Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Trump Calls the News Media the ‘Enemy of the American People’
Now you see there is your problem. You are reading the New York fake news times. Stop it!!!! it is sucking your intelligence right out from your skull.
The men who founded America wrote a constitution that protected free speech and a free "media" in the first amendment to the constitution. It has worked for the entire life of our nation. We don't need this guy in the White House today and his followers to weaken or remove that right.

You lefties should have thought of that, before you politicized the media.
The "media" consist of enormous numbers of private entities whose main purpose is to make a profit from dispersing news. The profits are dependent on advertising contained in their publications (including online endeavors) and in some cases subscription fees. The political slant a news source takes is determined by the demographics of their readers and consumers.


If that was true, there would be more competition for the conservative viewers.

The reason that Fox has such high ratings, is that the rest of media has chosen to not even try for those viewers.

They are happy to keep their declining share, regardless of decreasing revenue, instead of changing.
Not really.

Trying to out FOX FOX is a bad move. The remaining media outlets are trying to expand their existing customer base. They have changed and changed a lot as a response to FOX as well. They are trying to copy the format FOX uses in a liberal tilt.
Where was the outrage from the left?

Liberal HYPOCRISY!! Look How CNN Reacted When President Obama BANNED FOX News! * LIBERTY WRITERS NEWS

President Trump has had enough of CNN and their fake news stories, so today he took action.

From the Hill:

“The White House blocked a number of news outlets from covering spokesman Sean Spicer’s question-and-answer session on Friday afternoon.
Spicer decided to hold an off-camera “gaggle” with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the traditional on-camera briefing in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.
Among the outlets not permitted to cover the gaggle were news organizations President Trump has singled out for criticism, including CNN. “

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

“The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network, newly released documents show,” the Daily Beast reported.

Judicial Watch exposed documents between Deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki and Treasury official, Jenni LeCompte.

Psaki wrote: “I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby – just cause.”
Deputy press secretary Josh Earnest wrote LeCompte that day:

“We’ve demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews…”

Let’s take a look at the outrage from CNN at the time…


Exactly, CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years. The difference is, FOX NEVER LIED or reported fake news about the President, CNN does it on a daily basis!
Did they not? Bret Baier, as I linked to earlier, disagreed with that. The news outlets did stand with FOX when Obama started to try and bully them and FOX should do the same here.
I think this is the best thing Trump has done since he's been president!

How long has it been since you've been experiencing these suicidal tendencies???....LOL

(what an asshole....LOL)
I think this is the best thing Trump has done since he's been president!

How long has it been since you've been experiencing these suicidal tendencies???....LOL

(what an asshole....LOL)

Suicidal tendency? Not sure where you're getting that. :dunno:

I'm worried about some of you on the left! I think many of you would do yourselves in if you weren't so full of yourself. It's literally your own arrogant and condescending hubris keeping most of you alive at this point. That, and heavy doses of Adderall!
I think you owe Nat an apology. You lost this one bigly.

Thank you, but my response was NEVER meant for the nitwit, was meant for others (like you) to snicker at that nitwit's ignorance.
I loved it when the CNN reporter at the news conference called out Trump on his pathetic lie that " I had the largest electoral victory since Reagan."
And then when confronted with his lie, the cowardly president blamed someone else,
" Well that's what I was told."

No wonder Doofus only wants friendly softball questions from Breitbart and Fox. HE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
If pathetic victories like that make you feel better, I'm happy for you.
I think you owe Nat an apology. You lost this one bigly
No I didn't, just because the times got the story wrong too does not make the story accurate.
You don't need the times dumbass, look at Trumps twitter account or watch his speech at cPac. He has called the media the enemy of the state many many times.
No, he called the fake news the enemy of the people, and he's right.
Yes enemy of the people, that is correct and that's what Rambstupid was calling fake news.
Funny that the same people that cheered over Obama's treatment of FOX are now calling Trump a dictator because he did not invite CNN to a gaggle.

I happen to agree with the sentiment here though (and did as well through Obama's attempts at controlling the media) - there is no reason to support Trump in excluding any news agency in briefings and certainly not when he is specifically targeting left agencies as he was here. This is not a first amendment issue though - the agencies are free to report at will. For the most part, the news stations will handle this on their own (at least I hope so). Bret Baier, surprisingly, tweeted a proper response to this though:
"Some at CNN & NYT stood w/FOX News when the Obama admin attacked us & tried 2 exclude us-a WH gaggle should be open to all credentialed orgs"
White House blocks CNN, New York Times from press briefing hours after Trump slams media

The news organizations should, and will IMHO, stand against this kind of action against the media in general. I have no problem with Trump calling them out for the shit reporting that we get these days but I do have a problem with Trump using the system to try and punish specific organizations.
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine. Media outlooks intermix news and news commentary to a appoint that it is difficult to determine sometimes where news reporting ends and commentary begins. Most cable news hardly even tries any more to keep them separate.

Back in the 1950's TV stations reported the news at least attempting a degree of fairness. Commentary was proceed by an announcement that following is editorial content and does not necessary represent the views of the station. Although this degree of separation was not required in newspapers, it was a mark of fine journalism to keep commentary on the editorial page. Slanting the news was a no no. Today it's treated as a mark of excellence.
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia
Funny that the same people that cheered over Obama's treatment of FOX are now calling Trump a dictator because he did not invite CNN to a gaggle.

I happen to agree with the sentiment here though (and did as well through Obama's attempts at controlling the media) - there is no reason to support Trump in excluding any news agency in briefings and certainly not when he is specifically targeting left agencies as he was here. This is not a first amendment issue though - the agencies are free to report at will. For the most part, the news stations will handle this on their own (at least I hope so). Bret Baier, surprisingly, tweeted a proper response to this though:
"Some at CNN & NYT stood w/FOX News when the Obama admin attacked us & tried 2 exclude us-a WH gaggle should be open to all credentialed orgs"
White House blocks CNN, New York Times from press briefing hours after Trump slams media

The news organizations should, and will IMHO, stand against this kind of action against the media in general. I have no problem with Trump calling them out for the shit reporting that we get these days but I do have a problem with Trump using the system to try and punish specific organizations.
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine. Media outlooks intermix news and news commentary to a appoint that it is difficult to determine sometimes where news reporting ends and commentary begins. Most cable news hardly even tries any more to keep them separate.

Back in the 1950's TV stations reported the news at least attempting a degree of fairness. Commentary was proceed by an announcement that following is editorial content and does not necessary represent the views of the station. Although this degree of separation was not required in newspapers, it was a mark of fine journalism to keep commentary on the editorial page. Slanting the news was a no no. Today it's treated as a mark of excellence.
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia
I cant support governmental control over media because the consumers want to consume shit rather than quality. One, it does not fix anything at all as the consumers are the ones that dictate direction and they will find what they are looking for somewhere else if the government tries to determine what is allowed to be aired. Two - and the largest problem here - the government should not be determine what is or is not 'balanced.' This is an executive function. Just imagine for one second that we handed the power to determine if a news station was being balanced and fair in its approach to reporting to Trump.

That is what you are advocating here.
You don't need the times dumbass, look at Trumps twitter account or watch his speech at cPac. He has called the media the enemy of the state many many times.
I don't follow twitter snowflake. What I do is learn from history and use common sense as a guide in life. So you can take your twitter account and shove it.
Trump Calls the News Media the ‘Enemy of the American People’
Now you see there is your problem. You are reading the New York fake news times. Stop it!!!! it is sucking your intelligence right out from your skull.
We all know you're at war with the truth because the truth about Trump is as ugly as sin.
The NYTIMES is the paper of record in this country. Dems and repukes have always respected it until Putin's Puppet came along and tried to demonize it because they get the goods on him.
You don't need the times dumbass, look at Trumps twitter account or watch his speech at cPac. He has called the media the enemy of the state many many times.
I don't follow twitter snowflake. What I do is learn from history and use common sense as a guide in life. So you can take your twitter account and shove it.
Why don't you tell Trump to shove his twitter account up his ass?
You're such a coward and a tool with the way you suck the cum right out of Trump's tiny dick.

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