Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.
You are a liar. It was not. You got exposed liar.

Since I actually feel sorry for mentally deficient right wingers.....

Trump Calls the News Media the ‘Enemy of the American People’
...except .....

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

Trump called ‘fake news’ media an enemy of the American people. Here's what else has made the public enemies list

Feb. 17, 2017, 4:58 p.m.
Trump called ‘fake news’ media an enemy of the American people. Here's what else has made the public enemies list

President Trump tweeted Friday that the “fake news” media was an "enemy of the American people." An initial tweet mentioning CNN, the New York Times, NBC and "many more" was deleted and reposted, expanding the list to include ABC and CBS.
You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
Quit humping my leg, Sheila.
So it was fake when the NYT broke the detailed news of Hillary Clinton's private email server that was the sole information Fox news relied on for months.
Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
Quit humping my leg, Sheila.

Coming from the person that quoted me first in this thread. :lmao:

This shit is priceless!
I just proved you're full of shit.

You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
Quit humping my leg, Sheila.

Coming from the person that quoted me first in this thread. :lmao:

This shit is priceless!
What's that got to do with your puppy behavior?
I loved it when the CNN reporter at the news conference called out Trump on his pathetic lie that " I had the largest electoral victory since Reagan."
And then when confronted with his lie, the cowardly president blamed someone else,
" Well that's what I was told."

No wonder Doofus only wants friendly softball questions from Breitbart and Fox. HE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
You did? Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? I challenged you to a face off of who's the bigger liar, the White House or the media... and you declined. Sounds like I proved YOU are full of shit. :)
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
Quit humping my leg, Sheila.

Coming from the person that quoted me first in this thread. :lmao:

This shit is priceless!
What's that got to do with your puppy behavior?

Puppy behavior? Well let me connect the dots for you since you seem to have early onset Alzheimer's.

You like to follow me from thread to thread.
You quoted me first in this thread with a personal attack.
You then accused me of personally attacking you first.
I gave you an opportunity to put up or shut up in a little challenge between the White House liars vs. the "Fake News."
You declined and instead tried to make it all about me, as always.
Then you accused me of "humping your leg," like I am fascinated with you... when you quoted and initiated the argument with me.

Now, where do you want to go from here? How about you go cry me a river?

So any time you decide to un-tuck your tail from between your legs let me know, and I'll give you a beat down in White House lies. ;)
Oh me oh my.... the snowflakes continue to melt today over this!

And I'm lovin' it! :rofl:

They all waddle in to wave their index finger in the air and talk down their noses like they are Thomas Paine... a free and open press is the cornerstone and foundation of our great nation! LMFAOOoooooooo!

I gotta hand it to Trump... he knows how to tweak their melons.

I can just picture the looks on their faces when the reporters were told they wouldn't be allowed into the daily briefing. I laugh just thinking about it. The smug and arrogant bastards thinking they had some kind of golden ticket... only to watch the Christian Broadcast Network walk on in and take their seats. Heheheh!

I think this is the best thing Trump has done since he's been president!
I don't let little girls jerk me around.

I'd make a comment here... but it would probably get me int trouble, let's just say your own words could be mixed around to make you sound like a big fan of Milo. People with common sense can see right through your little game, and understand just how bad you get slammed. The White House is full of more shit than the all the media they call "fake news." Trump and his posse prey on people like you, the partisan low brow crowd that laps up their diarrhea like a camel at an oasis. :badgrin:
Quit humping my leg, Sheila.

Coming from the person that quoted me first in this thread. :lmao:

This shit is priceless!
What's that got to do with your puppy behavior?

Puppy behavior? Well let me connect the dots for you since you seem to have early onset Alzheimer's.

You like to follow me from thread to thread.
You quoted me first in this thread with a personal attack.
You then accused me of personally attacking you first.
I gave you an opportunity to put up or shut up in a little challenge between the White House liars vs. the "Fake News."
You declined and instead tried to make it all about me, as always.
Then you accused me of "humping your leg," like I am fascinated with you... when you quoted and initiated the argument with me.

Now, where do you want to go from here? How about you go cry me a river?

So any time you decide to un-tuck your tail from between your legs let me know, and I'll give you a beat down in White House lies. ;)
You're a leg humper alright. You always do this. No, you would not win a lying game and you're stupid to think anyone cares that deeply about you.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

What did he do to stop them from publishing? You have a very loose interpretation of the First Amendment. I don't think it was a good move on his part but he did not m
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!

Obama and Democrats did the same thing. Banned the Washington Times, Left out Fox News on Conference calls; referred to Fox News as "Entertainment", "not real news". Even tried to use the Fairness Doctrine to silence them.

Everytime Obama and The Democrats pulled shit like this, while I was annoyed, I took solace knowing that Obama and The Democrats were setting precedent. I stated they were doing such at the time as well. Obama said, "Elections have consequences", "Punish your Enemies."

Ha, that was all ok because Obama was their 'Hopey Changey Messiah.' You ain't gonna reason with these folks. So don't waste too much time trying to. Trump's 'Hitler' as far as they're concerned. You can't reason with them.
It's not ok if Obama did it and it's not ok if Trump does it. The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.

Don't you mean to say that the WH has a responsibility to an irresponsible press? That's just not logical. It was only a 'gaggle' anyways; sorta like a timeout to a misbehaving child.

Just another Democrat Fake News Drama Queen non-issue. No one's rights have been violated. The Fake Newsters are free to continue being Fake Newsters. No one's stopping them. Case closed. Movin on...

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