Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

"The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo." - Trump
But this CNN is fake news crap is way overblown and still nobody can prove it.

Why don't you morons shut the fuck up? You're all just making yourselves look ignorant. Has everyone forgotten about the CNN reporting of Russian prostitutes and golden showers with Trump? Come on man... it wasn't THAT long ago! has about 200 hrs. of recordings from CNN backrooms of all kinds of conversations taking place between the big wigs on "how to report the news" and they have these available on their website for anyone to listen to. Pretty enlightening shit... they talk about using older polling data so they can continue pushing a certain narrative instead of more recent polling that refutes the narrative... they talk about it being their duty as journalists to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" ...all kinds of hackery such as this.

For you little pissants to be sitting here acting like they are some kind of virtuous, impeccable and untouchable news outlet is a fucking joke. It's a wonder the FCC hasn't yanked their damn license. Fake News Central!
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said they were virtuous and impeccable. Now you're being dishonest. In fact I've said that there are plenty of problems with the media, I've been frustated for years along with many Americans. The news media is biased with out a doubt. They focus on certain stories to push a narrative. That is not the same as fake news.

CNN reported on a leaked document of opposition research that was presented to the president by our intelligence agencies. They did not discuss the content of it. Buzzfeed was the org that released the document with a disclaimer that the information was unsubstantiated.

You seemed to be totally fine with Wikileaks dumping hacked emails weren't you? Transparency is key, let us sort out what we believe... wasn't that the montra? You're nothing more than a hypocrite. Try honesty for a change and stop making mountains out of anthills.
CNN reported on a leaked document of opposition research that was presented to the president by our intelligence agencies. They did not discuss the content of it. Buzzfeed was the org that released the document with a disclaimer that the information was unsubstantiated.
So why did they run it?
I place the majority of this on corporate influence. They are awash in money and want things done so they continue getting all things their way.
CNN reported on a leaked document of opposition research that was presented to the president by our intelligence agencies. They did not discuss the content of it. Buzzfeed was the org that released the document with a disclaimer that the information was unsubstantiated.
So why did they run it?
Because they wanted to and we live in a free fucking country. They got wind of a report that the president was briefed on, unverified or not, that gives it some kind of credibility. It's not some manifesto that some drunk whacko posted on his blog. To many that is interesting and news worthy.

By them reporting in it they force the administration to comment on it, get the intelligence agency to verify whether it it true or not.sooner or later the truth gets flushed out. That's how these things work.

Try to think objectively and not like a blind partisan. If the report was about Clinton you'd be doing cartwheels. Be honest
CNN reported on a leaked document of opposition research that was presented to the president by our intelligence agencies. They did not discuss the content of it. Buzzfeed was the org that released the document with a disclaimer that the information was unsubstantiated.
So why did they run it?
Because they wanted to and we live in a free fucking country. They got wind of a report that the president was briefed on, unverified or not, that gives it some kind of credibility. It's not some manifesto that some drunk whacko posted on his blog. To many that is interesting and news worthy.

By them reporting in it they force the administration to comment on it, get the intelligence agency to verify whether it it true or not.sooner or later the truth gets flushed out. That's how these things work.

Try to think objectively and not like a blind partisan. If the report was about Clinton you'd be doing cartwheels. Be honest
Unverified or not means it was worthless. No one said they didn't have the right to publish trash. The point is we don't have to value trash if we don't want to. We all have rights.
CNN reported on a leaked document of opposition research that was presented to the president by our intelligence agencies. They did not discuss the content of it. Buzzfeed was the org that released the document with a disclaimer that the information was unsubstantiated.
So why did they run it?
Because they wanted to and we live in a free fucking country. They got wind of a report that the president was briefed on, unverified or not, that gives it some kind of credibility. It's not some manifesto that some drunk whacko posted on his blog. To many that is interesting and news worthy.

By them reporting in it they force the administration to comment on it, get the intelligence agency to verify whether it it true or not.sooner or later the truth gets flushed out. That's how these things work.

Try to think objectively and not like a blind partisan. If the report was about Clinton you'd be doing cartwheels. Be honest
Unverified or not means it was worthless. No one said they didn't have the right to publish trash. The point is we don't have to value trash if we don't want to. We all have rights.
I guess the same could be said about Wikileaks right? Did you have a problem with the media reporting on that?
Here above is a moron who actually "thinks" that Ben Carson is a historian.......In 1938 Germany,
Hitler's regime deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.

The ONLY restriction on buying guns were placed on the Jews
Oh only the Jews. You are an idiot! a complete idiot. You should not be allowed to vote!
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!
A lot of good the Constitution is under this president and congress.
Plus it's doubtful Putin's Puppet ever read the constitution because it's well known he doesn't like to read.
He said fake news media. Stop lying. Oh I forgot you are a liberal; lying is one of your requirements.

NO, moron.......Trump first stated that MEDIA is the enemy of the people.......He had to walk that back after being told that he was being an asshole and he changed it to "fake news is the enemy of the people".....

Look it up, learn and apologize for your ignorance.
Oh only the Jews. You are an idiot! a complete idiot. You should not be allowed to vote!

Historical FACT is a bitch for morons like you.....Stay DUMB, we need folks like you to oick tomatoes after Trump sends so-called illegals away.
Historical FACT is a bitch for morons like you.....Stay DUMB, we need folks like you to oick tomatoes after Trump sends so-called illegals away.
You don't get it do you? Gun grabbing is gun grabbing even if it was "only the jews" dummy

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