Trump Will Get Us Into Another War....Thanks, Rednecks Everywhere

How are we suppose to believe Democrats about war involvement?

A Republican is asking this? Do you even REMEMBER the run-up to the Iraq War and the litany of lies that populated the justification?
Weren't we suppose to be out of the ME in Obama's first term?

No, just Iraq. And we were, in 2011.

How many new conflicts has he drug us into?

Uh, none.

What about these calls for civil war here from the left?

Please list the "calls" you're talking about and explain why they should be attributed to the left. Meanwhile, explain why that's worse than the Texas GOVERNOR in 2009 threatening secession.

How are we suppose to believe Democrats about war involvement?

A Republican is asking this? Do you even REMEMBER the run-up to the Iraq War and the litany of lies that populated the justification?
Weren't we suppose to be out of the ME in Obama's first term?

No, just Iraq. And we were, in 2011.

How many new conflicts has he drug us into?

Uh, none.

What about these calls for civil war here from the left?

Please list the "calls" you're talking about and explain why they should be attributed to the left. Meanwhile, explain why that's worse than the Texas GOVERNOR in 2009 threatening secession.

"How many new conflicts has he drug us into?
Click to expand...
Uh, none."

More ignorant lefty bullshit.
He got us into Syria, Libya, and Yemen. We have troops in all of those places.
We also have troops in Somalia, and Jordan.
Get a fucking education.
Hitlery would have dragged us into WWIII. She wanted war with Russia. She's a loon. DEFCON was actually lowered to the safest threat level after Trump won. That being said, there will be more wars. It's not a Republican/Democrat issue. It's a Military Industrial Complex issue.

I don't see Trump being much different than his recent predecessors, in regards to war. Americans love war. It's all they know. And there's so much money being made off Permanent War. There will always be a new 'Boogeyman' to slay. Peace just isn't possible. I hate to say that, but it is the truth.
It's funny watching all of these bat-shit progressives coming unglued over the realization that the American people unilaterally reject their insane ideology. One idiot progressive (edthecynic) creates a thread called "The Trump Recession Begins" while the markets are exploding through the roof over the news that Trump was elected.

And then this idiot progressive (WaitingFor2020) starts a thread called "Trump Will Get Us Into Another War" while Russia and Syria are talking about how they are looking forward to a period of peace over the news that Trump was elected.

Indisputable proof that the left rejects reality in favor of ideology.
It's funny watching all of these bat-shit progressives coming unglued over the realization that the American people unilaterally reject their insane ideology. One idiot progressive (edthecynic) creates a thread called "The Trump Recession Begins" while the markets are exploding through the roof over the news that Trump was elected.

And then this idiot progressive (WaitingFor2020) starts a thread called "Trump Will Get Us Into Another War" while Russia and Syria are talking about how they are looking forward to a period of peace over the news that Trump was elected.

Indisputable proof that the left rejects reality in favor of ideology.

Oh yeah, Dem assholes are praying for an economic collapse. They're Un-American. They could care less if Americans suffer. They just want the power. They see an economic collapse as an opportunity to get that power back.

And the NWO Globalist Elites are very angry over the Trump win. They want revenge. They could collapse the World Economy and then blame it all on Trump. And don't underestimate them, they really are that powerful. We'll see i guess. Stay tuned.
It's funny watching all of these bat-shit progressives coming unglued over the realization that the American people unilaterally reject their insane ideology. One idiot progressive (edthecynic) creates a thread called "The Trump Recession Begins" while the markets are exploding through the roof over the news that Trump was elected.

And then this idiot progressive (WaitingFor2020) starts a thread called "Trump Will Get Us Into Another War" while Russia and Syria are talking about how they are looking forward to a period of peace over the news that Trump was elected.

Indisputable proof that the left rejects reality in favor of ideology.

Oh yeah, Dem assholes are praying for an economic collapse. They're Un-American. They could care less if Americans suffer. They just want the power. They see an economic collapse as an opportunity to get that power back.

And the NWO Globalist Elites are very angry over the Trump win. They want revenge. They could collapse the World Economy and then blame it all on Trump. And don't underestimate them, they really are that powerful. We'll see i guess. Stay tuned.
Well lets be honest - even under Obama they wanted to see the economy collapse because it's always been about collapsing the economy, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and then replacing it with socialism. Pure Cloward & Piven strategy. Which they just happened to be teaching at Columbia University while Obama was a student there.
—Under Obama, the United States has been at war for 2,687 days. That's longer than under George W. Bush — or any other U.S. president, for that matter.
That can't be right. According to my campaign ribbon, the Vietnam war started in 1960. It didn't end until 1970-something. Obama was only in office 8 years.

I don't think the US was a participant in that war for the whole time. We are talking about wars in which we are a major participant.
It said 1960 on my campaign ribbon and I know the war ended in 1970- whatever. That's a minimum of 10 years. Obama was only in office 8 years.

Here is the correct answer.

"Since there never was a declaration of war and American military advisers were present very early in Vietnam, the commencement date of the Vietnam War is a matter for debate.

Some view December 1956 when Hanoi authorized a low-level insurgency in South Vietnam as the start date, while some consider September 26, 1959 when the first battle between the North communist and South Vietnamese forces occurred. Some argue it should be on June 8, 1956when U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant Richard B. Fitzgibbon Jr. became the first American to die in the conflict. Others insist that the conflict only started after the first U.S. bombing operation in Vietnam called Operation Pierce Arrow on August 5, 1964 in retaliation for strikes against U.S. destroyers during the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

On November 06, 1998, after an extensive review of qualifying criteria, the Department of Defense officially lists American deaths in Vietnam from November 1, 1955 – which, in other words, could be now considered as the start date of the Vietnam War or Vietnam conflict, to be precise. That was the day when the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) Vietnam was created from the MAAG Indochina, which had been established since 1950 under President Harry Truman, to support South Vietnam in their war against the North Vietnamese communists."

When did the Vietnam War start? - The Vietnam War
Trump: "...Iraq was a disaster."

Now he's got the biggest pro-Iraq war advocates on his short list:

Iraq war boosters make Trump's short list - Reuters TV

So, you're upset about something that hasn't happened and might not, but okay with the wars since Obama has been in office. Of course, the media hasn't spent much time covering them. None of the daily outrage and body counts like when a Republican is in office.
Sorry I interjected reality into the thread liberals.

Here's a cookie:

If Comrade Pervert President-elect Trump is not impeached by his beloved GOP in two years, he will start another war, probably fighting on the side with his butt buddy, Putee.

Russian will soon be a required language for middle schoolers.
If Comrade Pervert President-elect Trump is not impeached by his beloved GOP in two years, he will start another war, probably fighting on the side with his butt buddy, Putee.

Russian will soon be a required language for middle schoolers.

So the Democratic policy is hope for failure, awesome.
If Comrade Pervert President-elect Trump is not impeached by his beloved GOP in two years, he will start another war, probably fighting on the side with his butt buddy, Putee.

Russian will soon be a required language for middle schoolers.
As opposed to Spanish being a required language?
War with whom?


I suppose Mexico could declare war, if we ship all the Illegal Beaners home, and stop 'em from wiring money back home.

If they were ever stupid enough to try, it would be over in a week; Operation Rolling Burrito !!!
If Comrade Pervert President-elect Trump is not impeached by his beloved GOP in two years, he will start another war, probably fighting on the side with his butt buddy, Putee.

Russian will soon be a required language for middle schoolers.
Better Russian than the Arabic and Spanish that idiot progressives wanted this nation speaking.
I don't get it, wouldn't Putin help bring the socialism the left desires more quickly?
It's funny....all the left crowed about was how Obama was going to suck up to Putin and "repair" relations with Russia. Now that a Republican has actually done what Obama was too incompetent to do, progressives are complaining about the very thing they've wanted for 8 years.
I don't get it, wouldn't Putin help bring the socialism the left desires more quickly?
It's funny....all the left crowed about was how Obama was going to suck up to Putin and "repair" relations with Russia. Now that a Republican has actually done what Obama was too incompetent to do, progressives are complaining about the very thing they've wanted for 8 years.

Spot On. Liars and hypocrites. But then again, they are Clinton Bootlickers. What do ya expect?

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