Trump will be President

Kill each other. Maim each other. Increase the abortions to two million a year. Ther si no peace with Progs. Only threats for not getting their spigot of resources.
You notice how they always give themselves such holier-than-thou names? They’re “progressives.” Or they’re “woke.” The obvious implication is that people who disagree with them are backwards or ignorant.

We need new names for these enemies of America. I suggest “destroyers” and “fools.”
Ummm, I don't know, owning slaves maybe?
Hitler didn't own slaves.
^^^ see how deranged they are? They’ve convinced themselves that Trump is a recreation of Hitler, when in fact he’s been the best president in 40 years. No new wars, energy surplus, record unemployment, inflation under 2%, real wages increasing, Iran back on its heels, progress toward peace in the Middle East, a business-friendly environment, and our enemies in fear of us.
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Trump didn't do jack shit in office except give tax cuts to the rich.
I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

After yesterday's verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

If I am wrong, I will say something nice about Biden.

You know that you are in a very small minority, yes.

President Trump raised $34 Million last night due to people like you,

$1 million for every fake notation on the jury form.

All small donors
Many from people who had never donated before.

You’re behind. It’s closer to $40 million now.
Name me one adolescent boy who even knows what the Constitution is?
They all used to, before the Democrats ruined the education system. Now they can’t even name the three branches of government, but they sure know that there are 54 pronouns and that our country is bad.
I am proud of the Patriots for staying calm following the verdict. I'm pretty sure if Trump had been acquitted, there would be destructive riots going on everywhere. But yes. I think anyone who hates America and traditional Americans and who tolerate the weaponization of government against its citizens as much as they do cannot be trusted and we have to anticipate they can be violent.
When Trump takes the traditional walk from the Capitol after his swearing-in (Gd-willing) to the White House, I think he and Melania should be in a closed car. Seriously.
Has Biden said he wanted to be dictator? Trump has.
Except that Trump was tongue-in-cheek and only wanted to be dictator for a day to close the border and lift Biden's restrictions on the oil industry. After that he wouldn't be a dictator. Biden or whoever is controlling the puppet strings has been a dictator since Day 1 and the country is in a huge mess because of it.
You’re too ignorant for me to waste any more energy on.
Congratulations on joining my New Year's Resolution Club in which I pledged to not feed the trolls, argue with idiots or engage in other exercises in futility.

Mea culpa: I alas have broken my pledge several times on this thread alone. :)

But sometimes they're useful to get accurate information out there.
Except that Trump was tongue-in-cheek and only wanted to be dictator for a day to close the border and lift Biden's restrictions on the oil industry. After that he wouldn't be a dictator. Biden or whoever is controlling the puppet strings has been a dictator since Day 1 and the country is in a huge mess because of it.

The reality is that poeple like Bilo do not have the intelligence to understand things like that.
they just don't
That is such a good point.

The only reason Trump wins this year is because Biden is as bad as he is. He can't speak coherently, he can't even hardly walk. He has people making all the decisions for him.

If Biden was 20yrs younger, he's beat the pants off Trump.

That's sad to say, because I despise Biden.
No, you don't. Just another leftist loon suffering from severe TDS

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