Trump will be President

Dude, the fucking democrats have already done that. Wake the fuck up.
What have the Democrats done that is even remotely close to Adolph Hitler?

Has Joe Biden stated he wants to be a dictator?

Has the Biden Administration weaponized the DOJ and State Dept like Trump did when he was President?

Does Biden think he can commit murder and get away with it?

Is Biden a racist?

No, Trump is all those things and more.
And along with Trump's 35 million in one night, there's this:

Trump is not going to prison.

He is still running for President.

This will make him more popular.

The Left will end up ruing this.
Anyone voting for Trump wants to re-create Adolph Hitler in 2024.

Here is all the MAGA MAGGOTS need to remember. IF the Convicted Felon, Rapist and Traitor had just a straight up reinbursment to Cohen for paying Stephanie Clifford instead of covering it none of this would have happened.

Also, no he will NOT be president. A sizeable majority will not vote for a Convicted Felon to occupy the Oval Office.
I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn. Why are you voting for that?

Vote for DeSantis. He is smarter than Trump and is a MAGA. He would likely beat Biden badly.
Vote for Haley. She is smarter than Trump. She would very much beat Biden badly.
Trump is the only one Biden can beat. Trump has never won the popular vote, ever.

With this conviction, there is a chance for the Republican Party to remember its the Republican Party, and not the Trump Party. Pick a half decent candidate. Roll the Democrats in November.
In case you haven't noticed, dumbass. Americans WANT Trump, not an RNC mealymouthed RINO.
On May 30, 2024, Scott Jennings, a political analyst on CNN, predicted that the recent guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump might significantly backfire on the Democrats. Jennings argued that rather than diminishing Trump’s influence, the verdict could energize his base and attract undecided voters who view the legal actions against him as politically motivated. This prediction is supported by recent polling data indicating a potential increase in voter support for Trump as the 2024 election approaches.
On May 30, 2024, Scott Jennings, a political analyst on CNN, predicted that the recent guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump might significantly backfire on the Democrats. Jennings argued that rather than diminishing Trump’s influence, the verdict could energize his base and attract undecided voters who view the legal actions against him as politically motivated. This prediction is supported by recent polling data indicating a potential increase in voter support for Trump as the 2024 election approaches.

The first snap poll since the verdict has a Trump bump of 6 points.

"I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn".

In what way do you think that affects his ability to be President?
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

I doubt you being correct or saying anything nice about Joe, either, for that matter.
He is 100% opposite from "Genocide Joe" and I don't love Trump. He annoys the hell out of me. But I love America. And that's why I will support Donald Trump who did very good things for America before and will do his best to do good things for America again.

I cannot think of one single thing that Joe Biden has done that has been good for America, at least without including a whole bunch of other stuff that was very bad for America.
Yet they agree on nearly every major policy issue and both are prolific liars. Their mental state is also questionable.
And along with Trump's 35 million in one night, there's this:

Trump is not going to prison.

He is still running for President.

This will make him more popular.

The Left will end up ruing this.
All a LIE

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