Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

I loved it when the CNN reporter at the news conference called out Trump on his pathetic lie that " I had the largest electoral victory since Reagan."
And then when confronted with his lie, the cowardly president blamed someone else,
" Well that's what I was told."

No wonder Doofus only wants friendly softball questions from Breitbart and Fox. HE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
If pathetic victories like that make you feel better, I'm happy for you.
STILL don't have the integrity to call out Trump's lies I see.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
I live in an area were only issues pertaining to rich whites are covered by the media, and then I get this bullshit? We have ethnic violence , massive pollution and government enforced this and that here, but all the spoilt rich white elitist cracker liberals that live in a gated all white communities can't spew their alternative brand of mind control, boo hoo. I am weeping into my pillow. I feel for ya.
Why don't you tell Trump to shove his twitter account up his ass?
You're such a coward and a tool with the way you suck the cum right out of Trump's tiny dick
I bet you are a star on craigslist, your sick words are the reason you are sitting on the losing end. Decency still leads the way in America. We proved that last November. I'm so happy people with sick minds like yours are in the minority.
From reading some of these threads you'd think half the country was "gated communities," but I don't see them.
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You don't need the times dumbass, look at Trumps twitter account or watch his speech at cPac. He has called the media the enemy of the state many many times.
I don't follow twitter snowflake. What I do is learn from history and use common sense as a guide in life. So you can take your twitter account and shove it.
Well your boy trump uses twitter on a daily basis and there is record of him saying what you are calling fake news.
The first amendment does not guarantee corporate media access to the White House. Did President Trump raid the media's offices and seize their publishing/broadcasting equipment?
You are right, it absolutely does not.

The people also do not have to stick with allowing the government to simply get away with something because it is legal. There is noting wrong with the people calling out Trump for this and demanding that he not be selective in access to White House press briefings. Government transparency is sorely needed.
The first amendment does not guarantee corporate media access to the White House. Did President Trump raid the media's offices and seize their publishing/broadcasting equipment?
You are right, it absolutely does not.

The people also do not have to stick with allowing the government to simply get away with something because it is legal. There is noting wrong with the people calling out Trump for this and demanding that he not be selective in access to White House press briefings. Government transparency is sorely needed.

That's fine. I have no problem with people criticizing the government, even President Trump. But I just roll my eyes when people act like Trump blocking the legacy media is a huge infringement of the first amendment. That's my opinion, and I know a lot of people disagree.
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine.

And I think you're an idiot. We don't need to revisit this lamebrain idea. What we need to do is hold media/news outlets accountable as consumers. The free market will do the rest.


This is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Some smart ass was on here the other day demanding I show them evidence of CNN smearing Trump.... well here you go... From Feb. 23, 2017. CNN isn't even trying to hide their bias anymore.

The piece of shit who wrote this is a flaming radical left-wing idiot who has no business working for any media outlet of credibility in America. The Trump administration is FAR more pro-Israel than the Obama administration.... it's not even close. For God's sake, his grandkids are Jewish!

Contrast this nitwit's unhinged and baseless rant with objective reality from December 2016:


Doesn't sound antisemitic to me. Neither did his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.

Does she sound like she's a fucking Jew-hater? Does this sound like the administration has a problem with Jews? CNN reports-- YOU decide!
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine. Media outlooks intermix news and news commentary to a appoint that it is difficult to determine sometimes where news reporting ends and commentary begins. Most cable news hardly even tries any more to keep them separate.

Back in the 1950's TV stations reported the news at least attempting a degree of fairness. Commentary was proceed by an announcement that following is editorial content and does not necessary represent the views of the station. Although this degree of separation was not required in newspapers, it was a mark of fine journalism to keep commentary on the editorial page. Slanting the news was a no no. Today it's treated as a mark of excellence.
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia
Wikipedia? LOL. Yes, liberals would love the fairness doctrine but like everything else it's a lie designed to fool the masses. There was nothing fair about it. And it's another reason they hate Reagan so much, thanks Ronnie!

If I listen to a .political radio station I don't want to hear the stupidity, lies and garbage the left manufactures in abundance. I don't want to have to turn to a different station every hour or whatever the government dictates. Aside from the fact they have no authority to dictate what we should hear. Lefties aren't going to listen to right winger's perspectives either. That's why when it was killed conservative talk radio stations came into being.

It wasn't until the fairness doctrine got canned that the left wing started losing it's ability to feed the masses what it wanted without competition. There is an older term for fake news. It's called propaganda. The left wing media outlets could not control the outcome of the elections this time and they are not happy. They are at war with the truth to regain power.
Oh only the Jews. You are an idiot! a complete idiot. You should not be allowed to vote!

Historical FACT is a bitch for morons like you.....Stay DUMB, we need folks like you to oick tomatoes after Trump sends so-called illegals away.

Your "so called illegals" are in this country against the democratically enacted laws of this nations.

THat makes them illegal aliens.

Your refusal to use accurate terminology, reveals you to be dishonest, and on the side of the criminals. As always.
I loved it when the CNN reporter at the news conference called out Trump on his pathetic lie that " I had the largest electoral victory since Reagan."
And then when confronted with his lie, the cowardly president blamed someone else,
" Well that's what I was told."

No wonder Doofus only wants friendly softball questions from Breitbart and Fox. HE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.

He got called on some hyperbole, and brushed it off.

What part of that is confusing to you?
The men who founded America wrote a constitution that protected free speech and a free "media" in the first amendment to the constitution. It has worked for the entire life of our nation. We don't need this guy in the White House today and his followers to weaken or remove that right.

You lefties should have thought of that, before you politicized the media.
The "media" consist of enormous numbers of private entities whose main purpose is to make a profit from dispersing news. The profits are dependent on advertising contained in their publications (including online endeavors) and in some cases subscription fees. The political slant a news source takes is determined by the demographics of their readers and consumers.


If that was true, there would be more competition for the conservative viewers.

The reason that Fox has such high ratings, is that the rest of media has chosen to not even try for those viewers.

They are happy to keep their declining share, regardless of decreasing revenue, instead of changing.
Not really.

Trying to out FOX FOX is a bad move. The remaining media outlets are trying to expand their existing customer base. They have changed and changed a lot as a response to FOX as well. They are trying to copy the format FOX uses in a liberal tilt.


FORMAT is not the issue, their LIBERALS TILT is.

They can't expand their existing customer base by copying FORMAT.
Funny that the same people that cheered over Obama's treatment of FOX are now calling Trump a dictator because he did not invite CNN to a gaggle.

I happen to agree with the sentiment here though (and did as well through Obama's attempts at controlling the media) - there is no reason to support Trump in excluding any news agency in briefings and certainly not when he is specifically targeting left agencies as he was here. This is not a first amendment issue though - the agencies are free to report at will. For the most part, the news stations will handle this on their own (at least I hope so). Bret Baier, surprisingly, tweeted a proper response to this though:
"Some at CNN & NYT stood w/FOX News when the Obama admin attacked us & tried 2 exclude us-a WH gaggle should be open to all credentialed orgs"
White House blocks CNN, New York Times from press briefing hours after Trump slams media

The news organizations should, and will IMHO, stand against this kind of action against the media in general. I have no problem with Trump calling them out for the shit reporting that we get these days but I do have a problem with Trump using the system to try and punish specific organizations.
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine. Media outlooks intermix news and news commentary to a appoint that it is difficult to determine sometimes where news reporting ends and commentary begins. Most cable news hardly even tries any more to keep them separate.

Back in the 1950's TV stations reported the news at least attempting a degree of fairness. Commentary was proceed by an announcement that following is editorial content and does not necessary represent the views of the station. Although this degree of separation was not required in newspapers, it was a mark of fine journalism to keep commentary on the editorial page. Slanting the news was a no no. Today it's treated as a mark of excellence.
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia

Now that is real censorship.
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine.

And I think you're an idiot. We don't need to revisit this lamebrain idea. What we need to do is hold media/news outlets accountable as consumers. The free market will do the rest.

View attachment 114273

This is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Some smart ass was on here the other day demanding I show them evidence of CNN smearing Trump.... well here you go... From Feb. 23, 2017. CNN isn't even trying to hide their bias anymore.

The piece of shit who wrote this is a flaming radical left-wing idiot who has no business working for any media outlet of credibility in America. The Trump administration is FAR more pro-Israel than the Obama administration.... it's not even close. For God's sake, his grandkids are Jewish!

Contrast this nitwit's unhinged and baseless rant with objective reality from December 2016:

View attachment 114274

Doesn't sound antisemitic to me. Neither did his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.

Does she sound like she's a fucking Jew-hater? Does this sound like the administration has a problem with Jews? CNN reports-- YOU decide!

If the free market was going to solve this

Fox wouldn't be the most popular cable news on TV lol

People who are objectively less informed on current events than their peers who report watching no news at all


A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

How people imagine profit motive and a business model based around advertising is going to lead to the truth is just fucking beyond me. Have you ever been on a forum that had advertisers they had to cater to?

NOw imagine that but you're a national news organization that sells ads for everything under teh sun. The free market will take care of it?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine.

And I think you're an idiot. We don't need to revisit this lamebrain idea. What we need to do is hold media/news outlets accountable as consumers. The free market will do the rest.

View attachment 114273

This is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Some smart ass was on here the other day demanding I show them evidence of CNN smearing Trump.... well here you go... From Feb. 23, 2017. CNN isn't even trying to hide their bias anymore.

The piece of shit who wrote this is a flaming radical left-wing idiot who has no business working for any media outlet of credibility in America. The Trump administration is FAR more pro-Israel than the Obama administration.... it's not even close. For God's sake, his grandkids are Jewish!

Contrast this nitwit's unhinged and baseless rant with objective reality from December 2016:

View attachment 114274

Doesn't sound antisemitic to me. Neither did his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.

Does she sound like she's a fucking Jew-hater? Does this sound like the administration has a problem with Jews? CNN reports-- YOU decide!

If the free market was going to solve this

Fox wouldn't be the most popular cable news on TV lol

People who are objectively less informed on current events than their peers who report watching no news at all


A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

How people imagine profit motive and a business model based around advertising is going to lead to the truth is just fucking beyond me. Have you ever been on a forum that had advertisers they had to cater to?

NOw imagine that but you're a national news organization that sells ads for everything under teh sun. The free market will take care of it?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass

FOX is only able to claim most popular status because they refer to the "cable news networks" category, a very small and limited category. Rated by viewers with NBC, ABC, and CBS they a crushed and made infinitesimal.

The majority of Americans do not get their news from only cable news networks. NBC, ABC, and CBS get around 24 million viewers every day. FOX's best-rated commentary program may get 3 million viewers.
FOX is only able to claim most popular status because they refer to the "cable news networks" category, a very small and limited category. Rated by viewers with NBC, ABC, and CBS they a crushed and made infinitesimal.

The majority of Americans do not get their news from only cable news networks. NBC, ABC, and CBS get around 24 million viewers every day. FOX's best-rated commentary program may get 3 million viewers.
Everytime I've heard it they have said highest rated cable news show. I don't see where that's deceitful. And yes, thanks for pointing out the main stream media is main stream. Mystery solved!
I think we need to revisit the Fairness Doctrine.

And I think you're an idiot. We don't need to revisit this lamebrain idea. What we need to do is hold media/news outlets accountable as consumers. The free market will do the rest.

View attachment 114273

This is the kind of stuff that has to stop. Some smart ass was on here the other day demanding I show them evidence of CNN smearing Trump.... well here you go... From Feb. 23, 2017. CNN isn't even trying to hide their bias anymore.

The piece of shit who wrote this is a flaming radical left-wing idiot who has no business working for any media outlet of credibility in America. The Trump administration is FAR more pro-Israel than the Obama administration.... it's not even close. For God's sake, his grandkids are Jewish!

Contrast this nitwit's unhinged and baseless rant with objective reality from December 2016:

View attachment 114274

Doesn't sound antisemitic to me. Neither did his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.

Does she sound like she's a fucking Jew-hater? Does this sound like the administration has a problem with Jews? CNN reports-- YOU decide!

If the free market was going to solve this

Fox wouldn't be the most popular cable news on TV lol

People who are objectively less informed on current events than their peers who report watching no news at all


A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

How people imagine profit motive and a business model based around advertising is going to lead to the truth is just fucking beyond me. Have you ever been on a forum that had advertisers they had to cater to?

NOw imagine that but you're a national news organization that sells ads for everything under teh sun. The free market will take care of it?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass

FOX is only able to claim most popular status because they refer to the "cable news networks" category, a very small and limited category. Rated by viewers with NBC, ABC, and CBS they a crushed and made infinitesimal.

The majority of Americans do not get their news from only cable news networks. NBC, ABC, and CBS get around 24 million viewers every day. FOX's best-rated commentary program may get 3 million viewers.

Classic liberal lie.

They use a "true" stat out of context, to inflate Fox's impact so they can argue that the MSM is balanced.

On some level they know that they are in the wrong and that telling the truth can never work for them. SO they just lie all the time, until it becomes their default reflex.

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