Trump will call a spade a spade

will trump calling out Muslim terrorism put America at risk?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 70.8%

  • Total voters
And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do I want to handle Islam? Are you a fucking r-tard? We need to deal with the people that are breaking the law and hurting other people... regardless of what religion they are. I'm more worried about dealing with people like you than Islam.

Are you a retard? There is a large group of Islamists wanting to kill us, our laws, our religions and cultures. It is much more than obeying laws. Islam respects no law but Sharia.

Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every mosque in the world supports terrorism? you fucking idiot.

Do you think they don't? A mosque has that duty. Do some reading instead of flapping your uninformed lips'
Are you a retard? There is a large group of Islamists wanting to kill us, our laws, our religions and cultures. It is much more than obeying laws. Islam respects no law but Sharia.

Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every Mosque in the world?

Halal food profits go to terror?

Really now...

Both proven. Google Australia and Halal. And the Islam tithe has a part designated for jihad. It is in the books you do not understand.

What is meant by the term "jihad".

If you do not know what jihad is you need to get out of the thread.
Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every Mosque in the world?

Halal food profits go to terror?

Really now...

Both proven. Google Australia and Halal. And the Islam tithe has a part designated for jihad. It is in the books you do not understand.

What is meant by the term "jihad".

If you do not know what jihad is you need to get out of the thread.

I'm certain that you don't know. When are you leaving?
More American people die from bathtub accidents. Lots of Muslims in the ME are dying. Do you care?

In the south I think people ban bath tubs.

But...we sure as hell call bathtubs by their real name. "Vessels of Death".

Bathtubs are not inspired by religious ideology. When you face reality it will be a good day for you.

And.....terrorists are not inspired by a mainstream religious ideology. They are politically motivated opportunists who use a distorted view of religion to recruit people who can be counted on to believe a load of bull.

Why do these terrorists commit heinous acts of violence AGAINST MUSLIMS you fucking retard.

The Hell they are not. The ideology comes from the Koran and Hadith. It is Muhammads Islam. If you disagree with Muhammad you are wrong. Nothing on Islamic doctrine comes from other men, only Muhammad,

ISIS follows Muhammads Islam to the letter.

No it doesn't.
It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every Mosque in the world?

Halal food profits go to terror?

Really now...

Both proven. Google Australia and Halal. And the Islam tithe has a part designated for jihad. It is in the books you do not understand.

What is meant by the term "jihad".

If you do not know what jihad is you need to get out of the thread.

I'm certain that you don't know. When are you leaving?

I have forgotten more than you will ever know. I am not about to explain jihad to someone as emasculated as yourself and shatter the dream world you inhabit.
No, that's only what you read, not the entire document.

Then you tell me after abrogation what Islams doctrine is. It is obligatory to advance Islam anyway possible. Non-Muslims are sub human, and Islam must dominate the world. That is the message in Islam.

It is? Sorry if I don't take your word for it...

You don't have to, facts do not depend on your approval.

Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you with a suicide vest on.

And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do you want to handle it?
How do I want to handle Islam? Are you a fucking r-tard? We need to deal with the people that are breaking the law and hurting other people... regardless of what religion they are. I'm more worried about dealing with people like you than Islam.

Are you a retard? There is a large group of Islamists wanting to kill us, our laws, our religions and cultures. It is much more than obeying laws. Islam respects no law but Sharia.

Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every Mosque in the world?

Halal food profits go to terror?

Really now...

Both proven. Google Australia and Halal. And the Islam tithe has a part designated for jihad. It is in the books you do not understand.

I googled Australia and Halal and found this:

I looked up Zakat. You are claiming every mosque in the world supports violence because they receive Zakat (or tithe). You are claiming that it has a portion designated for "jihad". This is the most comprehensive listing I can find. I'm guessing you are calling #7g as "designated for Jihad" and stretching that to mean all mosques support violent terrorism. That doesn't seem to be the case for several reasons. One is that it's only one of multiple possible uses for money in the category "For the Love of Allah" - the designated category is that, not "Jihad". You're making quite a stretch.

Question #2: Who is qualified to receive Zakah?

The Quran describes eight categories of people who are to receive Zakah in Surah 9, verse 60. "As-Sadaqat (here it means Zakat) are only for the Fuqara and Al-Masakin and those employed to collect the (funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah's Cause, and for the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise."

Ahmad Sakr elaborated on these categories:

1. The poor (Fuqara)-this refers to someone who has no income
2. The needy (Masakin)-this is someone who for instance, may have a job, a house and a car, but their income is below the minimum requirement.
3. Employees of the Zakah. This category is sub-divided into the following:

  • the group of people who are social services workers who go into the community to evaluate who is Faqeer and Miskeen.
  • those who collect the Zakah money
  • the accountant of the Zakah money
  • investors who increase the share of the Zakah
  • the clerical worker or secretary who puts the files in order
  • those who will deliver Zakah to the ones who need it
  • the outside auditor.

4. Sympathizers
These are those people who might enter or who have already entered Islam. Anyone we feel are good friends or ours (non-Muslim or new Muslims) we give them a gift from the Zakah money.

5. To free slaves
Riqab is the term used to describe the group of people who are slaves. The Zakah money is used to free the slaves. Sakr stresses that Islam did not invent slavery, but it gradually abolished it.

6. For the Gharimeen-those who are in debt
Zakah money is used to pay off debts but these people are not living in luxury, they are living a normal life. For example, someone who has gone bankrupt because of job loss and is overloaded with debt.

7. Fee Sabeelillah (for the Cause of Allah)
This can be anything for the love of Allah. Sakr gave the following examples:

a. for the employment of a Daiyah, Imam, or religious teachers to do Dawa
b. building Islamic schools
c. building Muslim clinics and hospitals
d. providing money to young men who want to marry but cannot afford Mahr
e. to assist poor travelers
f. to establish water springs on streets for those walking or travelers
(please note, these last three things were done by Khalifa Umar ibn Abdul Aziz)
g. to defend Muslims who are under attack
h. For television, radio or newspaper project aimed at doing Dawa
i. to help someone publish a book for Dawa
j. to pay for the studies of a student..

8. Ibn as Sabeel
This refers to a traveler, for instance who has lost his wallet and has to get back to his home.

How do I want to handle Islam? Are you a fucking r-tard? We need to deal with the people that are breaking the law and hurting other people... regardless of what religion they are. I'm more worried about dealing with people like you than Islam.

Are you a retard? There is a large group of Islamists wanting to kill us, our laws, our religions and cultures. It is much more than obeying laws. Islam respects no law but Sharia.

Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every mosque in the world supports terrorism? you fucking idiot.

Do you think they don't? A mosque has that duty. Do some reading instead of flapping your uninformed lips'

No they don't.
Then you tell me after abrogation what Islams doctrine is. It is obligatory to advance Islam anyway possible. Non-Muslims are sub human, and Islam must dominate the world. That is the message in Islam.

It is? Sorry if I don't take your word for it...

You don't have to, facts do not depend on your approval.

Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you with a suicide vest on.

And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do you want to handle it?
What do you find positive in Islam?
It is? Sorry if I don't take your word for it...

You don't have to, facts do not depend on your approval.

Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you with a suicide vest on.

And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do you want to handle it?
What do you find positive in Islam?

You asked me that earlier and I answered it. Now what is your answer?
Countries like Sweden didn't call out Muslim extremists, they were probably their best friend and look what it got them. I think they are quite at risk now. Liberals cant come to grips with the fact that the two cultures don't truly understand each other the way they think.
Are you a retard? There is a large group of Islamists wanting to kill us, our laws, our religions and cultures. It is much more than obeying laws. Islam respects no law but Sharia.

Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every mosque in the world supports terrorism? you fucking idiot.

Do you think they don't? A mosque has that duty. Do some reading instead of flapping your uninformed lips'

No they don't.
Zakat recipients would include the poor and needy, administrators of Zakat, debtors, converts to Islam, bondsmen, wayfarers and those fulfilling the “way of Allah”, Jihad. Note this comment:

By this is meant to finance a Jihad effort in the path of Allah, not for Jihad for other reasons. The fighter (Mujahid) will be given as salary what will be enough for him. If he needs to buy arms or some other supplies related to the war effort, Zakat money should be used provided the effort is to raise the banner of Islam.
Zakat and Terrorism
You don't have to, facts do not depend on your approval.

Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you with a suicide vest on.

And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do you want to handle it?
What do you find positive in Islam?

You asked me that earlier and I answered it. Now what is your answer?
Post #
Facts? You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you with a suicide vest on.

And how do you want to handle Islam? Talk it to death. You have to be an idiot.

How do you want to handle it?
What do you find positive in Islam?

You asked me that earlier and I answered it. Now what is your answer?
Post #

Oh don't post that. You'll just upset their meme that all Muslim that don't actively engage in violent terrorism, support it.
Exactly what do you see in Islam that is positive?

Pretty much the same things I see in other religions - when the right aspects of the doctrine are emphasized: charity, the golden rule. Historically, it broke from some of the brutal practices prevailing in the culture of the time. For example - female infanticide was common among the polytheists, as was the poor treatment of women. Mohammed said: “Whoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her and does not favor his son over her, Allah will enter him into paradise.” Education was another important point in Islam, including the education of girls: "seeking knowledge is mandatory of every Muslim boy and girl". Of course that isn't the case in many Islamic societies today, where daughters are not treated well or educated. But if you're looking strictly at what is in the Quran and Hadiths, you will find some fairly sound stuff - for a religion, along with a lot of questionable stuff.

There is no Golden rule in Islam. Society is split between Muslims and non-Muslims. Non Muslims are to be subdued or killed. Are you telling me Islam advocates non-Muslims returning the favor?
Are you a retard? Since when do we treat everyone in a group the same based on what a couple of people do?

It is many more than a couple. If the number were truly as small as you say we wouldn't be on this thread.

Remember the actual violence has a huge support base. Financial support comes from every mosque in the world, whether the Muslims who attend that mosque know it or not. Halal food profits go to terror also. Not to mention like Saudi Arabia and Qatar both caught supporting terror.

Every mosque in the world supports terrorism? you fucking idiot.

Do you think they don't? A mosque has that duty. Do some reading instead of flapping your uninformed lips'

No they don't.
Zakat recipients would include the poor and needy, administrators of Zakat, debtors, converts to Islam, bondsmen, wayfarers and those fulfilling the “way of Allah”, Jihad. Note this comment:

By this is meant to finance a Jihad effort in the path of Allah, not for Jihad for other reasons. The fighter (Mujahid) will be given as salary what will be enough for him. If he needs to buy arms or some other supplies related to the war effort, Zakat money should be used provided the effort is to raise the banner of Islam.
Zakat and Terrorism

Interesting...but I have some issues with the sources: and, the article you linked to uses this as a source for Zakat: Zakat (Alms) which has an entire section devoted to "New World Order" and conspiracy theories about Jews, free masons etc. That seems kind of fringe.

Here are some other sources that seem to say differently. The possibility of jihad (whether spiritual or physical) falls under #7 which includes a lot of other things but your site makes it sound like that is the only thing in that category and it's not. There is no mandate for a mosque to support violent jihad.

The Eight Kinds of People Who Receive Zakat - Blog - Zakat Foundation of America | Zakat Calculator | Muslim Charity | Muslim Aid
9.0. Who is entitled to receive Zakat? | Publications

Oh don't post that. You'll just upset their meme that all Muslim that don't actively engage in violent terrorism, support it.
Exactly what do you see in Islam that is positive?

Pretty much the same things I see in other religions - when the right aspects of the doctrine are emphasized: charity, the golden rule. Historically, it broke from some of the brutal practices prevailing in the culture of the time. For example - female infanticide was common among the polytheists, as was the poor treatment of women. Mohammed said: “Whoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her and does not favor his son over her, Allah will enter him into paradise.” Education was another important point in Islam, including the education of girls: "seeking knowledge is mandatory of every Muslim boy and girl". Of course that isn't the case in many Islamic societies today, where daughters are not treated well or educated. But if you're looking strictly at what is in the Quran and Hadiths, you will find some fairly sound stuff - for a religion, along with a lot of questionable stuff.

There is no Golden rule in Islam. Society is split between Muslims and non-Muslims. Non Muslims are to be subdued or killed. Are you telling me Islam advocates non-Muslims returning the favor?

Golden Rule in Islam |

Oh don't post that. You'll just upset their meme that all Muslim that don't actively engage in violent terrorism, support it.
Exactly what do you see in Islam that is positive?

Pretty much the same things I see in other religions - when the right aspects of the doctrine are emphasized: charity, the golden rule. Historically, it broke from some of the brutal practices prevailing in the culture of the time. For example - female infanticide was common among the polytheists, as was the poor treatment of women. Mohammed said: “Whoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her and does not favor his son over her, Allah will enter him into paradise.” Education was another important point in Islam, including the education of girls: "seeking knowledge is mandatory of every Muslim boy and girl". Of course that isn't the case in many Islamic societies today, where daughters are not treated well or educated. But if you're looking strictly at what is in the Quran and Hadiths, you will find some fairly sound stuff - for a religion, along with a lot of questionable stuff.

There is no Golden rule in Islam. Society is split between Muslims and non-Muslims. Non Muslims are to be subdued or killed. Are you telling me Islam advocates non-Muslims returning the favor?

Golden Rule in Islam |

That is complete apologist bullshit. And it would only apply to Muslims anyway.

Golden Rule Islam - Political Islam
Duality and political submission were the principles that gave Islam its victory. Why would Islam drop the only principles that yielded success? Duality and political submission have crushed the world that believes in the Golden Rule.

CSPI could produce a Koran, Sira and Hadith that would use the Golden Rule. It would be a thin volume, but what Muslim would buy it?
Islam and the Golden Rule

There is nothing in the Quran and Hadith that would make us believe that Islam is compatible with the Golden Rule.
Last edited:
Every Mosque in the world?

Halal food profits go to terror?

Really now...

Both proven. Google Australia and Halal. And the Islam tithe has a part designated for jihad. It is in the books you do not understand.

What is meant by the term "jihad".

If you do not know what jihad is you need to get out of the thread.

I'm certain that you don't know. When are you leaving?

I have forgotten more than you will ever know. I am not about to explain jihad to someone as emasculated as yourself and shatter the dream world you inhabit.

Look, everyone!! It's ANOTHER nutbag genius who knows stuff but doesn't feel like explaining anything. Maybe he just forgot?

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