Trump Will Get Us Into Another War....Thanks, Rednecks Everywhere

It is irrelevant. You can argue (as those who say the US has NEVER EVER lost a war) that the US didn't fight a war in Vietnam because "war" was never declared. So all of the cover-up explanations, and back-peddling, and phony justification for being in Vietnam mean nothing. Every Vietnam Vet wore a green and white stripped "Campaign Medal" stating it began in 1960.

However you try to re-write the official line (I mean the ones who write silly articles of history-spinning) it means nothing. It's all useless .....

Ps. You have to ask yourself - with the campaign medal clearly stated the beginning was 1960 don't you find it very odd that the article you linked doesn't even offer 1960 as one of its' alternative dates ??????? I mean, there are a couple "some people say it was yada, yada, yada ..... " in the article, but not 1960. Very strange.

That ribbon was awarded by Vietnam and has nothing to do with when the US determined the start of the war.

"The Secretary of Defense approved a request for approval of foreign awards to US Military personnel on 7 February 1966. As a result of this approval, the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal with device bar (1960- ) was awarded to US Armed Forces personnel by the Government of the Republic of Vietnam per Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Order No. 48, dated 24 March 1966. The acceptance, criteria and description was announced in the Federal Register, Volume 31, No. 147, 30 July 1966 (Title 32, Code of Federal Regulation 47).

The Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Memorandum 2655 prescribed there were two devices to be worn on the ribbon. The first device was for the period 8 March 1949 - 20 July 1954 and is not authorized for wear by American Military Personnel. The second period was from 1 January 1960 with the last period to be decided after the war was over. The ending period remains blank, since the Republic of Vietnam Government ceased to exist before the ending period was established. The devices for the medal are in two sizes - - the large size is 1 13/64 inches in width and is worn on the suspension ribbon of the full size decoration. The regular size is 19/32 inch wide and is worn on the miniature decoration and service ribbon bar.

Since the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal is a foreign award, it is not issued by the United States Government. The medal may be purchased from commercial sources."
How many new conflicts has he drug us into?

Uh, none.

Reality does not matter to you at all, does it?

We have 800 military bases all over the world. Technically, you could say EVERY president has "drug us into multiple conflicts" based on that.

When I view "conflicts", I imagine regular ground troops, and combat operations. So do most reasonable people. Under that definition, Obama "dragged us into negative 1 new conflicts."

A US pilot dropping bombs on a foreign country is in a combat situation and is in danger of being shot down.
Since the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal is a foreign award, it is not issued by the United States Government. The medal may be purchased from commercial sources."
BULL SHIT. You are telling me that the US government didn't give me that medal and ribbon? Fuck you. All medals can be additionally purchased (as a "reissue") at the PX as long as you've first been awarded it (given) by the government and as long as it is on your military record.
Since the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal is a foreign award, it is not issued by the United States Government. The medal may be purchased from commercial sources."
BULL SHIT. You are telling me that the US government didn't give me that medal and ribbon? Fuck you. All medals can be additionally purchased (as a "reissue") at the PX as long as you've first been awarded it (given) by the government and as long as it is on your military record.

That is what is stated in the regulations. My point is the 1960 date is the fabrication of the South Vietnamese government, and when the 'war' started for the US is debatable.
Oh, poor dumbed-down Americans. War is inevitable no matter which Party controls the White House. War = Big Bucks. There is no chance for peace.
That is what is stated in the regulations. My point is the 1960 date is the fabrication of the South Vietnamese government, and when the 'war' started for the US is debatable.
OK. OK. But it makes no sense at all. The medal and ribbon are authorized by the United States military. It is worn by ALL Vietnam Vets. On my DD-214 it is included with all of my medals. It is issued by the American government. It is produced in America. I doubt VERY SERIOUSLY that a foreign government can dictate what medals are worn on my chest. However, considering the illegal aspects of American presence and war-waging in Vietnam I am sure that many details are being contested and obscured in order to spin and weasel out of American misdeeds right from Day One. However, such a huge 'loose end' (the date on the medal) is ridiculous. It can only be due to the war being lost and post-pompous, 'eat crow' shame. Washington will be relieved when that last 'active duty' vet is dead and buried so they won't need to see any of the Vietnam-era medals. Actually, there might not be any Vietnam Vets on active duty today. I'm 70 myself.
That is what is stated in the regulations. My point is the 1960 date is the fabrication of the South Vietnamese government, and when the 'war' started for the US is debatable.
OK. OK. But it makes no sense at all. The medal and ribbon are authorized by the United States military. It is worn by ALL Vietnam Vets. On my DD-214 it is included with all of my medals. It is issued by the American government. It is produced in America. I doubt VERY SERIOUSLY that a foreign government can dictate what medals are worn on my chest. However, considering the illegal aspects of American presence and war-waging in Vietnam I am sure that many details are being contested and obscured in order to spin and weasel out of American misdeeds right from Day One. However, such a huge 'loose end' (the date on the medal) is ridiculous. It can only be due to the war being lost and post-pompous, 'eat crow' shame. Washington will be relieved when that last 'active duty' vet is dead and buried so they won't need to see any of the Vietnam-era medals. Actually, there might not be any Vietnam Vets on active duty today. I'm 70 myself.

Don't take this wrong, you are a hero in my mind for serving in Vietnam and deserve any medal and ribbon that was awarded by the US or Vietnam. And, thank you for your service.
Libtards are always confused about things like this.

Obama has been at war every day of his administration. He is a war mongering asshole, isn't he? Bombing Libya really worked out great, didn't it?

Trump ran on a platform of non interventionism. Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years, escalated the war in Afghanistan and bombed Libya. He even managed to lose the war in Iraq, create ISIS and now is getting more of our troops killed.

Crooked Hillary didn't have a clue on how to conduct a foreign policy. We found that out in Benghazi, didn't we? That Russian reset bullshit was a joke, wasn't it? Glad she wasn't elected. Her only foreign policy initiatives would be centered on paying back the foreign countries that contributed to her Foundation money laundering scam.

The Democrats fixation on globalization and kissing the ass of the Muslims and their general incompetency in almost everything is a far more likely to cause war than Trump's stated policy of non interventionism.
Don't take this wrong, you are a hero in my mind for serving in Vietnam and deserve any medal and ribbon that was awarded by the US or Vietnam. And, thank you for your service.
I'm no hero and I don't deserve your praise, but you're a very kind person for saying it. Thank you very much. I didn't know any of things that you uncovered. I'm getting a pretty good idea of the real story now. I think the Campaign Medal was probably a kind of hoax (thought up by the US government) to support the lie about the Vietnamese people requesting America's help. But after losing the war the medal has become an albatross around the neck. Like what would happen if one of the States were to secede from the Union? How would the US deal with there being 1 too many stars on the flag? Ooops!
So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 8.21.58 AM.png

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -
So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

View attachment 99022

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -

High praise from two murderous dictators. And you're proud of that because......?
So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

View attachment 99022

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -

High praise from two murderous dictators. And you're proud of that because......?
Because your side of the aisle keeps crying about how Trump will (and I quote) "get us into another war". If two murderous dictators are showing interest in peace with America, isn't that exactly what your side is looking for? Furthermore, it was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who sucked up to "murderous dictator" Vladimir Putin. Remember your whole laughable "reset button" thing?
No one knows if trump will get us in more war like situations. but it is how the big money makes more money. will wait till hear the war drums start beating
So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

View attachment 99022

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -

Obama's weakness has not only been a disaster for the US but for the world and the leaders know that.

Obama never really looked after the interest of the US or our allies. He was more interested in stupid globalization and kissing the ass of the filthy Muslims and that never worked out very well.
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So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

View attachment 99022

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -

High praise from two murderous dictators. And you're proud of that because......?
Because your side of the aisle keeps crying about how Trump will (and I quote) "get us into another war". If two murderous dictators are showing interest in peace with America, isn't that exactly what your side is looking for? Furthermore, it was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who sucked up to "murderous dictator" Vladimir Putin. Remember your whole laughable "reset button" thing?

Yes, aligning ourselves with murderous human-rights abusers will protect our country from military conflict. - Said no smart person EVER.
So let's see....Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and already world leaders are talking about how excited they are to have a real leader heading the executive branch of the United States. First it was Vladimir Putin in Russia. Then it was Assad in Syria. Now Abe in Japan is telling the world the great confidence he has in Donald Trump. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years....

View attachment 99022

Japan's Shinzo Abe on US mission to 'build trust' with Donald Trump -

High praise from two murderous dictators. And you're proud of that because......?
Because your side of the aisle keeps crying about how Trump will (and I quote) "get us into another war". If two murderous dictators are showing interest in peace with America, isn't that exactly what your side is looking for? Furthermore, it was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who sucked up to "murderous dictator" Vladimir Putin. Remember your whole laughable "reset button" thing?

Yes, aligning ourselves with murderous human-rights abusers will protect our country from military conflict. - Said no smart person EVER.
So then why did you guys do that? Relations with Vladimir Putin is what your side demanded. Now we're on the verge of it and your side is whining like little girls. It would be the most bizarre thing ever if it wasn't for the fact that we've come to expect this from progressives who contradict themselves in the same breath!
Don't take this wrong, you are a hero in my mind for serving in Vietnam and deserve any medal and ribbon that was awarded by the US or Vietnam. And, thank you for your service.
I'm no hero and I don't deserve your praise, but you're a very kind person for saying it. Thank you very much. I didn't know any of things that you uncovered. I'm getting a pretty good idea of the real story now. I think the Campaign Medal was probably a kind of hoax (thought up by the US government) to support the lie about the Vietnamese people requesting America's help. But after losing the war the medal has become an albatross around the neck. Like what would happen if one of the States were to secede from the Union? How would the US deal with there being 1 too many stars on the flag? Ooops!

California was talking about that as soon as Trump won, just like Texas was last year. We could always make Puerto Rica a state. LOL

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