Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
Since any media outlet that's critical of Trump is labeled fake news, the number is going to grow. I'm surprised he hasn't banned ABC, CBS, and NBC. He has repeated called them out as fake news outlets.

I believe before the end of the Trump presidency, there will be an official government news service to combat fake news, a service run by the administration that of course only tells the truth.
As I have already pointed out, we already have government news sources. There's no need for new sources that point out fake news. We already have plenty of new media sources that point it out. However, by the end of Trump's presidency, the LEGACY news outlets will be extinct. People get tired of bullshit and lies.
It aint up to you, partner, to determine what news is real or "fake". Leave it up to the consumer
I am a consumer. I can use my powers of logic and perception to determine that CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC are all fake news. The president is allowed to do the same thing, no matter what the fake news has to say about it.
Wrong moose breath. resident trump does not ever decide
He just did, douche bag.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?
The men who founded America wrote a constitution that protected free speech and a free "media" in the first amendment to the constitution. It has worked for the entire life of our nation. We don't need this guy in the White House today and his followers to weaken or remove that right.
CNN is still free to report whatever it likes, no matter how dishonest and sleazy it is.
As I have already pointed out, we already have government news sources. There's no need for new sources that point out fake news. We already have plenty of new media sources that point it out. However, by the end of Trump's presidency, the LEGACY news outlets will be extinct. People get tired of bullshit and lies.
It aint up to you, partner, to determine what news is real or "fake". Leave it up to the consumer
I am a consumer. I can use my powers of logic and perception to determine that CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC are all fake news. The president is allowed to do the same thing, no matter what the fake news has to say about it.
Wrong moose breath. resident trump does not ever decide

Are you claiming he doesn't have the same rights as every other American?

I love the way you douche bag snowflakes believe you can impose your moronic theory of government on Trump.
The PEOPLE decide, not resident Trump
He decides who attends his press conferences. End of story.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
Unfortunately it is about us vs. them. You douche bags prove it any time one of your heroes gets into office. They invariably make war on the average American. We know you don't like your victims to fight back, but those days are over.

No, it might be about us verses them in reality but how the fuck is that working out? It's not what the framers of the Constitution intended. It's supposed to be about representatives doing the will of the people, not "Hey what can we do to piss off the other side."

And guess what douche bag, I'm not on any side but my own.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?

He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
That's fake news....

Indeed it is. It's falsehoods like that that make people not care about the news.

Yeah you're right, Trump fired Flynn based on "Fake News" White House leaks. :rolleyes:

That's how it started, moron.

Do you eve n understand what you type? So Trump fired Flynn over "Fake News?" Guess what... it WASN'T FAKE, that's why he actually fired him... :rolleyes:
The men who founded America wrote a constitution that protected free speech and a free "media" in the first amendment to the constitution. It has worked for the entire life of our nation. We don't need this guy in the White House today and his followers to weaken or remove that right.

You lefties should have thought of that, before you politicized the media.
Fox never politicized the media in the past 8 years, Homer?

Sure. Megan Kelly tried. She got slapped down like she deserved.
The men who founded America wrote a constitution that protected free speech and a free "media" in the first amendment to the constitution. It has worked for the entire life of our nation. We don't need this guy in the White House today and his followers to weaken or remove that right.

You lefties should have thought of that, before you politicized the media.
Fox never politicized the media in the past 8 years, Homer?

Sure. Megan Kelly tried. She got slapped down like she deserved.
Slapped down? She moved to NBC. That broadcast network crushes anything on FOX. Even their goofy daytime talk shows get more viewers than anything she could have been exposed to on FOX.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
Here she is slinging her purse around some more. Leaks are illegal but going to allies in the media who then churn out further lies to make it look worse. I provided the example of the Russia and sanctions "reporting". Go change your tampon.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Every thread is full of liars who routinely misrepresent or just outright lie.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Exactly what is wrong with saying some news is fake and then saying leaks need to be stopped? What?

The leaks do need to be stopped.
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
Unfortunately it is about us vs. them. You douche bags prove it any time one of your heroes gets into office. They invariably make war on the average American. We know you don't like your victims to fight back, but those days are over.

No, it might be about us verses them in reality but how the fuck is that working out? It's not what the framers of the Constitution intended. It's supposed to be about representatives doing the will of the people, not "Hey what can we do to piss off the other side."

And guess what douche bag, I'm not on any side but my own.
How it's supposed to be is irrelevant. The fact is that the left has been making war on average Americans for decades. Dirt bags like you only whine when Americans fight back. If you don't like how it's working out, then stop doing it.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.


Yeah the news lied about the leaked phone tapes... well Trump said they lied about them when they were first reported... until it was proven they were true, then he said it was a leak problem. Do you not see the pattern here?

Like when it was reported how Trump acted like an idiot to the PM of Australia... and Trump said it was a lie, then the transcripts came out and it was true, then it was a leak problem. Or when it was reported that Trump told the President of Mexico he could send U.S. troops there to take care of their drug and gang problems... Trump said it was a lie, until the transcripts proved it was true...

Oh I could go on. How about Trump saying he had the largest electoral college win in decades? Then he called the motherfucking out in the middle of his press conference... and he blamed it on someone else. Your manchild lies ALL THE FUCKING TIME, he has no room to call anyone fake news.
The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.
He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
Here she is slinging her purse around some more. Leaks are illegal but going to allies in the media who then churn out further lies to make it look worse. I provided the example of the Russia and sanctions "reporting". Go change your tampon.

What's next, you going to accuse me of getting banned from your other little board next? Leaks were good for Trump during his campaign, now the shoe is on the other foot and they are bad. What happened to the Conservative punchline of, "What's important is not the leaks but that the truth gets out..." You fucking hypocrites. I said many times over this exact fucking thing would happen during the campaign every time you Trumpbots said that WikiLeaks was doing our country a service by publishing leaks, now when our media publishes leaks that make Trump look bad, they are illegal and bad and HAVE TO BE STOPPED!!! Roar!!! And you fucks have the gall to call anyone snowflakes is crazy. You are acting like crying baby bitches.
Or when it was reported that Trump told the President of Mexico he could send U.S. troops there to take care of their drug and gang problems... Trump said it was a lie, until the transcripts proved it was true...
The way it was reported was a lie. You're obviously too stupid to see the difference between what you just said and ...

Trump threatens to send troops to Mexico to stop ‘bad hombres’
Trump threatens to send troops to Mexico to stop ‘bad hombres’ in phone call with Mexican president
Trump is simply tightening the noose around his own neck. He made enemies in the intelligence agencies... and now Flynn is gone and there is an investigation. He's making enemies out of more and more media who's job is to investigate... if you don't think they will dig up every single bad thing Trump has ever done including the tapes that Tom Arnold supposedly has, you're crazy.

The media has been the enemy of every republican president and presidential candidate for generations.

YOur hissy fit that ONE of them is finally fighting back is understandable. You got used to attacking people and having them just take it like bitches.

Times change.

The Deep State was going to be the enemy of anyone real outsider who wanted real change. NO reason to play nice there either.

The President works for the people regardless of his political affiliation. Him picking and choosing who can get briefs so as to control what is reported is asinine. The fact you defend this practice tells me you care more about your political party than the ethics and Constitutionality of our government. People like you that think it's about us verses them all the time instead of just doing what is right for the people is why shit never gets accomplished. It's also why I hate both political parties equally. Fuck all this bullshit about trying to do whatever you can to piss off the other party instead of just doing the right thing. It's childish and fucking useless.
Unfortunately it is about us vs. them. You douche bags prove it any time one of your heroes gets into office. They invariably make war on the average American. We know you don't like your victims to fight back, but those days are over.

No, it might be about us verses them in reality but how the fuck is that working out? It's not what the framers of the Constitution intended. It's supposed to be about representatives doing the will of the people, not "Hey what can we do to piss off the other side."

And guess what douche bag, I'm not on any side but my own.
How it's supposed to be is irrelevant. The fact is that the left has been making war on average Americans for decades. Dirt bags like you only whine when Americans fight back. If you don't like how it's working out, then stop doing it.

Both you parties are whining, so get the fuck over yourself, and it's why nothing ever gets done to make our country better. You'd both rather see the country burn than let one side take credit for doing anything good.
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
Here she is slinging her purse around some more. Leaks are illegal but going to allies in the media who then churn out further lies to make it look worse. I provided the example of the Russia and sanctions "reporting". Go change your tampon.

What's next, you going to accuse me of getting banned from your other little board next? Leaks were good for Trump during his campaign, now the shoe is on the other foot and they are bad. What happened to the Conservative punchline of, "What's important is not the leaks but that the truth gets out..." You fucking hypocrites. I said many times over this exact fucking thing would happen during the campaign every time you Trumpbots said that WikiLeaks was doing our country a service by publishing leaks, now when our media publishes leaks that make Trump look bad, they are illegal and bad and HAVE TO BE STOPPED!!! Roar!!! And you fucks have the gall to call anyone snowflakes is crazy. You are acting like crying baby bitches.
No, we're acting like people fed up with traitor lying scum.
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
Here she is slinging her purse around some more. Leaks are illegal but going to allies in the media who then churn out further lies to make it look worse. I provided the example of the Russia and sanctions "reporting". Go change your tampon.

What's next,.
Go change your tampon.
He is doing the right things, listen to his CPAC speech if you really don't have any knowledge. He doesn't like proven fake news outlets, not the press. You need to come up to speed.

He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.

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