Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

How people imagine profit motive and a business model based around advertising is going to lead to the truth is just fucking beyond me. Have you ever been on a forum that had advertisers they had to cater to?
It is really very simple to be honest. The viewers simply have to value truth over confirmation bias and dishonesty. That is not the case right now.

The news stations are not slanted because of advertisers - all they care about are eyeballs on their adverts. They are slanted because the owners of those eyeballs are demanding it.

Clearly they do not

Or cannot

Again how do you think that's giong to happen?

It's not

I don't have an answer either, but I don't pretend the free market is going to solve it.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
No. Trump has opened the briefings to outlets that have been shut out. He's expanding the press.

The mainstream press doesn't like that. They want to be the only asses getting kissed.
Lol lots of Trumptard apoligists saying.....well Obama did etc,,,

Hey idiots, are you saying Trump is like Obama? Because it looks like you are.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
Trump did not make any law preventing any media outlet from spewing their fake news. There's no violation of the First Amendment.

Easiest hypocrite in history to skewer.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
Trump did not make any law preventing any media outlet from spewing their fake news. There's no violation of the First Amendment.
It appears you've had a lot of practice being this stupid. Practice makes perfect.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
No. Trump has opened the briefings to outlets that have been shut out. He's expanding the press.

The mainstream press doesn't like that. They want to be the only asses getting kissed.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

/--- Who has been eliminated? CNN is still broadcasting and you can buy the Sunday edition of the New York Slimes. So tinkerbell who has been eliminated?

We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.
No. Trump has opened the briefings to outlets that have been shut out. He's expanding the press.

The mainstream press doesn't like that. They want to be the only asses getting kissed.

What outlets had been shut out, exactly? And are they getting in now?
From what I understand those in the WH Press room advise them who will be attending. Not the other way round.
I don't have an answer either, but I don't pretend the free market is going to solve it.

Free market will solve almost anything if it is allowed to function.

"Truth" in an elusive creature when it comes to the news. Virtually every news story is rife with facets and nuance. You seldom get all the information. At best, you get a distilled version or recap, at worst, you get outright misinformation or a complete distortion of truth. Intelligent people who want to be fully informed, know that relying on any single particular news source is foolish. They all have a bias and it's reflected in how they report the news.

The idea of an objective and unbiased media is something we've never had in America. Even some of the oldest newspapers in the country proudly hail their bias in the masthead. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Press-Republican, San Diego Union-Tribune, Daily-Independent. All news is presented from a biased perspective by individuals who have a political bias. It is the consumer who has to do the due diligence of ferreting out the truth from the available information.

Now, where I have a real serious problem is with left-wing ideologues who believe turning over news and reporting the news to government is a good idea that will give us more truth. Fairness Doctrines and regulating the internet bring us LESS truth. Suddenly, we find ourselves locked in a society where our news and information is essentially what the government wants us to know and think. And while this may be appealing to left-wingers who are Socialists, Communists and Marxists, it's not appealing to me in the least and I will fight against it until the day I die.
No the free market will create functional monopolies

As it has already

And create Fox News

And no, some things are subjective or unknown. Others are to all rational humans known.

Like the world is fucking round not flat, go sit on top of a mountain if you doubt me

Or Saddam had weapons of mass destruction
We're talking about the President here. Freedom of the Press was put into the Bill of Rights for one reason, so they could report on the government so people would be informed of what the government is doing. The First Amendment prevents the US Federal Government from impeding the press from functioning. What Trump has done is getting close to, or over, the boundaries of the meaning for the First Amendment.

You're just rambling nonsense and you don't even know what you're saying. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. The First protects the freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Trump's action did not impede the press from functioning in any way. In fact, Trump isn't even obligated to give a daily press briefing and up until the early 20th century, it wasn't done at all. The fact that the White House offers a daily briefing doesn't mean every media source is entitled to a seat. Literally tens-of-thousands of legitimate news organizations never get to attend a daily briefing.

There is no abridging of rights here. What is happening is a select few news outlets who are part of the establishment body of politics in Washington, are being culled from what they assumed an entitlement to and they don't like it. To that I say, tough shit! Report the news fairly and stop creating fake news narratives in an attempt to smear and de-legitimize the administration. If you cannot be objective, you'll be treated accordingly by this White House.
No the free market will create functional monopolies

As it has already

And create Fox News

And no, some things are subjective or unknown. Others are to all rational humans known.

Like the world is fucking round not flat, go sit on top of a mountain if you doubt me

Or Saddam had weapons of mass destruction

Saddam did have WMDs. That's proven fact now.

There is no monopoly on the news. That's what you get when you destroy the free market and leave the reporting of the news to the government.

And nothing is ever truly "known" including reality. The best we can ever do is assume knowledge. We can have faith that we know, we can never know that we know.
No the free market will create functional monopolies

As it has already

And create Fox News

And no, some things are subjective or unknown. Others are to all rational humans known.

Like the world is fucking round not flat, go sit on top of a mountain if you doubt me

Or Saddam had weapons of mass destruction

Saddam did have WMDs. That's proven fact now.

There is no monopoly on the news. That's what you get when you destroy the free market and leave the reporting of the news to the government.

And nothing is ever truly "known" including reality. The best we can ever do is assume knowledge. We can have faith that we know, we can never know that we know.

"the main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't," ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

Less reliable for facts or less reliable for 'alternative facts'?

Just because you don't like to hear it, because it does not conform to your personal delusions, does not mean that it is not true.

The Soros Press determines the conclusion which serves the party, then fabricates a narrative around it. IF CNN happens to report a fact, it is purely coincidental and only because the fact happens to match the narrative that the party is promoting.

You've been caught. I know you're desperate to put the genie back in the bottle, but America knows that our press is nothing more that propaganda.

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