Trump will be President

You know that you are in a very small minority, yes.

President Trump raised $34 Million last night due to people like you,

$1 million for every fake notation on the jury form.

All small donors
Many from people who had never donated before.

Except the jury notations were not fake and these contributors are bad Americans.
I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn. Why are you voting for that?

Vote for DeSantis. He is smarter than Trump and is a MAGA. He would likely beat Biden badly.
Vote for Haley. She is smarter than Trump. She would very much beat Biden badly.
Trump is the only one Biden can beat. Trump has never won the popular vote, ever.

With this conviction, there is a chance for the Republican Party to remember its the Republican Party, and not the Trump Party. Pick a half decent candidate. Roll the Democrats in November.
Why would I vote for that? Because I don't care. Who Trump slept with, had sex with or streaked buck naked with, doesn't matter to me. I want what I had last time Trump was president.

Why would you vote for a man that molested his daughter, fostered a homelife that made both of his children drug addicts and bit a child? Why? Whatever could possess you to vote again for the kind of evil that opened our borders, destroyed our cities, depleted our energy reserves and reduced our military to incompetents who can put on a good drag show?
This is pure radical left wing propaganda. And I'm not a fan of trump. Can we just stop with the hitler analogies for christ sake.
Hitler was a dictator; Trump said he wants to be one.

Hitler was a racist; so is Trump.

Hitler was stupid; Trump is a dumbass.

Hitler surrounded himself with acolytes; so does Trump.

The only difference between Trump and Hitler, is that Trump will not invade Russia. He kisses too much Putin ass to do that.
It's just Trump. No one special. No one great. No one that actually made the country better. The better times we seen in 2019, were made that way by "we the people." Not Trump. Not the government. But us.

Y'all giving Trump credit for something we did. Like the democrats when they gave Obama credit. This reminds me of Obama's "You didn't do that."......... Trumps saying the same thing. We didn't make the economy better. We didn't keep the store and companies going. We didn't keep the oil flowing. According to Trump, he did that.

I say BS. And that's all this arguing about how great Trump was and how mean the democrats were to him, is just Trump getting his just rewards. And Republican voters shouldn't give a crap about Trump, after all the left leaning, big spending and anti constitutional crap he shoved in our faces.
It was Trump. By freeing up the people to do what we can do best, yes the people rallied and created the best economy any of us have ever seen. But it was his tax reforms and removal of crushing regulation, most especially in Obamacare, that allowed the people to do that.

That is the difference between an administration that micromanages a country badly and one that allows the people liberty to achieve, invent, improve, expand, prosper.

Biden reversed a whole lot of that. And if idiots re-elect Biden again in 2024, he has pledged to allow all those Trump reforms to go away at the end of 2025. If he had a Democrat Congress he would already have reversed that legislation.

If you like paying lower taxes and having all the advantages Trump allowed us, how he protected our 401Ks and IRAs that Biden wants, how he was bringing medical costs down--they've gone up a LOT under Biden--you will vote straight GOP in November or whenever you vote.

If you vote any other way, you are voting for continued serious decline in America that will eventually entirely destroy what America was intended to be.
I wouldn't be surprised if he landslides now. He's leading in almost all of the swing states now along with leading overall percentage wide per the whole country. His campaign just raked in 35 million in 12 hours.
It was Trump. By freeing up the people to do what we can do best, yes the people rallied and created the best economy any of us have ever seen. But it was his tax reforms and removal of crushing regulation, most especially in Obamacare, that allowed the people to do that.

That is the difference between an administration that micromanages a country badly and one that allows the people liberty to achieve, invent, improve, expand, prosper.

Biden reversed a whole lot of that. And if idiots re-elect Biden again in 2024, he has pledged to allow all those Trump reforms to go away at the end of 2025. If he had a Democrat Congress he would already have reversed that legislation.

If you like paying lower taxes and having all the advantages Trump allowed us, how he protected our 401Ks and IRAs that Biden wants, how he was bringing medical costs down--they've gone up a LOT under Biden--you will vote straight GOP in November or whenever you vote.

If you vote any other way, you are voting for continued serious decline in America that will eventually entirely destroy what America was intended to be.

Yours Truly is fringe of fringe.
Malcontent, non-participant in the political process -
Of no value to himself or others.
Lawfare, vax mandates, pushing for a vax passport, guess what cupcake, vax passports are straight out of nazi Germany.

Going back to the Clinton era he was pushing for a "National Labor Service" guess who invented that?

Yup, the Nazis. Reich Arbeits Dienst. Clinton didn't even change the name.

Try reading a book instead of living your life drunk, and stupid.
These sorts of arguments always pit educated people who actually know things on one side of the argument and democrats on the other.
I agree with you. The massive amount of donations yesterday is an indication of how upset decent Americans are over this political prosecution. The even bigger indication is that 30% of donors are NEW donors.
Actually it is an indication of what stupid marks MAGAts are.
Trump could tell you guys the corn in his shit is solid gold and you rubes would fall for it and send him money for a few precious pieces of it.
Except the jury notations were not fake and the'se contributors are bad Americans.
I'll take all the 'bad Americans' we can get who appreciate that a weaponized government against its citizens and its kangaroo court that ignores refuses a political opponent due process and railroads him with phony charges must not be allowed to go unchallenged. Such 'bad Americans' as you call them--call me--are the only hope this country has.
Cohen was convicted for the same thing by Trump DOJ. Thats ok. Trump conviction somehow bad?
The Cohen case was very different from this one. And he was given due process in a proper court of law and every chance to defend himself.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations​

Trump will be president, and if so, a rather ineffective one. I don't have hopeful prospects for any president's 2nd term and so am looking at this fall's election as a lose-lose proposition.
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

REPORT: Trump convicted on 34 felony counts.

MAGATARD: HAHAHAHAHAHA! We just owned the libs! :spinner:

Hello. I'm MAGA Christian Mike Johnson, and I've just hitched my evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse. That worked out well for Holy Mike Pence, after all.

We here at MAGA Central are taking a break from fucking porn stars, stealing from cancer kids, robbing the elderly at a fake university, running gambling houses, kicking in underaged girls' dressing room doors, grabbing pussies, cheating on our wives, defrauding banks and insurance companies, falling in love with communist dictators, attempting coups, and wiping our shit on the halls of the Capitol to inform you that Democrats are some really bad people.

Did you know the Democrats have a secret moon base where they ass rape babies?
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

You are a minority in this country. Don't assume everyone thinks like Republicans.
It was Trump.

BS. Total and utter BS. We did that. Not Trump.
If you're going to spit in the faces that keep everything going, It's best to do from behind your keyboard, dude.
By freeing up the people to do what we can do best, yes the people rallied and created the best economy any of us have ever seen. But it was his tax reforms and removal of crushing regulation, most especially in Obamacare, that allowed the people to do that.

The people were free to do what we do best. Stay afloat. Wade though the mess that government creates.
Trumps tax reform was a tax cut coupled with HUGE spending increases. That's retarded. And it's what helped create the huge inflation increase we seen before ANY of Biden's economic policies had time to even pass. Much less start taking effect. Which wasn't until around 2022.
Yes, it does take that long to get policies enacted.

That is the difference between an administration that micromanages a country badly and one that allows the people liberty to achieve, invent, improve, expand, prosper.

Trump didn't do that either.
Biden reversed a whole lot of that. And if idiots re-elect Biden again in 2024, he has pledged to allow all those Trump reforms to go away at the end of 2025. If he had a Democrat Congress he would already have reversed that legislation.

If you like paying lower taxes and having all the advantages Trump allowed us, how he protected our 401Ks and IRAs that Biden wants, how he was bringing medical costs down--they've gone up a LOT under Biden--you will vote straight GOP in November or whenever you vote.

I don't want to pay lower taxes. My taxes are fine. I want the government to stop spending more than they take in. Because that creates an inflation tax. Trump tax cuts and spending increases devalued the currency almost 16% in just 4 years.
If you vote any other way, you are voting for continued serious decline in America that will eventually entirely destroy what America was intended to be.

Trump increased spending. He increased the size and scope of government. He increased the swamp. He allowed warrantless spying on Americans. He assaulted our 2A and supported red flag laws. He let Hillary go, scott free. He didn't secure the borders. He didn't end one war. His covid vax cost us so much, that it'll be generations paying for it. And on top of that, he gave Fauci a commendation for it all.

Trump is a left leaning RINO. You're brainwashed to an extreme level if you can't see that.

Maybe you're only looking at how bad Biden is. Biden IS bad. Real bad. But that doesn't make Trump better. Trump's actual record is what makes Trump bad.
You can sugar coat a POS, but it's still a POS. And Trump is a left leaning one, who only identifies as a Republican.

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