Trump Will Be Taken Down!...

It's going to become a race to see who can be the first to bounce the Big Orange Idiot out of the White House.

If he waits for Mueller to finish his investigation, the entire administration will face jail time. Pence included.

The question then becomes, with the wide-spread corruption among the Republicans in office (the House, the Senate, and the executive branch), who will be left standing in the order of succession?



Yes, given how truly crooked you Republicans are, many of you could be indicted, tried, AND convicted.

Do you see the GOP rallying behind president Trump to defend him from the blistering attacks by the media? Nope! They sit on their hands in congress waiting for an opportunity to pile on without looking like back stabbers. Same thing they did to president Reagan.

Look there's nothing the Washington establishment hates more than an outsider like Reagan or Trump disrupting the statue quo in DC.
You stupid and delusional Moon Bats have been claiming that Trump is kaput for the last two years and you have been wrong every time.

Just wait to see the tens of thousands of supporters that will show up at his rally in Arizona scheduled for next Tuesday.

Maybe Meal Team Six (Heather Hyer's ANTIFA Honor Guard LOL) won't be there but thousands of other Americans will be.

By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

The GOP is such a retarded, dysfunctional, shit hole of a party, that I am amazed the Libertarians remain decidedly #3.

God/Allah/Kek help us. We have no options.
By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

The GOP is such a retarded, dysfunctional, shit hole of a party, that I am amazed the Libertarians remain decidedly #3.

God/Allah/Kek help us. We have no options.

Well, be careful going all-in on Democrat Fake News propaganda. The Democratic Party is even more 'retarded and dysfunctional.' It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks showed how Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz rigged its Presidential Nomination process. It's an embarrassingly failed Party that now only has 15 Governors among the 50 States. The GOP is in far better shape. That's the actual reality
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