Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico have no one to blame but themselves.
If they get back into the news business instead of being political hacks they might get invited back.
Actually who cares, they have lost all credibility.
He doesn't like people that prove he is lying...

Let me try to explain this to you.

#1. News outlets report stuff about Russian ties using anonymous sources.
#2. Trump calls it "Fake News"
#3. Trump says the White House needs to find and fix the leaks

Now, simple question, so please use some simple reasoning skills here. How can there be leaks in the White House if it is fake news?
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.
CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico have no one to blame but themselves.
If they get back into the news business instead of being political hacks they might get invited back.
Actually who cares, they have lost all credibility.
How bout the BBC? One of the most respected news sources in the world. They were barred too.
He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
You lie all the time. Your analysis of the above makes no sense. There's no contraction. Do you ever get in a discussion with anyone without getting your pussy all inflamed?

You're the pussy hurt asswipe that has to call everyone liars in every single thread. I'm sorry ytou can't understand a simple Trumpism.

You can't be fake news with an anonymous source AND be leaked info. If it's fake, it's not leaked info. If it's leaked info then it isn't fake. Not sure why you can't understand that... or is it that you DON'T WANT to understand it? Or is it you are just stupid? Hmmm... I'll let you answer that one.
Here she is slinging her purse around some more. Leaks are illegal but going to allies in the media who then churn out further lies to make it look worse. I provided the example of the Russia and sanctions "reporting". Go change your tampon.

What's next,.
Go change your tampon.

Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing, you gotta put it in your back pocket and sit on it. Trump has lied to you and the rest of the country every step of the way and you just smile and eat his shit. Take for example his promise to uphold state's rights and their decisions on marijuana laws that were voted into place while he campaigned, well guess what... now he wants Sessions to enforce the federal laws over the state ones. Just another Trump lie... and Sessions told a Republican Senator from Colorado in a closed door meeting he would not enforce the federal laws over Colorado's laws if they confirmed him, and Sessions fucked him over too. It's just one lie after another. Trump gets called out on his bullshit, and the first things out of his mouth is fake news.
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.
He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.

that was one
He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.

A great example of English humor. Thank you. I hope that you are not serious.
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.
Liar. I gave an example and you simply ignored it to spew more lies. That's what you do. You can't back up a damn thing you ever say. When did he say leaks were fake news? The fake news was in reporting above and beyond what they got.

He said what was being reported was fake news using anonymous sources... and then in the next breath said that the news was being leaked out of the White House and needed to be found and stopped.

Do you ever get into a discussion where you don't call the person you disagree with a liar? Jesus dude, you're like a broken record in every thread.
Both statements are true, moron. Information was leaked out of the Whitehouse, and then the fake news lied about it.
It is up to you, or trump, the accusers, to prove that the news reported is fake or fraudulent, an exaggeration, a story with embellishments, loaded with unsubstantiated allegations, or outright lies. At present, you, and trump are simply using a generic catch all talking point with no substance to attack the messenger instead of the message. What trump, and you, are doing is demonizing those who legitimately criticize a standing President as if that were an un-American thing to do.

It's been proven over and over again that the legacy media lies. We can't help it if you have your eyes blindfolded and your fingers firmly inserted in your ears.
Show me 10 examples. From what you say it should be easy.
News organizations are private corporations. So they can report how they like unfortunately. More immoral corporate influence. And then they will whine like little babies about too many regulations which is a liue we hear over and over.
News organizations are private corporations. So they can report how they like unfortunately. More immoral corporate influence. And then they will whine like little babies about too many regulations which is a liue we hear over and over.
So you would prefer a government controlled media?
Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.
Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
Nope. I don't want govt media. Just stating the point that corporations have agendas. Corporations don't have to play by the rules and whine and lie about too many regulations. Outright lie. Talk about snowflakes. Look at your ceos. Talk about snowflakes.
Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.
Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
Nope. I don't want govt media. Just stating the point that corporations have agendas. Corporations don't have to play by the rules and whine and lie about too many regulations. Outright lie. Talk about snowflakes. Look at your ceos. Talk about snowflakes.
The bigger they are the closer to government they are. They funnel money into campaigns for a reason. But you see only the corporations at fault?
Remember boss, zone 2 so you gotta stay on topic and not just Flame someone. So if you can't actually say something that has to do with the fucked up shit that dick-tater Trump is doing,
I did repeatedly. You were incapable of understanding so you got personal.

You made it personal with your very first post to me. So now you are playing the victim game? You never cease to amaze me. :laugh:

How about we play a little game. We start a thread where you post a lie by the media about Trump, and then I'll post a lie from the White House, and we keep going until one of us runs out of things to post and then the other one wins? :)

Then we can see who's the bigger liar, Trump or the media he calls "fake news."
You need to find someone else to play your kid games. The leftwing media makes up stories and spins them to destroy their enemies. Where was all the negative Obama press from CNN? That alone proves your game is a waste of time.

Of course you won't play a game you know you can't win. Thanks for admitting it up front instead of wasting my time. :itsok:
I just proved you're full of shit.
Trump now enjoys higher approval ratings with Republicans than Ronald Reagan at this point.

And who the hell cares what the media think.

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