Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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You're describing welfare, but giving it a different name so you can claim it will work differently. It won't. I've spanked you enough on this that you should know by now. Sad that you don't.
You only appeal to emotion regarding welfare not reason regarding solving simple poverty to promote the general welfare.
Use correct terminology and maybe people will take you seriously.
lol. Stop appealing to ignorance and wanting to be taken seriously. Nobody who knows anything about economics take right wingers seriously about economics.
danny whats your background in economics that one should listen to what you have to say?...
Understanding and valid arguments not right wing fantasy, ignorance and fallacy while wanting to be Right simply for being on the right wing.
in other words danny this is just all your opinion,you have no degree or job experience for one to actually think you know anything about economics....
Because one job working with machines can replace hundreds or thousands of manual labor job. There will be fewer jobs in total and a lot more on welfare. Stop calling it UC, because it's something completely different, as you know by now.
We don't need low wage service jobs and might as well automate them. Capitalism is about boom and bust; your job loss red herring is just that under free market Capitalism.
people won't hire unskilled labor for 15 dollars an hour
If they were paying a reasonable wage, $15 an hour would not be that much

Reasonable is a subjective term

I think it's perfectly reasonable to pay someone with ZERO skills way less than 15 an hour
The private sector is legally required to make profit; that requires price taking regarding regulated Labor costs not price making.
No it's not.

Why do you insist on making shit up?
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Red states are doing great, the stock market is on fire. It's not Trump's fault stupid shit Dems wrecked their economies.
Now is the best time for blue States to upgrade their infrastructure.
Hopefully, Biden will institute major infrastructure improvements for those states that supported him.
You mean like trump would do? I hope that you are not jerking those imbeciles around because you might get armed yahoos outside your front door at 8:00 pm or even death threats. That is the mentality.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to pay someone with ZERO skills way less than 15 an hour
It is not reasonable to pay less and complain about taxes for social services. Not reasonable at all.

I don't complain about those things.

But if you show up to a job and I have to have someone hold your hand and show you how to tie your fucking shoes then you don't warrant 15 dollars an hour
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And that is why government has to force business to pay more for labor than it's worth.
Minimum wage labor is worth what Government says it is; the private sector is merely a price taker.
IOW, you believe that government can set wages and prices with no effect on the market. Here's a research project for you that you won't do. Google President Nixon, wage and price controls. See how well they worked.
That wasn't the question, was it? Face it, no one gives you credit for economic understanding.
lol. Only right wingers say that with no valid arguments for rebuttal. That is Why I don't give right wingers any credit for economic understanding. Any fallacy will do.
If you tried to actually deal with what somebody says, you might get somewhere, but you're not.
That wasn't the question, was it? Face it, no one gives you credit for economic understanding.
lol. Only right wingers say that with no valid arguments for rebuttal. That is Why I don't give right wingers any credit for economic understanding. Any fallacy will do.
unless you put forth what makes you an expert on economics danny you dont have any credit for economic understanding yourself.....
They seem to operate in a bubble where business is a bottomless pit of money, they can arbitrarily raise costs and business will just keep operating the way it has been.
Nobody is claiming that. The private must re-optimize for every change in equilibrium. The private sector is required to make a profit regardless; that means price taking for labor costs and re-optimizing. There is no theoretical upward limit to markets only for lousy Capitalists.
The people who are really going to get squeezed here are the ones making MW to about 12 dollars an hour and those are the people most easily replaced by technology.
So what. Some on the left are for actually solving for economic phenomena not just wasting money on alleged wars.

UC for simply being unemployed in an at-will employment easily solves that dilemma. Only the right wing has a problem mustering, goodwill toward men.
They seem to operate in a bubble where business is a bottomless pit of money, they can arbitrarily raise costs and business will just keep operating the way it has been.
Nobody is claiming that. The private must re-optimize for every change in equilibrium. The private sector is required to make a profit regardless; that means price taking for labor costs and re-optimizing. There is no theoretical upward limit to markets only for lousy Capitalists.
Not one single private sector business is required to make a profit.

In fact many operate on a zero profit margin for years but as long as that business can still make enough to cover its costs it is still in the game
hey danny why dont you tell us what makes you an expert on economics?...why are you dodging that question?....can it be you are just another full of shit poster here?...
The people who are really going to get squeezed here are the ones making MW to about 12 dollars an hour and those are the people most easily replaced by technology.
So what. Some on the left are for actually solving for economic phenomena not just wasting money on alleged wars.

UC for simply being unemployed in an at-will employment easily solves that dilemma. Only the right wing has a problem mustering, goodwill toward men.

You are talking about welfare not unemployment compensation.

Since you obviously don't know this

All businesses pay State and Federal Unemployment taxes know as SUTA and FUTA the tax is calculated from the payroll of each business. If have never worked you have never been on a payroll therefore you have no claim on any of the money paid by businesses to fund unemployment.

You want to be a welfare bum
They seem to operate in a bubble where business is a bottomless pit of money, they can arbitrarily raise costs and business will just keep operating the way it has been.
Nobody is claiming that. The private must re-optimize for every change in equilibrium. The private sector is required to make a profit regardless; that means price taking for labor costs and re-optimizing. There is no theoretical upward limit to markets only for lousy Capitalists.
Actually, your posts assume that very thing. You continually act like we could simply double the MW overnight and have no negative repercussions at all. No one would get laid off, no one would have hours cut, no one would be replaced by machines and prices wouldn't rise at all. The fact that you think we could safely raise the MW to $100/hr says everything. Sure, the market can deal with change. That's what it does if left to handle things without a lot of interference, and we could raise the MW if we don't do it too fast and go too far with it. You don't seem to grasp that there are real world consequences to doing the things you want to do. That's the point.

And no, companies are not required to make a profit if there is someone with the means and motive to pump money into them. Without that, they fail. Maybe that's what you meant, but it's hard to tell.
The people who are really going to get squeezed here are the ones making MW to about 12 dollars an hour and those are the people most easily replaced by technology.
So what. Some on the left are for actually solving for economic phenomena not just wasting money on alleged wars.

UC for simply being unemployed in an at-will employment easily solves that dilemma. Only the right wing has a problem mustering, goodwill toward men.

You are talking about welfare not unemployment compensation.

Since you obviously don't know this

All businesses pay State and Federal Unemployment taxes know as SUTA and FUTA the tax is calculated from the payroll of each business. If have never worked you have never been on a payroll therefore you have no claim on any of the money paid by businesses to fund unemployment.

You want to be a welfare bum
I am advocating optimizing for the new equilibrium. UC is a State obligation and an externality to the private sector.
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