Trump wins again on Border wall

Is that any different than seeing a business that hires people legally the same as one that does not?

We treat them both the same. Actually we treat the one that hires illegals better as they get to avoid all sorts of taxes.

ICE raids about 100 7-Eleven stores nationwide to find undocumented workers in latest Trump effort

In Rural Tennessee, a Big ICE Raid Makes Some Conservative Voters Rethink Trump’s Immigration Agenda

Major Raids of the Trump Presidency - America's Voice

Not a single mention of an owner being arrested or even fined. We have always had raids on businesses here and there.

Owners almost always get off free.

You have nothing to back that statement up. You think ICE goes through all that trouble and releases everybody to go back to work?

There may be cases where a company owner had no idea some of his employees were illegals, but those places are usually not on ICE"s radar. The places that are targeted are those well known to hire illegals, and Trump is getting them one by one.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Stealing billions from the military to build a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

That’s conservative values in a nutshell!

It sure is. Remember who secured those billions for the military in the first place.
Democrats in the House. Or are you totally ignorant of the Constitution?

Yes. You are.
Is that any different than seeing a business that hires people legally the same as one that does not?

We treat them both the same. Actually we treat the one that hires illegals better as they get to avoid all sorts of taxes.

ICE raids about 100 7-Eleven stores nationwide to find undocumented workers in latest Trump effort

In Rural Tennessee, a Big ICE Raid Makes Some Conservative Voters Rethink Trump’s Immigration Agenda

Major Raids of the Trump Presidency - America's Voice

Not a single mention of an owner being arrested or even fined. We have always had raids on businesses here and there.

Owners almost always get off free.

You have nothing to back that statement up. You think ICE goes through all that trouble and releases everybody to go back to work?

Was there a mention of a single owner getting arrested in your articles? I do have something to back my statement up if not.

There may be cases where a company owner had no idea some of his employees were illegals, but those places are usually not on ICE"s radar. The places that are targeted are those well known to hire illegals, and Trump is getting them one by one.

You don't have an entire meat packing plant get raided and not know.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Stealing billions from the military to build a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

That’s conservative values in a nutshell!

First off, I've got beachfront property in Nebraska for anyone that actually believed Mexico was going to pay for a fucking border wall, and I personally don't know of anyone that actually did believe it. Maybe the same kind of people like the blacks who believed that once Obama was in office, they weren't going to have to worry about paying their bills any longer.

Second, do I or any conservative want to see money for border security coming from the military's budget ? HELL NO, but unfortunately we have one mother fucking political party that fights us every goddamn step of the way when we try to do ANYTHING about illegal immigration !

You don't like it ? Then go look in the fucking mirror because it's you mother fucking assholes that cause this kind of extreme measures to have to be taken in order to stem the fucking flow of invaders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was there a mention of a single owner getting arrested in your articles? I do have something to back my statement up if not.

No, because the article only goes to the raid, not the court proceedings afterwards. How do you write an article of an event that just happened and also the upcoming court proceedings in the same piece?

Just because they didn't doesn't mean you are right. It means you are too lazy to lookup the court cases IF MSM even writes about them. Maybe if I have time later, I'll do just that. I know there are plenty of them because this isn't the first time I had this debate, and posted a host of court hearings against the owner(s) where they either paid heavy fines, were imprisoned, or both.

You don't have an entire meat packing plant get raided and not know.

Didn't I just say that????
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Stealing billions from the military to build a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

That’s conservative values in a nutshell!

It sure is. Remember who secured those billions for the military in the first place.
Democrats in the House. Or are you totally ignorant of the Constitution?

Yes. You are.

Oh please. We all know how Democrats hate our military and police officers. Yes they gave in, but it certainly wasn't their doing. Trump pushed for an increase in military funding as he promised he would do during the campaign.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Oh dear.
There is a reason why there are three branches of government, and Trump continues to try to do an end run around any checks on his behavior. This is so against the Constitution that I can only say I am very disappointed he got away with it. It is a fundamental fuck you to the country, and to the Founding Fathers who designed the government to stop unguided missiles like Trump. Good thing he's got less than two years left.
Lets see, Congress allocates funds and the Executive spends the funds. Once allocated the money is given to the executive departments to use. Remind me again..... who runs the Executive branch of the Government? There is NOTHING Unconstitutional about the Executive spending funds given it by Congress.
show us the express wall building clause.
Was there a mention of a single owner getting arrested in your articles? I do have something to back my statement up if not.

No, because the article only goes to the raid, not the court proceedings afterwards. How do you write an article of an event that just happened and also the upcoming court proceedings in the same piece?

Just because they didn't doesn't mean you are right. It means you are too lazy to lookup the court cases IF MSM even writes about them. Maybe if I have time later, I'll do just that. I know there are plenty of them because this isn't the first time I had this debate, and posted a host of court hearings against the owner(s) where they either paid heavy fines, were imprisoned, or both.

You don't have an entire meat packing plant get raided and not know.

Didn't I just say that????

Owner should have been hauled off with the employees..
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Stealing billions from the military to build a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

That’s conservative values in a nutshell!

It sure is. Remember who secured those billions for the military in the first place.
Democrats in the House. Or are you totally ignorant of the Constitution?

Yes. You are.

Oh please. We all know how Democrats hate our military and police officers. Yes they gave in, but it certainly wasn't their doing. Trump pushed for an increase in military funding as he promised he would do during the campaign.

All without paying for it.
First off, I've got beachfront property in Nebraska for anyone that actually believed Mexico was going to pay for a fucking border wall, and I personally don't know of anyone that actually did believe it. Maybe the same kind of people like the blacks who believed that once Obama was in office, they weren't going to have to worry about paying their bills any longer.

Second, do I or any conservative want to see money for border security coming from the military's budget ? HELL NO, but unfortunately we have one mother fucking political party that fights us every goddamn step of the way when we try to do ANYTHING about illegal immigration !

You don't like it ? Then go look in the fucking mirror because it's you mother fucking assholes that cause this kind of extreme measures to have to be taken in order to stem the fucking flow of invaders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, Corn Husk, all we need is e-Verify.
((No verifiable natl ID, No Job - just check natl database for real ID/Visa, etc.
They wouldn't even come here with out prospect of a job, and many would just walk home))
The Wall is the Solution of an Idiot..
which includes Trumpov and 90% of his supporters.
Last edited: us the express wall building clause, right wingers.
protect and defend the united States from all enemies both domestic and abroad.
invaders from the south want to steal what makes us great.
We are rich enough we can afford to be picky who we let in.
you are confused. we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
Why aren't Democrats happy when Trump puts and end to illegal immigration?
Because they USE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION as a way of piling up VOTES FOR THEM.

Actually because the long-term goal of the Democrat party is to wipe out white people. Without whites, they have the ability to turn our nation into a single-party government forever.
That isn’t anyone’s “goal”.

Is that what the insane little voices in your head are telling you?

No, it's actually something most liberals are void of. It's called logic or common sense.

Democrats want to completely take over this country. That has been their goal for many years now.

Every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Therefore, the problem is white people who are stopping them from complete power. Don't believe me? Answer these questions:

Why would the Democrat party fight so hard against this wall, even to the point of the longest government shutdown in our history?

Why did Democrats defeat Kate's Law, a law that would have imprisoned any foreign felon that returned here after deportation?

Why are leftist organizations sending their lawyers to Mexico to train immigrants how to answer questions and lie to our government when questioned so they can get into the country?

Why did Democrats take Trump to court to keep their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states that they formed after his election?

Why do Democrat states allow illegals to drive, and now to vote in local elections?

All these questions are easily answered by me. They are trying to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. If you're white and you vote Democrat, you are voting for your own demise.
why should we take the right wing seriously about natural rights when you all only complain about it in abortion threads. us the express wall building clause, right wingers.
protect and defend the united States from all enemies both domestic and abroad.
invaders from the south want to steal what makes us great.
We are rich enough we can afford to be picky who we let in.
you are confused. we have a refugee problem on our southern border.

we have a failure to enforce the laws on the books -

so create more government, costing billions of dollars ... the Trumprepublican way,
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well. maintaining horrific and brutal conditions for incarcerated kids at border is a “win” for children.

I don’t know what universe you occupy.
First off, I've got beachfront property in Nebraska for anyone that actually believed Mexico was going to pay for a fucking border wall, and I personally don't know of anyone that actually did believe it. Maybe the same kind of people like the blacks who believed that once Obama was in office, they weren't going to have to worry about paying their bills any longer.

Second, do I or any conservative want to see money for border security coming from the military's budget ? HELL NO, but unfortunately we have one mother fucking political party that fights us every goddamn step of the way when we try to do ANYTHING about illegal immigration !

You don't like it ? Then go look in the fucking mirror because it's you mother fucking assholes that cause this kind of extreme measures to have to be taken in order to stem the fucking flow of invaders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, Corn Husk, all we need is e-Verify.
((No verifiable natl ID, No Job - just check natl database for real ID/Visa, etc.
They wouldn't even come here with out prospect of a job, and many would just walk home))
The Wall is the Solution of an Idiot..
which includes Trumpov and 90% of his supporters.

They come here for more than just jobs. Anybody that thinks jobs are the exclusive reason doesn't understand the subject.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well.
Why should Mexico be accountable?

Is THERE problem? Or Guatamala’s?

Who’s problem is it?
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well. maintaining horrific and brutal conditions for incarcerated kids at border is a “win” for children.

I don’t know what universe you occupy.

Guessing those "horrific and brutal conditions" are a heck of a lot better than walking 1000 miles. Although, if the conditions are so "brutal" then why make the trip?

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