Trump will be President

Well, for one, it makes him liable to be CONVICTED OF MULTIPLE FELONIES.

Admitting it was a crime after being charged by the "Trump DOJ." Even the "Trump DOJ" thought it was a crime. Trump could have easily settled this but didn't.

Now he is a CONVICTED FELON. Come on MAGAs, run someone other than the only person Biden can beat,

Former AG Barr rips 'political' Trump hush money case, says 'real threat' to democracy is progressive left​

BS. Total and utter BS. We did that. Not Trump.
If you're going to spit in the faces that keep everything going, It's best to do from behind your keyboard, dude.

The people were free to do what we do best. Stay afloat. Wade though the mess that government creates.
Trumps tax reform was a tax cut coupled with HUGE spending increases. That's retarded. And it's what helped create the huge inflation increase we seen before ANY of Biden's economic policies had time to even pass. Much less start taking effect. Which wasn't until around 2022.
Yes, it does take that long to get policies enacted.

Trump didn't do that either.

I don't want to pay lower taxes. My taxes are fine. I want the government to stop spending more than they take in. Because that creates an inflation tax. Trump tax cuts and spending increases devalued the currency almost 16% in just 4 years.

Trump increased spending. He increased the size and scope of government. He increased the swamp. He allowed warrantless spying on Americans. He assaulted our 2A and supported red flag laws. He let Hillary go, scott free. He didn't secure the borders. He didn't end one war. His covid vax cost us so much, that it'll be generations paying for it. And on top of that, he gave Fauci a commendation for it all.

Trump is a left leaning RINO. You're brainwashed to an extreme level if you can't see that.

Maybe you're only looking at how bad Biden is. Biden IS bad. Real bad. But that doesn't make Trump better. Trump's actual record is what makes Trump bad.
You can sugar coat a POS, but it's still a POS. And Trump is a left leaning one, who only identifies as a Republican.
I go by the actual results. Not the assigned talking points the left puts out there. Do have a pleasant day.
You are a minority in this country. Don't assume everyone thinks like Republicans.
That $34 million from small donors like me were from people who love this country and reject thinking like yours.
Do have a lovely day.
BS. Total and utter BS. We did that. Not Trump.
If you're going to spit in the faces that keep everything going, It's best to do from behind your keyboard, dude.

The people were free to do what we do best. Stay afloat. Wade though the mess that government creates.
Trumps tax reform was a tax cut coupled with HUGE spending increases. That's retarded. And it's what helped create the huge inflation increase we seen before ANY of Biden's economic policies had time to even pass. Much less start taking effect. Which wasn't until around 2022.
Yes, it does take that long to get policies enacted.

Trump didn't do that either.

I don't want to pay lower taxes. My taxes are fine. I want the government to stop spending more than they take in. Because that creates an inflation tax. Trump tax cuts and spending increases devalued the currency almost 16% in just 4 years.

Trump increased spending. He increased the size and scope of government. He increased the swamp. He allowed warrantless spying on Americans. He assaulted our 2A and supported red flag laws. He let Hillary go, scott free. He didn't secure the borders. He didn't end one war. His covid vax cost us so much, that it'll be generations paying for it. And on top of that, he gave Fauci a commendation for it all.

Trump is a left leaning RINO. You're brainwashed to an extreme level if you can't see that.

Maybe you're only looking at how bad Biden is. Biden IS bad. Real bad. But that doesn't make Trump better. Trump's actual record is what makes Trump bad.
You can sugar coat a POS, but it's still a POS. And Trump is a left leaning one, who only identifies as a Republican.
Somehow duopoly dupes can’t see how similar Genocide Joe is to Dumb Don, even though it’s obvious.
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I'm still back on the why vote for someone who literally slept with a hooker while his wife had a newborn. Why are you voting for that?

Vote for DeSantis. He is smarter than Trump and is a MAGA. He would likely beat Biden badly.
Vote for Haley. She is smarter than Trump. She would very much beat Biden badly.
Trump is the only one Biden can beat. Trump has never won the popular vote, ever.

With this conviction, there is a chance for the Republican Party to remember its the Republican Party, and not the Trump Party. Pick a half decent candidate. Roll the Democrats in November.

Biden would go down faster than Stormy Daniels dropping to her knees, if anyone other than Trump was his opponent. The contrast to fossil Biden and a much younger opponent, would be dramatic.
We are however left with Trump, and even a convicted felon, might still just be enough to win.
I go by the actual results. Not the assigned talking points the left puts out there. Do have a pleasant day.

All you're repeating are talking points. Trump made the economy better? That's a damn lie, dude. WE MADE THE ECONOMY BETTER. We always do. There was good times during Obama's administration, but it wasn't from anything he did. Same with Trump. Same with any president.

Tax cuts with huge spending increases create higher inflation.

How TF are Republican Trump supporters so blind and loyal, they can't see just how far left of center Trump really is, is a mystery of epic proportion.
$1 says you voted for Romney in 2012, didn't you?
What have the Democrats done that is even remotely close to Adolph Hitler?

Has Joe Biden stated he wants to be a dictator?

Has the Biden Administration weaponized the DOJ and State Dept like Trump did when he was President?

Does Biden think he can commit murder and get away with it?

Is Biden a racist?

No, Trump is all those things and more.

Ummm, I don't know, owning slaves maybe?
Biden would go down faster than Stormy Daniels dropping to her knees, if anyone other than Trump was his opponent. The contrast to fossil Biden and a much younger opponent, would be dramatic.
We are however left with Trump, and even a convicted felon, might still just be enough to win.

That is such a good point.

The only reason Trump wins this year is because Biden is as bad as he is. He can't speak coherently, he can't even hardly walk. He has people making all the decisions for him.

If Biden was 20yrs younger, he's beat the pants off Trump.

That's sad to say, because I despise Biden.
Somehow duopoly dupes can’t see how similar Genocide Joe is to Dumb Don, even thought it’s obvious.
Hey gipper,
Do you sometimes look back at the history of Presidents since the early 60s and think, anybody wanting that job, automatically has an aberration of thought or mental defect, that should automatically disqualify from hold the position?
I wouldn't be surprised if he landslides now. He's leading in almost all of the swing states now along with leading overall percentage wide per the whole country. His campaign just raked in 35 million in 12 hours.
Hamas democrats made him into Nelson Mandela.
You sound really snooty when you say that.

YoursTruly is spot on in what he said.

You're the one echoing ''talking points.''

You do that quit a bit, I've noticed.

Try to put on a better act...
I'm feeling pretty snooty when I say that. But it just sounds better to me than a FU.

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