Trump Wins On Content

Trump lost the debate because his performance won't move the polls enough to overtake Clinton's 7 point lead,

or her 120 electoral vote lead.
Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate
Source: Politico

Donald Trump’s rocky performance on the final debate stage did little to allay his party’s concerns that the GOP is headed for an electoral catastrophe up and down the ticket.

In interviews with over a dozen senior Republican strategists, not one said Trump did anything to change the trajectory of a contest that is growing further out of reach. And many said they were deeply distressed by Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the Nov. 8 election, an eyebrow-raising moment already dominating headlines.

With Trump’s prospects for securing 270 electoral votes growing dimmer by the day, many Republicans have turned their focus to the gritty, unpleasant task of protecting the party’s congressional majorities. Trump, they said, did little to buttress the GOP ticket — and may have worsened its position by repeating his claim that the election is rigged, something congressional Republicans are sure to be pressed on in the days to come.

Immediately after Trump’s remark, several party higher-ups, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, took to Twitter to distance themselves from it.

Read more: Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate
Trump ran over Hillary with a Tiger Tank it was an epic beating, well done Donald :eusa_clap:
Andrew Sullivan: “In my view, this was easily the most decisive debate. She devastated him. He melted down. His refusal to accept the results of this election disqualifies him automatically from any office in the United States. There were several areas where he was utterly incoherent, grasping at “facts”, without any understanding of policy. His personal foulness emerged.”
Trump lost the debate because his performance won't move the polls enough to overtake Clinton's 7 point lead,

or her 120 electoral vote lead.
Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate
Source: Politico

Donald Trump’s rocky performance on the final debate stage did little to allay his party’s concerns that the GOP is headed for an electoral catastrophe up and down the ticket.

In interviews with over a dozen senior Republican strategists, not one said Trump did anything to change the trajectory of a contest that is growing further out of reach. And many said they were deeply distressed by Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the Nov. 8 election, an eyebrow-raising moment already dominating headlines.

With Trump’s prospects for securing 270 electoral votes growing dimmer by the day, many Republicans have turned their focus to the gritty, unpleasant task of protecting the party’s congressional majorities. Trump, they said, did little to buttress the GOP ticket — and may have worsened its position by repeating his claim that the election is rigged, something congressional Republicans are sure to be pressed on in the days to come.

Immediately after Trump’s remark, several party higher-ups, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, took to Twitter to distance themselves from it.

Read more: Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate

One cannot accept the results of something that has not yet occurred.

I find it interesting the Democrats get so giddy over what Graham or Flake or McCain may say, when so many Republican voters have written them off as nothing more than placeholders.
One cannot accept the results of something that has not yet occurred.

I find it interesting the Democrats get so giddy over what Graham or Flake or McCain may say, when so many Republican voters have written them off as nothing more than placeholders.
Glenn Thrush: “Truly historic moments are rare in politics. But this was a thunderbolt that might have spelled the end for Trump’s dynamic, disorganized and self-destructive campaign and the elevation of the first female major party nominee, whose precision and preparedness has often been overshadowed by her flashier opponent.”

Jonathan Chait: “Hillary Clinton has used all three presidential debates to make the case that Donald Trump is unfit for office. Trump has proven himself unable to recognize this strategy, or to learn from his failures, or change his behavior in any way.”

John Avlon: “Once the act-like-an-adult sedatives wore off around 30 minutes into the third debate, he lapsed into his reflexive lying and insult comedy.”
Trump ran over Hillary with a Tiger Tank it was an epic beating, well done Donald :eusa_clap:
Andrew Sullivan: “In my view, this was easily the most decisive debate. She devastated him. He melted down. His refusal to accept the results of this election disqualifies him automatically from any office in the United States. There were several areas where he was utterly incoherent, grasping at “facts”, without any understanding of policy. His personal foulness emerged.”
she had her ass handed to her many times last night. Its why she looked like she wanted to cry the whole time.
Even just watching her, I had an urge to bitch slap that condescending smirk off of her face.
I just cant understand how anyone could like, let alone respect that nasty vile fitly piece of shit ( no offense meant to the prune faced bitch)
One would think with a law degree and 30+ years in government Hillary would have a clue that the Supreme Court wasn't a legislative entity. What would have made it perfect would have been Trump pulling out of his coat one of those pocket-sized U.S. Constitution booklets.
Trump ran over Hillary with a Tiger Tank it was an epic beating, well done Donald :eusa_clap:
Andrew Sullivan: “In my view, this was easily the most decisive debate. She devastated him. He melted down. His refusal to accept the results of this election disqualifies him automatically from any office in the United States. There were several areas where he was utterly incoherent, grasping at “facts”, without any understanding of policy. His personal foulness emerged.”

Yeah, I always look to British subjects for political opinions. :laugh:
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.
To you. Hillary calls out Russia without evidence and Trump not personally accepting the election results if he finds out it's corrupt is what matters? That's all we need to know about you.
Alabama 's Football coach Nick Saban just said he may or may not accept the results of the next football game due to possibly biased officials ...we will have to see once the final gun goes off whether or not I accept the results ..Saban appeared to be under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug at the time
I'm with Mr Trump. I will wait and see what I think about the results before I would accept her winning. I am ready to join up in Mr Trump's army of resistance to this rigged travesty

What you think about the results is irrelevant. America had to accept the travesty of George W. Bush in 2000 and endure his vanity war and financial crash of 2008, so gird your loins to accept Hillary in 2016.
Hillary voted for it too so you need to pop your head out of your loins.
Look at Post debate pictures ...LOL tell me who won ...



Bustle on Twitter
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.
To you. Hillary calls out Russia without evidence and Trump not personally accepting the election results if he finds out it's corrupt is what matters? That's all we need to know about you.
Thats another thing. Russia is fighting ISIS for us, hillary calls out Trump for wanting to work with Russia.
Hillary forgets to mention that the muslims are producing the terrorists that we are fighting and she has actually taken millions from terrorist countries to fund her campaign. Hillary is working for the terrorists.
Algeria donated $250,000 to $500,000
• The Nation of Brunei donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Kuwait donated $5,000,000 to $10,000,000
• Sultanate of Oman donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Qatar donated $5.8 million
• Saudi Arabia donated up to $50 million
• United Arab Emirates donated up to $11.5 million
• Morocco-owned OCP, a phosphate exportation company, donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000.”

Can somebody please show the amount that Russia has donated to Trump? Im sure it must be out there but Im having a hard time finding the numbers.
hillary is a filthy anti americay traitor whore. and those that vote for her are no better
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.

Silly. If there is evidence of cheating, why should he accept it?

Most of America aren't crazies like his hardcore supporters.
Funny it wasnt crazy when libs were trying to steal an election from Bush

Did Al Gore ever accept the Election Results of 2000? Many of his supporters will never accept them. Mitt Romney did an exceptionally good job accepting the 2012 results.....even with a Philadelphia precinct reporting 119 percent return for Obama.
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.

Silly. If there is evidence of cheating, why should he accept it?

Most of America aren't crazies like his hardcore supporters.
Funny it wasnt crazy when libs were trying to steal an election from Bush

Except that they didn't.

And Gore stepped aside, allowing the peaceful transfer of power, something Trump and his worshippers seem not to understand.
So, why couldn't she actually answer the question about Pay for Play?

She couldn't be a thief cuz she works for the Federal Governmet?

Really, that's the best she could come up with?
I'm surprised Wallace let her get away with that non answer, but it probably was due to time.
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.

Silly. If there is evidence of cheating, why should he accept it?

Most of America aren't crazies like his hardcore supporters.
Funny it wasnt crazy when libs were trying to steal an election from Bush

Except that they didn't.

And Gore stepped aside, allowing the peaceful transfer of power, something Trump and his worshippers seem not to understand.
How so? When did the violence begin?

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