in production, Chief Executive Officer Ian King told analysts after releasing the company’s full-year earnings Thursday. On a per-plane basis, savings on the order for 90 of the Lockheed Martin Corp. jets exceeded the $600 million that Trump initially said he had achieved.

“In terms of the projected prices, they were all to do with the ramp-up in rates and were well-advertised,” King said. “But if somebody wants to take credit for that finalization, negotiation, then they can take credit for that negotiation if they wish.”

Trump took on Lockheed CEO Marillyn Hewson, tweeting that costs on the military program, the Pentagon’s most expensive, were “out of control.” Defense Department officials and Lockheed had been negotiating for more than a year and “were very close on price prior to President Trump’s involvement,” Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s chief weapons buyer under President Barack Obama, said this month.

Read more: F-35 Partner Disputes Trump's Claims That He Secured Big Savings
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!
We have a 1st amendment today, but what about next week?

We will still have a first amendment even if you don't understand what the first amendment protects
Biased, irresponsible reporters at CNN and, sad to say, New York Times, BBC and the Washington Post deserve no more respect than protesters carrying signs and screaming political slogans in the streets. No one will try to stop either group from screaming or printing what they want, but neither should the government legitimize by treating these people as if they were responsible journalists.

They might be biased they might not. I saw a reporter on CNN three weeks ago ripping into the anti-Trump protesters. It annoyed me. Not because she was wrong, she was right. But because she was editorialising. That is not the job of the press.

But getting back to your point. At least the they don't outright lies like Breifart and all the other alt right sites.

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