Trump will be impeached


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Yes and the only thing the Democrats will have accomplished is destroy Biden's campaign and put a lot of Democratic House seats into play that weren't before. The American people have had enough of the Democrat hysterics during the Trump Presidency.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face.

She lost her face 5 surgeries ago...….
Could the Senate convict him but not remove him from office just to piss off the Democrats?
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face.

She lost her face 5 surgeries ago...….
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"
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Pelosi started this thing because she was pushed to.

As this inquiry goes on and Pelosi sees the writing on the wall that there is no chance of impeachment, she will back off and let this die.

Pelosi is smart, she knows that this will destroy Democrats.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

Trump fatigue has set an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"
Trump has done nothing to warrant any of your bullshit. You're a lying coward and should be locked up.
The real irony is that Trump was pissed back in 2008 that Speaker Pelosi didn't impeach Bush. He went on CNN to rant and rave about it.

That's probably why he doesn't want his retarded herd to watch CNN. He used to go on that network regularly to spew his far left views.

Now Pelosi is going to step up to the plate once more and save another idiot Republican from impeachment.

Trump's Chumps should be bowing down before her and kissing her feet.
Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi and fellow democrats be charged with trying to influence an election?

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”
The Ukraine scandal might thus be a single thread in a web of corruption and criminality that implicates a large number Trump officials & connects back to other impeachable offenses that seem unrelated until you zoom out far enough
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

There is plenty other crimes instead of Bribery... Actually Bribery is not even contemplated as a crime at the moment.

The other thing, there is not crime needed for impeachment. Impeachment is a political process..
Trump wished Pelosi impeached Bush, and was angry she didn't.

Then he spent years trying to prove Obama was disqualified to be President by perpetuating the hoax Obama was born in Kenya.

Listening to Trump whine nowadays while karma kicks him in the nuts is pleasing to my ears.

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