Trump will be President

The verdict has already sparked a surge in enthusiasm among Trump’s supporters, with many rallying behind him in response to what they perceive as an unjust legal attack. This reaction underscores a broader sentiment of distrust towards the Democratic Party’s motives, which could galvanize Trump’s base even further.
What have the Democrats done that is even remotely close to Adolph Hitler?

Has Joe Biden stated he wants to be a dictator?

Has the Biden Administration weaponized the DOJ and State Dept like Trump did when he was President?

Does Biden think he can commit murder and get away with it?

Is Biden a racist?

No, Trump is all those things and more.
Lawfare, vax mandates, pushing for a vax passport, guess what cupcake, vax passports are straight out of nazi Germany.

Going back to the Clinton era he was pushing for a "National Labor Service" guess who invented that?

Yup, the Nazis. Reich Arbeits Dienst. Clinton didn't even change the name.

Try reading a book instead of living your life drunk, and stupid.
The first snap poll since the verdict has a Trump bump of 6 points.

Here is one directly from FoxNews.

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 8.51.56 AM.png
"I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn".

In what way do you think that affects his ability to be President?
Well, because its a well known fact that showering with your daughter is completely normal behavior and makes you a good president.......
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

It's just Trump. No one special. No one great. No one that actually made the country better. The better times we seen in 2019, were made that way by "we the people." Not Trump. Not the government. But us.

Y'all giving Trump credit for something we did. Like the democrats when they gave Obama credit. This reminds me of Obama's "You didn't do that."......... Trumps saying the same thing. We didn't make the economy better. We didn't keep the store and companies going. We didn't keep the oil flowing. According to Trump, he did that.

I say BS. And that's all this arguing about how great Trump was and how mean the democrats were to him, is just Trump getting his just rewards. And Republican voters shouldn't give a crap about Trump, after all the left leaning, big spending and anti constitutional crap he shoved in our faces.
"I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn".

In what way do you think that affects his ability to be President?

Well, for one, it makes him liable to be CONVICTED OF MULTIPLE FELONIES.

He pleaded to something that everyone, not in your echo chamber, said wasn't a crime in a failed effort to gain favor with the left.
Admitting it was a crime after being charged by the "Trump DOJ." Even the "Trump DOJ" thought it was a crime. Trump could have easily settled this but didn't.

Now he is a CONVICTED FELON. Come on MAGAs, run someone other than the only person Biden can beat,

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