Trump will be President

Former AG Barr rips 'political' Trump hush money case, says 'real threat' to democracy is progressive left​

Flip flopper Bill Barr has no spine.

He fell out with Trump over Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy.

But now he misses being in power and has not hesitated to throw his principles right out the window, just for a chance to have another taste of the Kool-Aid.

Fuck bitch boi Bill Barr.
Somewhere in here we need to find an honorable middle ground between hateful vengeance and becoming as corrupt and destructive as the Democrats have been. I'm pondering Megyn's comments here and weighing whether I think she's right or going a bit too far? But then President Trump has also said we Patriots need to use the Democrats' corrupt rules that are in place to our own advantage.

Can we do that and remain honorable?

I would add one million dead Americans to that list of achievements by Trump.

You guys are absurd blaming someone for the Covid deaths that early in the pandemic.

Everyone was in panic, not sure exactly what should be done, and you had a situation where you had to balance health risks, with the catastrophe of completely shutting down the country.
I would add one million dead Americans to that list of achievements by Trump.
Did you fall down a hit your head again? You’re confusing Don with W and O, who slaughtered untold numbers in the ME. No need to do that. Don has plenty of real bad shit to complain about.
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

Actually, he won't be.

Now for a more accurate prediction.

Not only Trump, but his entire family will be in the crosshairs. There will be no peace, nor will there be no quarter, for any of them.

This goes double for the entire MAGA criminal cabal.

When those election results come in. I would suggest you have your travel plans in order.
You guys are absurd blaming someone for the Covid deaths that early in the pandemic.

Everyone was in panic, not sure exactly what should be done, and you had a situation where you had to balance health risks, with the catastrophe of completely shutting down the country.
First, Trump blew off Covid as a "Democrat hoax". Then he continued to hold rallies and go golfing.

Then he waved his magic arms in the air and said Covid would just go away on his word.

But more importantly, he blew off contact tracing and testing. He thus allowed Covid to run rampant and unimpeded at the beginning of the pandemic when that is the most critical period to begin tracing and testing.

Here is what the stable genius said. These are the colossal dumb fuck's actual words: “When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

But that's only the SECOND dumbest thing any America president has ever said.

Here is the stupidest, most retarded thing ever said by any America president in our entire history:

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

So...yeah. One million dead are on his hands. The most advanced nation that ever existed had the highest number of deaths. Because we had a complete do-nothing dumbshit fucking moron at the helm.
Trump will be president, and if so, a rather ineffective one. I don't have hopeful prospects for any president's 2nd term and so am looking at this fall's election as a lose-lose proposition.
I look at this fall’s election as a last chance to save us from the Democrat Regime, headed by a senile old man….

  • who can’t order a milkshake or remember how to exit the stage
  • and continuing hordes of illegals
  • unaffordable rents for average Americans
  • ridiculously high groceries and gas
  • siding with Islamic terrorists to placate the Muslims
  • a “system” that brings bogus charges against those who threaten to stop the so-called transformation of America into a 3rd-world banana republic (after yesterday, I’d say we’re there)
  • where critical positions are based on race rather than merit
  • where funds are released to Iran to fund massacres against Jews
  • where elementary school kids are taught how to perform oral sex.
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Somewhere in here we need to find an honorable middle ground between hateful vengeance and becoming as corrupt and destructive as the Democrats have been
It gives you a thrill, the hating, doesn't it?

That's why you now devote your life to finding insane reasons to hate. You're addicted to the dopamine rush that you get from hating.

And like any addict, you need a bigger and bigger fix to keep getting the same thrill, which is why your stories keep getting crazier.
And along with Trump's 35 million in one night, there's this:

Trump is not going to prison.

He is still running for President.

This will make him more popular.

The Left will end up ruing this.
You are fake newsing again.
This conviction just killed any chance convicted felon rapist in chief Trump might have had of returning to the White House.
Biden will surpass the 3 million vote lead he had over Trump in 2016.
MAGAts are going to learn the hard way that MOST Amwricans ARE decent and smart people ans won't settle for a muktiple, convicted felon for the leader of their country.
They have higher standards.
The MAJORITY of them aren't rabid, brainwashed cultists after all.

An ABC/Ipsos poll in early May said one-fifth of Trump voters would either reconsider or withdraw their support if he’s convicted of a felony. In the Marist poll, released May 30, before the verdict, 67 percent of respondents said a guilty verdict would not affect their choice for president and 17 percent said they would be less likely to vote for Trump. About 15 percent said they would be more likely to vote for Trump if he’s a convicted felon.

Actually, he won't be.

Now for a more accurate prediction.

Not only Trump, but his entire family will be in the crosshairs. There will be no peace, nor will there be no quarter, for any of them.

This goes double for the entire MAGA criminal cabal.

When those election results come in. I would suggest you have your travel plans in order.
Wow. ^^^ Now the Left has become so dangerous and hateful that they are threatening to assault or even kill anyone who doesn’t submit to the New North Korea of America.
Hey Fox my friend,

Have you noticed the venom - and even threats - pouring out of the posters who are opposed to Making America Great Again? That is coming from sheer panic, as they realize the perversion of the legal system in order to keep the candidate most people want to win the presidency again is backfiring, and bigly.

I will say this. I live in a suburb right outside DC, surrounded by leftists. On Election Eve, I will make sure I pull the car into the garage, stay in the house, and not sit near any windows. These leftists are violent.
Hey Fox my friend,

Have you noticed the venom - and even threats - pouring out of the posters who are opposed to Making America Great Again? That is coming from sheer panic, as they realize the perversion of the legal system in order to keep the candidate most people want to win the presidency again is backfiring, and bigly.

I will say this. I live in a suburb right outside DC, surrounded by leftists. On Election Eve, I will make sure I pull the car into the garage, stay in the house, and not sit near any windows. These leftists are violent.
I am proud of the Patriots for staying calm following the verdict. I'm pretty sure if Trump had been acquitted, there would be destructive riots going on everywhere. But yes. I think anyone who hates America and traditional Americans and who tolerate the weaponization of government against its citizens as much as they do cannot be trusted and we have to anticipate they can be violent.
Anyone voting for Trump wants to re-create Adolph Hitler in 2024.
^^^ see how deranged they are? They’ve convinced themselves that Trump is a recreation of Hitler, when in fact he’s been the best president in 40 years. No new wars, energy surplus, record unemployment, inflation under 2%, real wages increasing, Iran back on its heels, progress toward peace in the Middle East, a business-friendly environment, and our enemies in fear of us.
Lawfare, vax mandates, pushing for a vax passport, guess what cupcake, vax passports are straight out of nazi Germany.

Going back to the Clinton era he was pushing for a "National Labor Service" guess who invented that?

Yup, the Nazis. Reich Arbeits Dienst. Clinton didn't even change the name.

Try reading a book instead of living your life drunk, and stupid.
You are not making any sense whatsoever! Name me one Democrat that has publicly stated they want to do away with the Constitution? Just one! I can name one Republican who has? Donald Trump!

BTW, it doesn't matter how many books you read if you are just going to look the other way when it comes to Trump or Republican transgressions.

That's the difference between liberals and conservatives, liberals have the balls to criticize their own, you do not!
You are fake newsing again.
This conviction just killed any chance convicted felon rapist in chief Trump might have had of returning to the White House.
Biden will surpass the 3 million vote lead he had over Trump in 2016.
MAGAts are going to learn the hard way that MOST Amwricans ARE decent and smart people ans won't settle for a muktiple, convicted felon for the leader of their country.
They have higher standards.
The MAJORITY of them aren't rabid, brainwashed cultists after all.

An ABC/Ipsos poll in early May said one-fifth of Trump voters would either reconsider or withdraw their support if he’s convicted of a felony. In the Marist poll, released May 30, before the verdict, 67 percent of respondents said a guilty verdict would not affect their choice for president and 17 percent said they would be less likely to vote for Trump. About 15 percent said they would be more likely to vote for Trump if he’s a convicted felon.

Dream on. Decent Americans on enraged by the North Korea tactics we just witnessed. Trump is more likely to win than ever.
You are not making any sense whatsoever! Name me one Democrat that has publicly stated they want to do away with the Constitution? Just one! I can name one Republican who has? Donald Trump!

BTW, it doesn't matter how many books you read if you are just going to look the other way when it comes to Trump or Republican transgressions.

That's the difference between liberals and conservatives, liberals have the balls to criticize their own, you do not!
Remind me again how old you are. You sound like an adolescent boy.
Actually, he won't be.

Now for a more accurate prediction.

Not only Trump, but his entire family will be in the crosshairs. There will be no peace, nor will there be no quarter, for any of them.

This goes double for the entire MAGA criminal cabal.

When those election results come in. I would suggest you have your travel plans in order.
Kill each other. Maim each other. Increase the abortions to two million a year. Ther si no peace with Progs. Only threats for not getting their spigot of resources.

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