Trump Will Get Us Into Another War....Thanks, Rednecks Everywhere

If Trump continues war-mongering (as the US has done since the end of WW II) perhaps Trump's wars will share the booty with the American people ...... instead of hoarding it all for himself as Bush Baby Jr. did.

The Bush and the Dick, you mean. Halliburton was one of the biggest contractors in Iraq and to say he no longer had any ties to it was an outright lie. Just like the war itself.
So you're saying that Trump initiated the illegal invasion of Irak. Your stupidity is rampant.
I once read the left has gone into more wars than the right. Meanwhile, we're supposed to believe it's the opposite, cuz liberals are super smart, cuz they say so. They teach that shit in college?
It is irrelevant. You can argue (as those who say the US has NEVER EVER lost a war) that the US didn't fight a war in Vietnam because "war" was never declared. So all of the cover-up explanations, and back-peddling, and phony justification for being in Vietnam mean nothing. Every Vietnam Vet wore a green and white stripped "Campaign Medal" stating it began in 1960.

However you try to re-write the official line (I mean the ones who write silly articles of history-spinning) it means nothing. It's all useless .....

Ps. You have to ask yourself - with the campaign medal clearly stated the beginning was 1960 don't you find it very odd that the article you linked doesn't even offer 1960 as one of its' alternative dates ??????? I mean, there are a couple "some people say it was yada, yada, yada ..... " in the article, but not 1960. Very strange.
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Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Says the lib who voted for the candidate that voted in favor of the invasion with Iraq and wanted a new cold war with Russia.

Too funny! Lol. :lol:
It is irrelevant. You can argue (as those who say the US has NEVER EVER lost a war) that the US didn't fight a war in Vietnam because "war" was never declared. So all of the cover-up explanations, and back-peddling, and phony justification for being in Vietnam mean nothing. Every Vietnam Vet wore a green and white stripped "Campaign Medal" stating it began in 1960.

However you try to re-write the official line (I mean the ones who write silly articles of history-spinning) it means nothing. It's all useless .....

Who says it didn't mean anything. I don't think anyone believes that. Except maybe liberals who, I've heard, actually spit on and protested our military people back in the 60s.

PS: Yuck, that picture is disgusting.
Well, Obama was pushing us toward a military confrontation with Russia and Clinton would have just continued his policies.
Thank you, L.C. for pointing that out.:thup:
My only question is, "Why doesn't everyone in America already know that?"
Must be loads of crystal balls out there and Kreskins up the ass.

Trump isn't even POTUS yet and already these morons are predicting he will get us into a war.

Talk about clueless morons.

Carry on oh mighty Kreskins.
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.
why's that? what is your evidence son? He'll be returning the strength that the dude obummer gave up. No more nukes, hmmm that seems less dangerous to me. I bet the women were plotting more graves with that decision by barry.

'Returning the strength'? What "strength" did we lose, asshat? Military spending is up. To the extent it was even cut, that was a result of the sequester, i.e. blockading by Republicans.
LOL ....! The sequester? Holy fuck! How long ago was that and how long did it last?

Are you kidding? It's still partially in effect. No wonder Trump won.

"""The 2015 Bipartisan Budget Act provided partial sequestration relief for 2016 and 2017 by including an additional $80 billion ($50 billion in 2016, $30 billion in 2017), equally divided between defense and non-defense discretionary programs. That doesn’t mean, however, that appropriations will grow by $30 billion between 2016 and 2017; indeed, even with these additional funds, discretionary funding will remain roughly flat between 2016 and 2017."""
Budget Deal Already Paid for the 2017 Sequestration Relief | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Typical lib. No wonder Hillary lost. A reduction in the rate of spending growth is presented as a spending cut. Failing to increase the growth of spending is the sequester still in effect and responsible for any ills that society suffers.

Your game is old, tired, failed and rejected.
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.
I waited until after Trump won to check your reaction.
You're a fucking joke!
Permanent Ignore!
Must be loads of crystal balls out there and Kreskins up the ass.

Trump isn't even POTUS yet and already these morons are predicting he will get us into a war. Talk about clueless morons..
It's only the Soros Pravda Punks. He (they) have dreams of a revolution over-turning the vote. Thing is, if there is a revolution it will be thrown against the up-until-now status quo ...... in favour of getting Trump (or someone just like him) into the White House post haste. The people have already spoken and Trump is the man they want. Prodding and intimidating them is not a very good idea. They are angry enough to toss Hillary Clinton under a bus. Push them too far and watch out!
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

Many of the women that voted for p.o.shit trump will now have to prepare a burial plot for their own child because of their vote. In essence they voted for the death of their own child. Any piece.of.shit that asks three times in a security meeting "why can't we use nuclear weapons" will send these people's children to die somewhere because some teenage kid in Ramadi tweeted that trump is a pussy.

Your seething hatred and butthurt is noted. Its going to be a long 4 to 8 years for this one ^^^

That one was even talking about advocating for the assassination of Trump. Can you believe these loony tunes? :cuckoo:

That the country disagrees with their liberal world view drives them insane. They would be happier living off planet on one of Jupiter's moons, away from sane people.

The majority of individual votes clearly showed that people in this country do not like Trump. Hillary is ahead by 1,000,000+/- votes now.

Since the election, racist harassment incidents are all over the map. I offer you multiple sources rather than something as lame as your myopic opinion:

Hate Crimes Surge After Trump Victory
Voice of America‎ - 2 days ago
12, 2016, to protest against President-elect Donald Trump. ... that there were more [hate crimes] in the days after the Trump election than after9/11." ... US Progressive Organizations Report Jump in Post-ElectionDonations ...

U.S. Hate Crimes Surge 6%, Fueled by Attacks on Muslims
New York Times‎ - 2 days ago

US hate crimes are surging after Trump's win. The same thing happened after Obama's election.
PRI‎ - 23 hours ago

Racist Incidents Rise to 400 Since Election Day - Time
5 hours ago - Racist incidents in the U.S. have continued to surge since Election Day, according ... The number of reported hate crimes has doubled between Nov. 11 and Nov. 14, jumping from more than 200 to more than 400 incidents, the Southern ... to President-elect Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric and proposals.
US Election 2016: Are hate crimes spiking after Trump's victory? - BBC ...
5 days ago - Dozens of reports of alleged hate crimes have surfaced on social media in ... which have been reported and shared on social media since Tuesday's election. ... In the UK, the Home Office recorded a 41% jump in racial and ...
Claims of hate crimes possibly linked to Trump's election reported ... › US News › US elections 2016
6 days ago - Claims of hate crimes possibly linked to Trump's electionreported across the US ... Have you experienced a rise in abuse since Trump's win? ... to her and jumped out of a car, then made comments about Muslims and Trump ...
U.S. Hate Crimes Surge 6%, Fueled by Attacks on Muslims - The New ...
2 days ago - Since the election, hate crime monitors like the Southern Poverty Law ... Some supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump, however, say ...
Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -
21 hours ago - Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win. And the list of ...
Hate crimes in NYC popping up after Trump's election | am New York
3 days ago - Hate crimes in NYC have been reported throughout the city since the election results. Over the weekend, swastikas were drawn on the doors of ...
More than 200 incidents of harassment reported since Donald Trump ... › News › World › Americas › US elections
4 days ago - The Independent is among those collecting details of racist abuse ... collated more than 200 such incidents in the three days since Mr Trump was elected. ... The photographer said: “It took so much self control to not jump on him and punch him. ... Wave of hate crime sweeps US afterDonald Trump's victory.

This is what happens when liberals lose.
Your seething hatred and butthurt is noted. Its going to be a long 4 to 8 years for this one ^^^

That one was even talking about advocating for the assassination of Trump. Can you believe these loony tunes? :cuckoo:

That the country disagrees with their liberal world view drives them insane. They would be happier living off planet on one of Jupiter's moons, away from sane people.

The majority of individual votes clearly showed that people in this country do not like Trump. Hillary is ahead by 1,000,000+/- votes now.

Since the election, racist harassment incidents are all over the map. I offer you multiple sources rather than something as lame as your myopic opinion:

Hate Crimes Surge After Trump Victory
Voice of America‎ - 2 days ago
12, 2016, to protest against President-elect Donald Trump. ... that there were more [hate crimes] in the days after the Trump election than after9/11." ... US Progressive Organizations Report Jump in Post-ElectionDonations ...

U.S. Hate Crimes Surge 6%, Fueled by Attacks on Muslims
New York Times‎ - 2 days ago

US hate crimes are surging after Trump's win. The same thing happened after Obama's election.
PRI‎ - 23 hours ago

Racist Incidents Rise to 400 Since Election Day - Time
5 hours ago - Racist incidents in the U.S. have continued to surge since Election Day, according ... The number of reported hate crimes has doubled between Nov. 11 and Nov. 14, jumping from more than 200 to more than 400 incidents, the Southern ... to President-elect Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric and proposals.
US Election 2016: Are hate crimes spiking after Trump's victory? - BBC ...
5 days ago - Dozens of reports of alleged hate crimes have surfaced on social media in ... which have been reported and shared on social media since Tuesday's election. ... In the UK, the Home Office recorded a 41% jump in racial and ...
Claims of hate crimes possibly linked to Trump's election reported ... › US News › US elections 2016
6 days ago - Claims of hate crimes possibly linked to Trump's electionreported across the US ... Have you experienced a rise in abuse since Trump's win? ... to her and jumped out of a car, then made comments about Muslims and Trump ...
U.S. Hate Crimes Surge 6%, Fueled by Attacks on Muslims - The New ...
2 days ago - Since the election, hate crime monitors like the Southern Poverty Law ... Some supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump, however, say ...
Hate crimes, racist graffiti after election; Trump says 'stop it' -
21 hours ago - Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win. And the list of ...
Hate crimes in NYC popping up after Trump's election | am New York
3 days ago - Hate crimes in NYC have been reported throughout the city since the election results. Over the weekend, swastikas were drawn on the doors of ...
More than 200 incidents of harassment reported since Donald Trump ... › News › World › Americas › US elections
4 days ago - The Independent is among those collecting details of racist abuse ... collated more than 200 such incidents in the three days since Mr Trump was elected. ... The photographer said: “It took so much self control to not jump on him and punch him. ... Wave of hate crime sweeps US afterDonald Trump's victory.

President Trump condemns this type of activity, Obama and Bitchlery do not.
You are nothing more than a little boy emotionally are you?

He said, "Just stop it". That was so powerful, eloquent and about as effective as Nancy Reagan when she said, "Just say no."
You are nothing more than an idiot, regardless of gender.

Did more than Obama, who is supposed to be our leader.
How many new conflicts has he drug us into?

Uh, none.

Reality does not matter to you at all, does it?

We have 800 military bases all over the world. Technically, you could say EVERY president has "drug us into multiple conflicts" based on that.

When I view "conflicts", I imagine regular ground troops, and combat operations. So do most reasonable people. Under that definition, Obama "dragged us into negative 1 new conflicts."
Trump Will Get Us Into Another War....Thanks, Rednecks Everywhere

So you're calling blue collar workers "rednecks." I see you haven't learned from the election and the message the elitist left got from the country on how you view them. Republicans are going to just keep expanding their majorities with Indian princesses like you around
Obviously a lot of people have forgotten it:

Trump is the president elect.

Hillary lost.

Elections have consequences.

Trump is the president elect.

Our new president inherits not only Comrade Barry's deficit and unemployment problem but also His pen and His phone.

Now, get over it.

I've already sent out orders to the store mangers to double the price of coloring books, crayons and puppy chow so I'm already benefitting.

But you'll get used to it.

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