Trump wins again on Border wall

the Republican Party still wants to protect the medical and pharmaceutical industries profits, at the expense of the people.

  • President Trump has expanded association health plans, allowing more employers to join together across State lines and more affordably offer coverage to their employees, by increasing COMPETITION between the insurers.
  • The Administration proposed a reform to Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) regulations that will give consumers more freedom to purchase benefits that fit their needs.
  • Roughly 800,000 employers are expected to provide HRAs for more than 10 million employees once the rule finalized.
    • Americans have more healthcare freedom thanks to the President signing legislation that ended Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty.
    • While healthcare premiums had been steadily increasing as a result of Obamacare, the average benchmark exchange premium will decline for the first time in 2019 thanks to President Trump’s policies.
    • Next year, Americans will benefit from more insurer participation on the exchanges.
    • Medicare Advantage plans offer more benefit options than ever before, and average premiums in 2019 are 6 percent lower than in 2018.
    • The President put forth an initiative to stop global freeloading that drives up prices for American patients.
      • The Administration provided Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans with new negotiating tools to drive down drug costs for American patients.
      • The Administration implemented reforms to the amount Medicare pays hospitals for drugs that are purchased under the 340B program, saving seniors $320 million in 2018.
      • President Trump signed “Right to Try” legislation to expand access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients.
  • And oh yeah, these items really show Trump in bed with big Pharma, now don't they ? :rolleyes:
    • President Trump launched an unprecedented campaign to drive down drug prices, leading more than a dozen drug manufactures to enact price freezes, reductions, or rollbacks.
    • In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a record number of generic drugs, breaking the previous record set by the Administration in 2017.
    • The FDA’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 generic drug approvals are expected to bring nearly $9 billion in savings in 2017 alone.
    • President Trump signed legislation eliminating contractual gag clauses that stopped pharmacists from informing patients about lower drug prices.
  • Click link >>>

Is this another promise to repeal and replace the ACA? How is that Wall being paid for by Mexico coming along?

You meet the standard to be accepted into the Biddable People of America in Support of Trump. Admission only requires that you surrender your integrity.
"Trump is stealing money from the military for wasteful ineffective vanity project" - Senile Pelosi

"stealing" lol
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Oh dear.
There is a reason why there are three branches of government, and Trump continues to try to do an end run around any checks on his behavior. This is so against the Constitution that I can only say I am very disappointed he got away with it. It is a fundamental fuck you to the country, and to the Founding Fathers who designed the government to stop unguided missiles like Trump. Good thing he's got less than two years left.
Lets see, Congress allocates funds and the Executive spends the funds. Once allocated the money is given to the executive departments to use. Remind me again..... who runs the Executive branch of the Government? There is NOTHING Unconstitutional about the Executive spending funds given it by Congress.
ok, sure- whatever -

Ignorant morons (like you) who post these ignorant photos don't understand that there is more to the wall than just the wall itself. There is an entire zone on each side with rapid response roadways, stations, sensors, and other stuff. They cannot just walk up to it and climb, you ignorant fuck.

Not to mention a little grease about half way up will stop that. I believe Trump already made that order.
Why aren't Democrats happy when Trump puts and end to illegal immigration?

They want them here. Today's Dims see no difference between an American citizen and an illegal. They simply are not the party that we all knew growing up.

Is that any different than seeing a business that hires people legally the same as one that does not?

We treat them both the same. Actually we treat the one that hires illegals better as they get to avoid all sorts of taxes.
If Trump wins the precedent will give the power of the purse to the President, and that is not what the framers wanted.

Mmmmm....they prolly didn't want open borders or taxpayer funded illegal immigrant bennies either. Things you have approved.
So, I think I'll ignore your version of what you think the framers wanted.
Why aren't Democrats happy when Trump puts and end to illegal immigration?
Because they USE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION as a way of piling up VOTES FOR THEM.

Actually because the long-term goal of the Democrat party is to wipe out white people. Without whites, they have the ability to turn our nation into a single-party government forever.
That isn’t anyone’s “goal”.

Is that what the insane little voices in your head are telling you?

No, it's actually something most liberals are void of. It's called logic or common sense.

Democrats want to completely take over this country. That has been their goal for many years now.

Every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Therefore, the problem is white people who are stopping them from complete power. Don't believe me? Answer these questions:

Why would the Democrat party fight so hard against this wall, even to the point of the longest government shutdown in our history?

Why did Democrats defeat Kate's Law, a law that would have imprisoned any foreign felon that returned here after deportation?

Why are leftist organizations sending their lawyers to Mexico to train immigrants how to answer questions and lie to our government when questioned so they can get into the country?

Why did Democrats take Trump to court to keep their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states that they formed after his election?

Why do Democrat states allow illegals to drive, and now to vote in local elections?

All these questions are easily answered by me. They are trying to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. If you're white and you vote Democrat, you are voting for your own demise.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
Stealing billions from the military to build a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

That’s conservative values in a nutshell!

It sure is. Remember who secured those billions for the military in the first place.
Is that any different than seeing a business that hires people legally the same as one that does not?

We treat them both the same. Actually we treat the one that hires illegals better as they get to avoid all sorts of taxes.

ICE raids about 100 7-Eleven stores nationwide to find undocumented workers in latest Trump effort

In Rural Tennessee, a Big ICE Raid Makes Some Conservative Voters Rethink Trump’s Immigration Agenda

Major Raids of the Trump Presidency - America's Voice
Is that any different than seeing a business that hires people legally the same as one that does not?

We treat them both the same. Actually we treat the one that hires illegals better as they get to avoid all sorts of taxes.

ICE raids about 100 7-Eleven stores nationwide to find undocumented workers in latest Trump effort

In Rural Tennessee, a Big ICE Raid Makes Some Conservative Voters Rethink Trump’s Immigration Agenda

Major Raids of the Trump Presidency - America's Voice

Not a single mention of an owner being arrested or even fined. We have always had raids on businesses here and there.

Owners almost always get off free.

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