Trump Wins On Content

Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.

Silly. If there is evidence of cheating, why should he accept it?

Most of America aren't crazies like his hardcore supporters.
Funny it wasnt crazy when libs were trying to steal an election from Bush
funny thing about that is that although I hated Gore, and really wanted Bush to win, I personally felt as though the election process let the American people down. If Gore won the popular vote, he should have won the election, the electoral college is flawed and even though it has always worked to the benefit of the majority of voters, by Bush winning it showed that something has to be done to insure that the majority voice is heard and respected.
Like I said, I could not have been happier than to see Bush take the win, but regardless of my personal feelings, Gore should have been the one in the oval office.
those who dont like electoral college dont like whole lot about America....makes ya go ...hhhhmmmmm
IF Hillary Clinton wins, and yet is not eligible to run because of crimes against the nation (corruption, lying under oath, email scandal, etc.), then no Trump, nor anyone else in the US should accept the results.

The shitty part is then we get that idiot VP is going to be the POTUS, now that's scary...
So, why couldn't she actually answer the question about Pay for Play?

She couldn't be a thief cuz she works for the Federal Governmet?

Really, that's the best she could come up with?
Trump simply lost tonights debate when he stated that he was not ready to accept the result of the election. That is going to alienate a good many independents, and even some Republicans.
Trump simply lost tonights debate when he stated that he was not ready to accept the result of the election. That is going to alienate a good many independents, and even some Republicans.
Horse shit. The reason you douche bags are all whining about that is realization that you know this election is as corrupt as a Venezuelan election.
Trump simply lost tonights debate when he stated that he was not ready to accept the result of the election. That is going to alienate a good many independents, and even some Republicans.
I dont think so.
After the Gore/Bush election I think its time that results are questioned.
The no questions asked history of elections is why we have so many people that dont trust the process. Maybe it will force them to come up with changes that ensure a valid outcome
I'm with Mr Trump. I will wait and see what I think about the results before I would accept her winning. I am ready to join up in Mr Trump's army of resistance to this rigged travesty

Something tells me if a bunch of wingnut morons such as yourself really did something, you'd trip over yourselves and look like total idiots when professional law enforcement takes you down.

But hey, be our guest, stupid.

IF Hillary Clinton wins, and yet is not eligible to run because of crimes against the nation (corruption, lying under oath, email scandal, etc.), then no Trump, nor anyone else in the US should accept the results.

The shitty part is then we get that idiot VP is going to be the POTUS, now that's scary...

Not to worry. She's eligible.

Only dumbass wingnuts believe otherwise.
2016 Hillary - we need to raise taxes that will solve all our problems.

2012 Obama - we need to raise taxes that will solve all our problems. Oh wait...I already raised taxes...well we need to raise them some more.

2008 Obama - we need to raise taxes that will solve all our problems.

2004 Kerry - we need to raise taxes that will solve all our problems.

2000 Gore - we need to raise taxes that will solve all our problems.
Trump ran over Hillary with a Tiger Tank it was an epic beating, well done Donald :eusa_clap:
You could clearly see that she was pissed beyond belief.
I do question one thing though, It might be small but could indicate an issue that could become a problem.
Her request not to have to shake his hand shows me that she will not be a good president when it comes to negotiating with other leaders that she might not like. Is she going to snub them in the same way? something as simple as that could end talks before the first word is spoken.
I'm with Mr Trump. I will wait and see what I think about the results before I would accept her winning. I am ready to join up in Mr Trump's army of resistance to this rigged travesty

Is that right? I'm not so sure he'll join with you. He tends to avoid combat.
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Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.

Silly. If there is evidence of cheating, why should he accept it?
31 cases of voter fraud out of a billion votes cast in the last 16 years.

Trump's petulance calling every defeat of his "rigged" is not just immature, but highly irresponsible.

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)
You know, it's funny. Out of all the issues dealt with in last night's debate, the singular matter being foisted upon everyone by media today is Trump's refusal to say whether or not he would accept the results of the upcoming election, which of course he cannot say one way or another, as it has not as yet taken place.

It would seem by their limited reaction that the title of this thread is correct.

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